Showing posts with label Named Regiments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Named Regiments. Show all posts

Thursday, August 30, 2018

15mm Ultramarines army - lotsa troops, lotsa vehicles!

Army contains 4x 10-man tactical squads, 1x 10-man assault squad (jetpacks), 1x 5-man Terminator squad, 1x 5-man Assault Terminator squad (including Captain in Termie armor), 1x Lieutenant, 1x unfinished 10-man Assault squad, and enough figures, shoulder pads, and bases to make 2x 5-man Devastator squads, plus assorted leaders. Vehicles include 5x Rhinos, 1x Razorback, 1x Vindicator, 1x Whirlwind, 1x Sicaran MBT, 1x Land Raider Crusader, 2x Dreadnoughts, 3x Centurions, 3x Land Speeders.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Stargrunt Finns

Funny how a collection starts! I bought 6 of these Matchbox MBX Explorers Blizzard Buster on a lark: Then I thought who rides in them? Why GZG Scan Fed infantry...who else? Then I went HMMM will need some support, Well Brigade makes these nice Neo Soviet tanks , so three each of the medium, light, and very light, were obtained. Ok now other support vehicles and artillery, Guns I kit bashed one, and one from GZG, with GZG crew. Then an order to TSS for some anti-tank missile tracks and mortar tracks. Other vehicles and troops (GZG old style NSL Jagers as elites) from Battlefront some big old towed Russian mortars to round things out. So...what stared out as a very cheap "innocent" buy has turned into a monster unit of over 20 vehicles and 80 infantry.
Oh well

bit of a back story:

Uusi Kalevala or New Kalevala is a small colony made up of people of primarily Finnish heritage. The planet Kepler-186F about 500 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. Although one of the first near Earth sized planets discovered it was considered too cold and gloomy by most to be bothered with. Then came the Finnish mass migration from the ESU.....more to follow

Friday, November 17, 2017

Making Starguard Amerons In 15mm

Many years ago I started out with a set of rules that still exists (WOW) called : Starguard! This is
the granddaddy of all science fiction miniatures games. It was first published in 1974, before the roleplaying game explosion and at a time when SF and fantasy games were incredibly rare. The publisher, McEwan Miniatures, also produced a series of 25mm lead figures based on the various human and alien forces described in the game.

The Starguard! rules and the accompanying miniatures line are not only still in production, but are continuously upgraded and expanded.

My favorite faction were the : Amerons are humans, most of which came originally from South Africa on old Earth, who settled the planet of New Hope. They are not part of the Federation -- having pulled off a quiet but highly successful rebellion -- but have close economic ties to the Rep-Com.Ameron Regulars are "cheap troops' having only cone rifles, cloth uniforms and are not jump trained. Ameron military units often hire out as mercenaries and guards. Their grim fundamentalist faith has sustained the troopers through many a harsh duty.

As I have switched over to 15mm and STARGRUNT I was happy to see Jon's new Brethren of The New Light, which fit the bill perfectly!
GZG 15mm 

 My take on their elite guard unit named for their late patriarch and one of the few motorized units in the Ameron army :

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tanker's Tuesday : Part III The Tank Lists (NRE)

My generic (Gray Army) bad guys, Neo Basileia ton Rhomaioi or (NRE)
They are basically anything but American from WWII to modern:

T72  26 Each
T64 10 Each
T62/T55 55 Each
T34/85 60 Each
JSIII  10 Each
PT76 12 Each
Leo II  20 Each
Leo IIA2  20 Each
Leo 1A6 36 Each
Leo I 38 Each
Jadopanzer Kanone  44 Each
Panzer I and II 33 Each
Panzer III  33 Each
Panzer IV  44 Each
Panther 20 Each
Tiger I  20 Each
Tiger II 20 Each
Stug III/IV  40 Each
AMX 30  39 Each
Type  61  23 Each
Type 45 16 Each
Centurion 10 Each
Conqueror 10 Each
Churchill 10 Each  
Merkava  10 each

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tanker's Tuesday : Part II The Tank Lists

Having once again looked at Peter's vast collection and
setting up my own along similar lines i.e. US Green
(MERDOC Camouflage) good guys, and Gray bad guys.
I'd thought I'd get a rough count of my (US) tanks.

85  M1A2 in 6 units
44  M1A1 in 4 units
90  M60A1/3 in 7 units
10  M60A2 in one unit
42  M48A3 in 4 units
30  M47A2 in 3 units
30  M41 in 3 tank scout units
33  M151 in one (10 tank) unit and 3 tank scout units
10  M103 in one unit
95  M4 (many variants) in 9 units
11  Cadillac Gage  Stingray
12 M5 Light Tanks in 3 tank scout units

Note: Tank units are 10 tanks strong, left overs are 3
tanks assigned to infantry units.

Other nations to follow.......

Mr  Shulman is a modeling super power, the BEE is a banana republic in comparison!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Mail Call : Khrurasan Tracked Superheavy Tank

Just got three of these Beasts in from Khurasan Miniatures
Tracked Superheavy Tank

Huge tracked tank with four final drives, very large main
armament, two CIDS Gatling guns on the turret, and
possible hatches for optional crewmen.

Will be painting these up as the heavy armored support
for my Merc unit....

Thursday, December 1, 2016

UNSC Heavy Infantry "Blackstar Brigade" Reassigned To Brazos Sector

1st Platoon 2nd Company 7th UNSC Heavy Infantry
"Blackstar Brigade" are being reassigned to the Brazos
Sector and will be attached to the BEE
5TH Armored Cavalry Regiment

Commandant Steve (BLACKSTAR) has informed me that
the troops have embarked on UN transport and should
arrive here by Saturday. Reflagging ceremony will take
place Monday.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Heavy Gear Blitz! - NuCoal Paratrooper and Strike Squads

Heavy Gear Blitz! - NuCoal Paratrooper Squad (4 minis: 2xChasseurParatrooper, 2x
and NuCoal Strike Squad (4 minis: 4xCuirassier)
These are the last lot of small MECHs I've obtained to
augment the unit I bought from Dan.  These will fall
in-between MECH and POWER ARMORED troopers 
using the old "LASERBURN" Dreadnought designation.
This Mercenary battalion will be a combined arms unit
with it's own Armor, Transport, Artillery, and limited
Air Assets. The unit is primarily recruited from the NAC
(American/English) domain and falls under that flag in
the event of general war....

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Sci-fi Conversions By Dan : Reinforcements By Don (2)

Some more of my reinforcements for
Above we have the support Mech code named
Mayhem, with two heavy Mini-guns
and Rockets.
Very Heavy Support Mech  code named Overkill,
this is where they put the guns off of decommissioned
A 10 Warthogs! Also armed with Rocket and Guided
Missile pods. (When you  absolutely must get that
squad hiding behind the school) It is a MERC unit so
the moral compass is not always fully functional...

Nice group shot of two of the "Four Horsemen"
as the support squad is known.....