Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Alright, I am a little behind in posts again so bare with me. Also, this post contains a lot of pictures because I just can't help myself.

We went to Cornbelly's on Saturday the 18th. It was such a perfect day, even a bit too warm (did not think I would be saying that in the middle of October). We went last year and Mathias had a ton of fun so we decided to do it again. It was very fun for me because I got to see what he would and would not do compared to last year. I know I say it all the time, but my baby is growing up way too fast.

When you first walk in they have a bunch of things you can take pictures with. We first got in the huge rocking chair (which was new this year) ...

then moved to these wood cutout type things.

After that Mathias ran straight for the little kid area as if he remembered all about it. We played in here for a while. In here we spent the most time in the corn and at the water pump things.

Daddy and Mathias jumping on the big blow up pillow type things. This was kind of interesting because he was too big for the little kid pillow but still a bit too small for the bigger one. He was getting bounced around by everyone else so Dev helped him out a bit. I love watching them spend one on one time.
Of course Mathias loved the trains. We went on both of these a couple of times.

This is one thing that Mathias was too little to do last year but was brave enough to climb in there and do the little maze all by himself.

Mathias loved all the big slides here. We spent a lot of time on this slide and the big plastic black tube type slide. This kills me because Mathias refuses to go on the bigger slides at any normal play ground but he loves these. Silly boy!
I should have probably taken this picture before we went in because he was terrified of it. I love that this thing has exits all through out it because we ended up getting out in about the middle of it. Same as last year.

Mathias loved running through the corn maze, sometimes a little too fast. He was also amazed that there was actually corn in there under the husks.

The last thing we did was the hay ride. It is a fun little trip if you are not allergic to hay. By the time the short 5- 10 minute ride was over my allergies were going crazy. It did not help that Mathias was rolling around in it. We had a blast and like I said it was fun to compare it to last year to see his reactions and what he would and would not do this year. If anyone wants and/or is bored enough you can pull up last years trip in our archives on the side.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!

The funny this is...we almost took our boys up there the same day! We thought it would be way too crowded, so we went to a different one. It would have been fun to run into you guys!