Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Blake's Blog . . .

I was telling Ben last night that I should probably try to write about something other than the kids on this blog. Oh well, maybe I'll start that tomorrow. I might as well call this Blake's Blog, since so much of has centered around him. I guess anyone that has had a two-year old knows how entertaining they can be - so here I go again.

This is what Blake was doing while I was "blogging" yesterday.

What a goofball!

Go Red Iguanas!

I am playing on an indoor soccer team and I am loving it!! We don't have the greatest record (we haven't won a game) but I have fun every time! For how competitive I am this is a big statement.

My friend Amelia came to our game last night and took some pictures for me.

Me & Kristin Trejo

The Red Iguanas

Apparently if we need a sub, someone is ready to step in! This is what I found just a minute ago.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Favorite Picture

This is one of the sweetest pictures I have ever caught of my boys! For two kids who are constantly teasing and torturing each other this is a small miracle. I am sure that if they realized I had my camera out one would have pushed the other away.

Moments like these make me so happy to be a mom!!

Happy Easter!

Ready for church

We did Easter Baskets after we got home from church.

Ben's parents held Easter dinner at their house. Lots of yummy food and way too much candy to bring home.

We had an Easter egg hunt in the back yard. Since Ben's sister Amy and her whole family were sick only Blake and Eli were there to collect all the hidden eggs.

It was a good Easter!

Cake, presents, and the zoo - what more could a boy want?

Blakey's birthday extravaganza is over. We had a super fun day on Saturday!

First we went to the zoo. Grandpa Gary, Grandma Ellie, Aunt Shell, Uncle Dave and Baby Addie came with us.

This was the first time that Eli really enjoyed the animals at the zoo.

My little monkey's are measuring up.

Eli's favorite thing at the zoo is the train.

That evening we had our friends the Petersons and Ben's parents and brother over for pizza, cake & ice cream.

I let Blake pick out his own Birthday cake. He is a little obsessed with Lightning McQueen.

He couldn't figure out how to blow out the candles (although he has no problem blowing out candles around the house). So, Eli stepped in and saved the day!!

Happy birthday boy sitting at his new picnic table.

Friday, March 21, 2008


A- Attached or single: attached
B- Best Friend: benji
C- Cake or Pie: lots and lots of cake
D- Day of Choice: saturday, we get to hang out with ben all day
E- Essential Item: stroller/cell phone
F- Favorite Color: red
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: neither - they hurt my teeth
H- Hometown: idaho falls, id (iona)
I -Indulgence(s): mint fudge covered oreos or anything fudgy
J- January or July: july - playing outside
K-Kids: eli & blake
L-Life is incomplete without: the gospel and ben
M- Marriage Date: dec 17, 1999
N- Number of Siblings: 3, richie, hailey, riley
O- Oranges or Apples: apples
P- Phobias or Fears: being touched in water, ben's plane crashing
Q- Quote(s): "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
R- Reason To Smile: my boys have been laughing all morning
S- Season: summer - being tan, sitting on the porch all night & homemade drive-in movies
T- Tag Five: Christine, Heidi, Gina, Jane, Amelia, Carrie
U- Unknown Fact About Me: i am anal about how the dishwasher is loaded
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: definitely an oppressor of red meat
W- Worst Habit: speaking without thinking
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: xrays
Y- Your Favorite Food: a perfectly cooked steak (medium-rare), outback salad, fudgy cake
Z-Zodiac: capricorn

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Birthday Eggs

Blake's birthday was yesterday but we are having a party for him on Saturday, so we decided to color Easter eggs last night (which as far as Blake was concerned is just as cool).

Daddy showing the boys the art of egg coloring.

Eli finally got the hang of using the little circle egg picker-upper.

Ode to Blake

My sweet baby is 2!!
In honor of Blakey's Birthday yesterday I thought I would pay tribute to some of the special things about him! (I was going to do this yesterday, but after I ended up with the stomach flu I decided to postpone it.)

He was born with so much blond hair and the bluest eyes. He was a very cute baby!

I have always called him my sweet baby, because he has such a sweet disposition and a little angel face.

He has been very busy from the time he was very little. He started crawling a 61/2 months and hasn't stopped moving since.

I have never known a kid that loves food as much as Blake (I don't know how he stays so little)
He hasn't met a food he doesn't like!

Seriously? Could he be any cuter?

He loves to play outside and get super dirty - 3 baths a day in the summer is the norm at our house!!

He is such a little helper. He loves to take care of people (especially babies) and help with EVERYTHING.

He has always been a mommy's boy (and I love it). He is my little buddy and love how he is learning so much every day!!

Blakey came into our lives much quicker than we had expected. However we know now that he needed to come at the time he did. He has had such a huge impact on his big brother and has helped him in so many unexpected ways . He is such a blessing to our family and we love him more than humanly possible!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mom? Umm . . .

Here is the latest converstation that I have with Blake -

Blakey: Mom?
Me: Yes?
Blakey: Umm . . .

That's it! He never has anything else to say. This happens about, oh, every 5 minutes or so. He picked up these amazing social skills from his big brother. I think they are either too busy to stop and actually tell me what they want or they (meaning Blakey) is just checking to make sure I am still around. Lately he is convinced that if I leave even for a minute that I will never come back. He throws his body in front of the door and yells "No bye-bye" even if I am just going to take out the trash. Silly boy!

(He really was mad before this picture, but as soon as the camera comes out he cheeses it up!)

St. Patty's Day

Yesterday at about 4:30 I got a phone call from my good friend and neighbor, Amelia, asking if we wanted to come over for a St. Patrick's Day feast. Anyone that knows me knows I NEVER turn down food. So we tromped over to the Emett's for a very yummy Irish dinner. Corned beef, cabbage, red potatoes, green rolls, and great green desserts!

Thanks guys for a fabulous meal!

All the 'kids' wrestling!
(Baylie, Branson, Ben, & Eli - he's obviously losing)

Me with the chef of the evening - Amelia

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Boys, Boys, Boys

I love my boys. I love that they are messy. I love that they are happy. I love their never ending energy. I love that they are always frustrating - I mean surprising me - with all their creativity!

This is what Ben was teaching Eli to do while I was cleaning up dinner. . .

Notice Blakey is playing the typical role of little brother/obstacle, unaware he could be kicked in the head any moment!

Eli "Air" Wall

. . . and we're off!!

Well, here we go into to the depths of the blogging world. I feel like we have been living in the stone age - no blog and no TIVO/DVR. How have we ever survived this long? Anyway I cannot guarantee that you will find anything profound or even entertaining on our blog , so read on at your own risk.
I gave myself the deadline of Blake's Birthday to get this thing started. Since the big day is Wednesday, I figured I better get started so that I can get some pictures on here of his cute little face chowin' down on his B-day cake.
So, here goes nothing. Honestly, I can't imagine that anyone will want to read about our boring little lives (well - maybe the grandmas will enjoy it).

My Big Boy

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

My Little Monkey

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

My Sweet Baby


Who's Looking