Tuesday, May 13, 2008

not feeling so good

Last Tuesday evening Mathias got really snuggly and then, out of no where, threw up. I called Kelly (she watched him that day while I worked) to see how he acted for her and what he ate. She said he ate a whole baggy of dried mangos and we chalked it up to that - maybe it was just too much sugar or something. However he continued to be sick that night and woke up with a fever of 103.7 and could not even keep the Motrin down. So I stayed home with him for a couple of days while he battled a fever and keeping stuff down.

This is where we spent the morning. Since we had just gotten our carpets cleaned, we wanted to be safe rather than sorry.

We spent the next couple of days watching movie after movie. Mathias never sits through a movie, so it was kind of nice and we took advantage of it. He loves Cars. We also watched Dumbo, 101 Dalmations, and Madagascar (which he calls the lion movie). Those are the only ones I can think of.

He had to have his jeeps by him even though he did not really have the energy to play with them. I thought that was kinda funny.

I had just put in a movie and left to get on the internet to chat with Devin for a second and give him an update on how things were going. This is how I found him when I went back not two minutes later. Poor guy. I can not remember the last time he feel asleep not in his bed. It was also a really early nap but he ended up in and out of sleep for those two days.

He was starting to feel better by Thursday afternoon and finally felt good enough to eat some cheerios. I was a little worried still so I only had him eat cheerios and water until I was satisfied that he would keep it down. Luckily by Saturday he was back to himself 100%.

1 comment:

Tyler, Amanda, Braxton, and Boston said...

HEY! I am so sorry I didn't respond to your comment on my blog sooner! Yeah Murray Kelsey's husband is my husbands 2nd cousin. Small world huh!