Thursday, May 1, 2008

Taking advantage

Since the weather has been kinda finicky lately we have decided to take advantage of any nice day that we get. This week, the first two days were nice but now we are back to the cold weather. So we decided to go to the park on Monday.

Mathias absolutely loves the park. I swear he does not stop (unless to swing) the entire time we are there. If there are any kids there he instantly goes up to them to play with them. He is not shy at all. He reminds me so much of my brother in that way.

I turned my back for one second and this is where I found Mathias. Holy cow he is just getting too brave! I will have to keep a closer eye on him because he is not afraid to try anything.

I thought this was a pretty cool picture. He was not to much into the swinging until some kids was over there swinging, then he wanted to go swing by them. He loves to be around other kids no matter the age.

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