Thursday, November 18, 2010

Family Pics

My sister-in-law took our family pictues a few weeks ago. I think they turned out fantastic. Thank you, Lucy! Here are some of our faves...

note ben's crusty look...

my handsome mr. snaggle tooth

this suitcase was not a prop, but his case of "stuff". he would only take pictures with the case.

they were done

i love our creepy junior prom pose. lucy almost threw up when she took it.

this is the story of blake's life. we say look right. he looks left.
i love this about him. sometimes.

i love this picture of my little griff man sneaking up to get us.

all of my boys.

this should be every mom's picture

Saturday, November 13, 2010


The time has come. The time when my baby has somehow morphed into toddlerhood. Where he is no longer a baby at all. Griffin is officially 18 months old (as of Thursday). He went to nursery for the first time and I was told that he was the sweetest, best 18 month-old they had ever had in there - as if there was any doubt. Griffin is most likely my last baby, which makes him my forever baby. I will forever kiss his cheeks and sqeeze him super tight. I will coddle and love and overprotect to the best of my ability. He will sit on my lap well beyond the point of being bigger than me. He will never go to school or drive or date or want to leave my side, right? I dare you to spend 10 minutes with him and not fall in love (unless it is the 10 minutes when his blanket is in the washer, that does not count).

I even love him after yesterday. Oh, yesterday. When during his nap he discovered poopy diapers are too restricting and he chose to takes his off and finger paint with feces for a long time, before I went in to find what I can only describe as the poopy room from hell. The smell, oh, the smell. This only proves that he truly is a toddler.

Ah, my forever baby. I couldn't have asked for a better one.

This picture makes me cry. I feel like this with him 99% of the time. He is wonderful.

My Big Boy

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

My Little Monkey

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

My Sweet Baby


Who's Looking