Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My baby boy

Happy birthday, Eli.
You make my heart happy.
You make me laugh and smile.
You help me.
You constantly amaze me.
You made us a family.
You made me a mom.
I love you forever!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Kiss the cooks

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oh, Tony

Oh, Tony Almeida, how could you do this to me. I cannot believe that you are truly evil. I'm waiting for an explanation of your actions. Your hotness overwhelms me. I will be watching next week to see how you redeem yourself.

Much love -

** all of you non-24 fans. I pity you.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I love Easter. I love the season. I love what we remember. For me Easter is an extra special time that I get to celebrate my little family. Our Savior's atonement and resurrection are the reasons that we get to stick together forever. Tender spot for me. I can't imagine my life without my three guys. So, we indeed had a good holiday this year. I had a special feeling in my heart on Sunday and was especially grateful for the sacrifice that Christ made for us. I know He lives and because of that, we will all live again.

Now onto our picture attempt.

seriously? what's that face all a bout?

for real?

handsome little men (and the big one, too)

thanks to this picture, I see blond in my future.

Apparantly it's hunting season.

blakey was determined to find all the "really" hidden eggs

cute nephew kelton

who knew eggs were so difficult

hi mom. i've already eaten my body weight in candy

some of the cousins egg hunting at g & g w's house

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Toilets eat underwear

For the last few weeks I have noticed a certain three-year old's supply of underwear has been dwindling. I know I have done laundry and he should have a vast supply of tighty whities. It has been a mystery in our house.

Today the secret was uncovered, the puzzle was solved. Eli informed me that Blake had flushed a towel down the toilet. I was quite confused until I noticed a wash cloth missing. My brain dusted itself off and began putting pieces together. . . if a small towel is flushable, then why not small undergarments? So I asked the child in question if he had indeed flushed some underoos down the camode. His reply was a confident "yes".

Ah-ha! I discovered the answer to the age old question - Toilets DO eat underwear. I was so proud of myself that I failed to reprimand the boy. Oh well.

I have no idea how many pairs have actually been sent to the sewer system, but I am sure it is many. Once Blake discovers an experiment works - he sticks with it.

I apologize to all the environmentalists out there. I am pretty sure that Thomas the Train underwear are not biodegradable.

My Big Boy

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

My Little Monkey

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

My Sweet Baby


Who's Looking