BUT, I'm happy to announce that FHE has started back up this last month! (sad that getting back to it took me 5 months...) And we have been able to get back into the routine every Monday.
And honestly, I LOVE these lessons! Pretty much no thought or preparation is needed on my part (big plus for me :). After dinner, I go into the office, get the box down, pick a lesson, look over it for about 5 minutes...and then we are ready.
And the awesome thing each lessonis, my kids really LOVE the little activities that come with each of the lessons.
In the picture below, the lesson was on Temples. The activity came with this blow up glob. I would pass the globe to Max or Ava, they would point to a country, and we would find the Temple(s) that were in the country, and the kids would put a sticker where the Temple was located. There was a little card with about 20 Temples with interesting information (which I really enjoyed).

So, if your in the market for help with FHE, I recommend these.
**and no, I am not affiliated with this company at all... :) **