Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.
Показват се публикациите с етикет Rose. Показване на всички публикации
Показват се публикациите с етикет Rose. Показване на всички публикации

понеделник, 30 октомври 2017 г.

I Can't Help Falling In Love... / Серенада

Just a romantic card

 #307 Carl Fretted ($3.00) -
Scribbles Designs
Buy Scribbles Designs here... http://buyscribblesdesigns.blogspot.ca/2013/05/307-carl-fretted-300.html

/ако не отговарям на условието - моля, просто ме игнорирайте!/  
  Southern Girls #171 Animals (W2 of 2)
The Corrosive Challenges - Always Anything Goes
613 Avenue Create - #202 (October) Anything Goes w/Optional Twist: Masculine Card

Pay attention to this
" ALL PRIZES WILL BE DRAWN AT THE END OF THE CHALLENGE - chosen at Random between ALL Challenge entrants and COMMENTS on the posts." - Ike
Заповядайте за участие в нашето празненство! 
Има страхотни награди!
Ще се влюбите!
Welcome to our party!

сряда, 31 май 2017 г.

Jantra Str. / Улица "Янтра"

       For the second time I see this bird so closely. This time I pulled out the camera and even managed to shoot it! 
      За втори път виждам отблизо тази птица. Този път извадих фотоапарата и дори успях да я снимам!

 And beautiful roses.  /И едни красиви рози. 

Just a lovely day. / Просто прекрасен ден.

понеделник, 30 януари 2017 г.

Creative Sunday 2

Още 2 картички от неделя.
Another 2 cards from Sunday.

Size15sm./21sm. ( 5.9 '/ 8.3')
 Image: Beccy's Place - Rose Bouquet Set

Sketch Saturday  #448 Sketch
The background is made by me - The yellow paper seemed dull.

January Challenge
Crafting When We Can -  #136 Spots and/or Stripes
Sketch Saturday #448 Sketch 
And for:

Scribbles Designs 4th Birthday Bonanza Challenge & Blog Hop

 Scribbles Designs
 My card:
Size 21sm./15sm./ ( 8.3'/5.9 ')

 #F 86 Hugs (Free)
Flower Whimsy1
#F 61 Happy Birthday

Scribbles Designs 4th Birthday Bonanza Challenge
CAS on Sunday -  #Hearts


Io Ti Penso Amore - a card

I think of you, love...
Size 21sm./15sm./ ( 8.3'/5.9 ')
Image: Beccy's Place - Rose Bouquet Set

January Challenge
Lil Patch of Crafty Friends - Always Anything Goes
 A Gem of a Challenge #186 -  Hearts
Winter Wonderland- Spring Fever - Romance

Inspirations: A lovely comment from Ivo Serenthà 28 януари 2017 г.
and a song
David Garrett - Io Ti Penso Amore (Feat. Nicole Scherzinger)
The Italian is:
Io ti penso amore                     I think of you love...
Quando il bagliore del sole       
Risplende sul mare...

вторник, 17 януари 2017 г.

For Someone Special

"If you're young - нave love and roses, 
 if you're old, then have friends and wine."
Thomas More
"На младини имай любов и рози, а на старини — приятели и вино."
 Томас Мор

Visit My Online Store
Sentiment: Mouse Balloon

A Bit More Time to Craft - Always Anything Goes
A Perfect Time To Chraft - Always Anything Goes
Crafting Musketeers  #44 - Anything Goes
      Earlier this morning I had a coffee meeting with my sister. I gave her the card - then I remembered that I have no picture of the card. I took pictures, but the lighting was poor. I wrote an email and asked my sister to make the best photo of this card.