Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

  1. Today's the first day back for my county and the roads were mayhem!! Next year I'll be part of the mayhem when Baby C finally starts school.
  2. My office is like a ghost town!! So many people took the day off to send their kids off to school. The U.S. might as well make the first day of school a national holiday so people don't have to use a vacation day.
  3. I really don't understand why the school supply list for the next year doesn't come home with the student the prior year? Does it really take the entire summer for the school board to figure out how many pencils the child needs for the next year?
  4. I'm leaving this Friday for Texas to spend FOUR days with my old college friend who in all in tense and purposes is the sister I never had. I haven't seen her since 2003!
  5. Even though Starbucks will always be my first love I've started a new romance with the "Cappuccino Blast" from Dunkin Donuts. I'm wondering how long the romance will last.
  6. I miss every single thing about Cozumel, Mexico and can't wait to return, even if the news is filled with drug cartel madness on the Mexican mainland. The mainland scares me anyway!
  7. I will upload all 197 pictures to my picasa google account so I can do a slide show of my Mexican life on my blog! I think my mother is the only person I know NOT on facebook, the place where I've already uploaded all 197 pictures!
  8. I need to figure out why my To Do list never ends. As I scratch off ONE I add TWO. Maybe if I wasn't so nice mailing people care packages, and I miss you cards I wouldn't have this problem.
  9. Still trying to transition Baby C into her own bed. I want to slam myself in the head with a hammer for EVER letting her sleep in our bed. She's 4 years old and finally went to sleep at 4AM. Hence the new romance with "Cappuccino Blast"
  10. Trying to figure out if it's worth paying the fee to check my bag in at the airport and only have the car seat to contend with or save the money and some how lug a weekend bag and car seat on the plane by myself? Some things you can't put a price on!