Showing posts with label Cons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cons. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Remote Control Tank Battle Starts

American Armoured Foundation Tank Museum located in Danville, VA.  Besides an amazing display of over 100 armored vehicles, they also feature an elaborate, miniature indoor battlefield for 1/16 scale Remote Control Tanks!  Participants travel from many states to join the group event held several times a year.

The tanks are fitted with an Infra Red battle system which, when the tank receives a hit, disables it from firing and moving for a number of seconds. Each tank has a finite number of lives before it is permanently disabled until the end of the game.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Arcticon 2018 Tournament Event for Patrol Angis

There is nothing quite like the landing of a portable castle, Julian thought as the rumbling beneath his feet increased. Some meters below him, gigantic counter-thrusters were fighting against the gravity of Arcticonus Prime, slowing their descent from their orbital drop. This wasn’t his first time deploying from orbit, but this was the farthest he had ever been from his home system. Around him, strapped tightly into their drop harness’ were the men and women of the 32nd Prydian Muster Battalion, colloquially known as the “Bloody 32nd”. The unit patch was displayed on every shoulder he could see, and upon the door of their mobile barracks; a grim reaper with a bloody scythe, below that was the platoon’s motto “They’ll pay their due, to Thirty-two”. 

Julian leaned back as far as he could and closed his eyes. Sarge had gotten them though worse than this. A lot worse. This time though, the wouldn’t be alone. Noble Retained and Dysteria shared this portable castle with them along with a battalion of the revered Duxis Battlesuits. The thought if those mighty battle machines put him somewhat at ease as the rumbling began to lessen. The lights in the room suddenly went yellow; the castle had landed. The harnesses burst upwards, releasing the Muster from their restraints. Sarge called for weapons check, before hitting a button on the wall, giving Command the “ready” signal. Julian took a deep breath, “Here we go.” - Taken from the campaign for the Arcticonus System (as played at Arction 2018) 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

GZG Salute Update

SALUTE 2018 - Saturday 14th April at ExCel…..

I've just posted a news update on the GZG webstore front page, with info about SALUTE - please pop over there and have a quick read through it, especially if you are planning to come along (and even more importantly if you are thinking of placing a pre-order for collection at the show)…..

Thanks for your attention, all the best,
Jon (GZG), March 21st 2018.

As usual, please feel free to re-post this announcement anywhere you think it might be of interest…..

Sunday, February 11, 2018

GZG UPDATE - SUNDAY 11th February 2018:

We will be at HAMMERHEAD on the 3rd March!
For the first time, we will be attending the HAMMERHEAD show at Newark Showground on Saturday March 3rd; we will be in the main building (the George Stephenson Hall).
 Since the demise of Sheffield Triples, I have been very conscious of the fact that we haven't been doing any shows north of London, and this means we have missed out on seeing a whole lot of regular and new customers - so, this year we are venturing North of Watford Gap as far as Newark - and we really hope that we will see many of the old faces that we used to meet at Triples, plus hopefully a lot of new people who may not have had the chance to attend a show where we are trading. All reports say that HAMMERHEAD is a very good show, and well worth getting along to - the only reason we haven't been along before has been clashes with other (non-GZG-related) things - so we really hope to see lots of you there!
 As usual, we will be bringing as much stock as possible of our best sellers, the 15mm ranges (V15, SG15, Moongrunt etc) and the "major" Full Thrust fleets (NAC, NSL, FSE, ESU, Crusties, Merchants, UNSC, Japanese, ScanFed, Phalon and Sa'Vasku) - lack of space both in the van and on the tradestand means that I CANNOT bring stocks of the 25mm ranges, the 6mm, or the other smaller FT fleets.
Should you wish us to bring along a pre-order for you of any of those ranges, that can be arranged, but PLEASE email me (Jon) with as much notice as possible before the date of the show - to leave me enough time to cast them up, any pre-orders should be with me by Sunday 18th Feb at the latest please.
 With the show only three weeks away, I am having to spend a lot of time getting stock levels back up after the Christmas and New Year orders rush - so while I shall still be trying to keep mailorders as up to date as possible, please understand that there may be some minor delays - especially on orders for ranges that I'm not casting up for show stock.
I hope to have a batch of NEW RELEASES to launch at HAMMERHEAD, which will then be available for mailorder as soon as possible after the show - then just a month later it will be time for SALUTE, more details about that later!  There will be more info on the Hammerhead releases very shortly….
Thanks for reading,
Jon (GZG), Sunday 11th Feb 2018.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


News for WARFARE.....
Hope you all had a good (and safe) Halloween and Bonfire Night! I can't believe it's really November already, and WARFARE (Rivermead Leisure Centre, Reading) is less than two weeks away....
The show is a two-day event, the 18th and 19th November, and those who have been before will know that it is a really good show to come to - lots of traders and very well attended, but as it's an all-weekend one there is still usually a bit of time for me to actually chat to customers, which is always nice.
It is also our LAST show of the year, so your last chance to see and buy items from us in person until SALUTE next year!
As usual, please remember that due to tradestand space and payload capacity in the van, we ONLY bring the 15mm ranges and the most popular fleets of FT Starships to the show - we simply don't have room for anything else - so if you want any items from our other ranges (25mm, 6mm, 2mm and the other FT Fleets), then you need to PRE-ORDER them so that I can have them cast and ready for you; PLEASE get any pre-order lists to me by this coming Sunday (12th) at the latest, anything arriving after that date cannot be guaranteed to be ready for the show.
Please check back to the store front page again over the next few days, as I will be posting more info on the show and (hopefully) details of the NEW RELEASES that will be launched there.
Thanks for reading,
Jon (GZG), Tuesday 7th Oct 2017.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Super Galactic Dreadnought: Steelville playtest

Super Galactic Dreadnought: Steelville playtest: I had a chance to playtest my Siege of Monopolis Steelville scenario at Dragon's Lair last week. I had six players pushing enough min...

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Super Galactic Dreadnought: Join The Siege of Steelville

Super Galactic Dreadnought: Join The Siege of Steelville: Just one week left to register for games at this year's MillenniumCon in Round Rock, Texas (Nov. 10-12). In the spirit of the conventi...

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Castle Wolfenstein

This one looked to be allot of fun!

Game Master Mark 'Indy' Kochte
The year is 2179. For the past 14 years, the Third Solar War has raged across the inner colony worlds, and has dragged the outlaying systems into the fray. Most recently the New Anglian Confederation colony of Bradley on Fliesher II fell to a massive combined NSL/IJSN strike. The Federal Stats Europa, the NAC's staunchest ally in this war, has been beaten back on several worlds. The ESU is holding its own, but it not faring much better against the NSL. The OU was fighting for its very survival against the IJSN. Many of the Core Worlds were now in the hands of the NSL. The UNSC? Nothing more than a puppet of the NSL.
Three Solar Wars. Decades upon decades of interstellar conflict. Death Camps on dozens of worlds and moons. Will it ever end? Will the Nazi Stratocratic League and its allies finally achieve that which they have attempted twice before? Special Forces Captain John 'Black Jack' Makowsky pondered these dark thoughts as he waited.
"Captain? The general will see you now. Right this way..."
Captain Makowsky rose and followed the sergeant to the general's office.
"Jack! Good to see you. Please sit down. What you're about to learn you're going to find difficult to understand..."
Several hours later, Jack found himself staring blankly at a cup of rapidly cooling coffee. His second, Lieutenant Benjamin Izenberg, had joined him a few minutes ago but could not coax Jack into responding. Finally he stirred. But he didn't look up.
"Ben, we're being sent on a mission. All volunteer."
"One way?"
Jack nodded.
"Come on, Cap. We've been on 'one-way' missions before. We've come out okay." There was a pause before Benjamin added, "Well, mostly."
Jack just stared into his coffee.
"Ben, we're not coming back from this one. No one is coming back."
"What the hell? Where the frag are they sending us?"
"Earth. Germany. 1944."

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Aliens Miniature Battle: Into the Dark

Another Great Game from GZGECC
System : Custom Aliens Miniature Battle Rules
Game Master: Ron Walls
Players:8 players
After nearly four years of producing the highest quality gold ore in the sector, the Weyland-Yutani DynaMine facility on Klondike IV is offline, status unknown. The facility failed to file a monthly production report three weeks ago and all attempts to re-establish communication have failed. The ICC has requested assistance from the Colonial Marines with a search and rescue mission heading to Klondike IV. The Marines are looking for a few good men to volunteer for this mission. Will you?

Friday, April 21, 2017

GZG Final pre-SALUTE Update

Final pre-SALUTE update.....
Better late than never, I guess.... only one day now before SALUTE, I'm heading down to ExCel this afternoon to set up.... for those of you making your way there tomorrow, we will be in pretty much the same place as the last couple of years - stand TE02. If you turn left as you come in from the queueing area, we're at the end of the second row of tradestands. There are quite a few new releases, including 15mm ones for the Brethren, PAU, CDF, FSE, Xar, Islamics, Kra'Vak and more - PLUS some new FULL THRUST codes for the Crusties - some really lovely new fighters and strikeboats, all 3D designed by MMG!
Oh, and we now have a new stock of the FT STARTER GAME BOXES, so these will be on sale again at a SPECIAL SHOW PRICE but will also be available again to mailorder next week.
I will have SOME stock of all the new items at the show, but a few of them will be in very small quantities only, so if you want to get them before they are sold out then please make us one of your first stops when you get into the hall!
Hope to see lots of you tomorrow, safe travels to the show......

Thanks for reading.
Jon (GZG), 21st April 2017.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Cha List

Introduction: Jon Davis posted recently to the GZG-L Mailing List the motiviation behind the Predator characters he ran during Stuart Murray's The Umpire Strikes Back event.
In it, he stated:
Predators have a total of Seven Descriptions of Life


4. Cha

"Honored prey"  They must be capable of sending us to the Deity.
And this was the result. Enjoy!

"We didn't expect them to be able to send us to the Deity, but
it appears in retrospect that our estimates were slightly

"Hey!  That's the Deity!  How did that happen?!?"
(with respects to Wi'Sel the Never-Seen) 

Innocent Prey that provides us with hot beverages before being killed......
[Jon Tuffley]

Cha'Cha Cha
Prey that dances around our weapons [Alan E Brain]

Prey that is best when well cooked [Alan E Brain]

Prey that must be killed by a flame weapon to see the Deity 
['The Sutherlands']

Prey that must be well chewed [Alan E Brain]
(Laserlight added:
For those of you who are wondering, that's "Chattanooga" as in
"Chattanooga Choo Choo".  Narn platoon en route.)

Spi'C Na'Chas
Innocent prey sprinkled with melted cheese and jalepenos peppers.
[Jon Davis]

A way for prey to learn the finer points of existence
[Mark Sykes]

Cha'P'Suey - Prey which seems filling at the time, but leaves one hungry for 
more prey within a short time.
[Brian Bilderback]

Prey dispatched in an especially satisfying manner: Cha'Ching
Prey emitting a strong scent: Cha'Nel'Fi'Yiv
Prey moving the feet and body rhythmicly: Cha'Cha
Prey which attacks only after one of its fellows has been
dispatched: A'Ven'Cha
Comically clumsy prey: Cha'Lee'Cha'Plin


But'Cha - (vb) to send prey to the deity
Lun'Cha'Or - the short period around midday when hunters can stop sending prey
to the deity and eat the ritual food, San'U'Ich.
Thu Tai'Ms Theh Aah A Cha'Njan - favourite war ballad of the hunters
Foo'Cha - the legendary time when enough prey has been sent to the deity
Cha'Plin - hunter-priest who performs the rites associated with the
sending of the prey to the deity

[Tom Anderson]

Tor'Cha -- Punning your pray to death [Andrew Apter]

Cha'Lupa: Mexican prey causing severe flatulence problems. [David Raynes]

Cha':  Shreded prey that some southern KV hold between their gum and
cheek. [Jeff Miller]

Cha'dah:  a creamy soup made with milk, potatoes, and chunks of
worthy prey, preferred by northeasern KV. [Brian Bilderback]

Tee'Cha - Prey the hunting of which is a true education.
Lec'Cha - Prey that causes one to sleep
Pree'Cha - Prey that sees the Deity on a daily basis 
[Alan E Brain]
Tai'Cha - The martial art of prey capture.  [Tom Granvold]

Friday, June 24, 2016

Origins After Action Report: Hive, Queen And Country

At origins we were provided with our own area, which was even clearly marked on the map! The space was perfectly sized having enough room for game play and auxiliary tables on and under which all the various units not in play and carrying cases could be stored or stacked.