Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mr. Fix It

(sorry, my photoshop skills are not the best, but I decided I should probably take out my license plate)

I feel so lucky to have a husband that knows a lot about cars and is willing to learn more and fix my car. Last fall, my car died on us one day on our way home. We replaced the battery and it happened again so he got a rebuilt alternator at Auto Zone. It worked fine for a few months, but lately, about once a month, the car would either die on us or give us signs that is was about to. For example, the radio would turn itself off or the lights would gradually get more dim (dimmer?). Well, this month it happened more than once so we got it checked out and it looks like the alternator would sporadically stop working. Since it was under warranty (good thing!) he got a new one and switched them out for me this Saturday while Mathias and I played in the rain.

Dev' note: why do women insist on taking pictures of people who obviously don't want to be photographed?!
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