Saturday, May 24, 2008

Car show

Last Saturday we went to a car show at thanksgiving point with our friend Brian. It was a perfect day, maybe even a little too warm. There were a ton of cool cars there.

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There were a lot of old cars, some newer ones and some that people had made themselves that were very unique. These are the few pictures I got of random cars.

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Jeeps, Jeeps and more Jeeps!

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(Sorry for all of the picture grids, I just had so many pictures that I wanted to post)

These were the highlight for Mathias. First we saw the jeeps then we went right over to the old fire truck and then to the monster trucks. He was in pure heaven!

During this picture Mathias actually told me "no pictures mom". I was stunned. This was the first time he has told me not to take pictures of him.

Ok, we are the worst parents ever! Since this was the first nice weekend in over half a year we did not even think to bring sun block. His poor little knees were so red, as were the tops of his feet. We are so lucky, however, that we have the rare red heads in our family that can actually tan. His sunburn was gone and turned into a tan within three days. We sure learned our lesson though. For a day or so, he'd bump his sunburn and say "hurt" in a sad little voice.

We all actually got some sun. Dev and Mathias got matching sandal burns and my arms and nose got a bit burned. Oh well, we still had fun and are looking forward to the summer were we can do more things outside.

1 comment:

jeri said...

I think it's so cute that Dev and Brian dressed the same to go to a car show.