Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hee Haw's

Dev is the secretary for the young men in our ward, and for their activity this week they went to Hee Haws. The family that own Hee Haws is in our ward. So one week the young men handed out fliers for them in exchange to go to Hee Haws for free. Mathias and I decided to tag along. We walked over there and meet up with the group.

The first thing Mathias noticed was the little bunny village. He loved seeing all the rabbits run around and eat.

We then went over to the goats. We told him to hold his hand out and they would lick it. He was kinda skeptical at first but then tried it.

They had little quarter machines to buy feed so that you could feed them but I forgot my money so I just lifted all the flaps to see if anything was left in them and sure enough there was some so Mathias was able to feed the goats after all. He thought that was kinda funny.

This is Leroy the 1200 pound pig.
I am guessing all these little guys are freezing and decided that laying on each other was the best way to keep warm

This is a 30' haystack slide. It is pretty darn big and as soon as Mathias saw it he ran to climb up not waiting for anyone to go with him. So I sent Dev to catch up to him and down they went.

Look at the smile on Dev's face. He said it went a lot faster than he thought it would and that Mathias absolutely loved it. This seriously gets me because I can not even get Mathias to go down the big slides at a playground, he just wants to go down the baby ones but when he sees huge slides like these he absolutely loves them.

Of course we had to go on the animal train. We only went on this once because it was getting late and very cold.

Before we left Mathias wanted to go down the slide again and Dev thought he could go down it by himself. He seemed to love it and all the people at the bottom could not believe that he did it all by himself. That is my brave little guy! It was a pretty fun night even though it was cold. I still think Cornbelly's has my vote though, it is way bigger and seriously half the price. However, they are both a blast and let Mathias burn of a lot of energy.

Dev's note: I'm all for encouraging Mathias to go on bigger things and letting/making him do things he normally wouldn't (riding in a Tonka dump truck down a plastic slide ring a bell, anyone? Jeri?). So when we got to the top of the big slide, I just shoved him on down, hoping for the best. I think it kinda freaked him out (on the way down he turned a little sideways) but when he was done he said he had fun! I gotta toughen him up, hockey season is closing in on us!

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