Showing posts with label Fund-Raising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fund-Raising. Show all posts

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Help Keep Brigid's Way Celtic Pilgrimage Alive


Well, I completely missed this one. From their Facebook Page: 

 "The Brigid's Way volunteer firekeepers need your help. We have a few projects underway to make the route more accessible at all times. Can you help keep Brigid's Way Celtic Pilgrimage alive by adding a donation to the pot? Could you be a 'Weaver of the Way'?"

What is Brigid's Way, you ask?

"The Brigid's Way Pilgrimage follows the ancient path of Brigid, Goddess and Celtic Christian saint from Faughart, Louth via the Hill of Slane, the Hill of Tara, Donadea Forest Park and along the Grand Canal to her monastic city in Kildare. 

"This 9 day walking pilgrimage winds its way through many sacred places and magical landscapes from Brigid's Well and Shrine in Faughart, County Louth to Brigid's monastic city in County Kildare. For details of the next full 9 day Pilgrimage go to 

"We have some great ideas up our sleeves about how to make the Brigid’s Way pilgrimage accessible to everyone to complete anytime of the year.

"To get these ideas off the ground we need your help so we a kindly asking you to donate a few bob for Brigid."

You may find more info at their linktree

And here is their PayPal account link.

All images: from Brigid's Way.