Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.
Показват се публикациите с етикет CENTAUR. Показване на всички публикации
Показват се публикациите с етикет CENTAUR. Показване на всички публикации

вторник, 5 септември 2017 г.



We are in the second Week of the IKEsWORLD CHALLEGES #96


Ние сме във втората седмица на предизвикателството на Айк - 
всичко може + допълнение "Митология/ Фолклор".
Един победител грабва ваучер за $15, а други трима - по $3 -
с които могат да заявят изображения от магазинчето на Ike!
Вие може да участвате с изображения и от други автори,
но е по-любопитно какво може да сътворите с изображенията на Ike.

My cards:
Image: " PAN FAUN " - the Freebie from Week 1
" Maybe I shall meet him Sunday
Maybe Monday, maybe not
Still I'm sure to meet him one day
Maybe Tuesday will be my good news day."*


Color Inspiration Monday - Always Anything Goes WITH HAND-COLORED IMAGE

Through The Craft Room Door - Always Anything Goes

Crafting from the Heart -Always Anything Goes

Artistic Inspirations - #185 ANYTHING GOES + Anything Goes
 Use Your Stuff -  #278 NO LAYOUTS OR CARDS
 / I really did use Stuff. We arranged, we cleaned our apartment - for my birthday and I found many interesting things. This is part of the secret of my beautiful cards. Smile!/

* - a song / The Man I Love - Ella Fitzgerald Jazz Collection
Image: CENTAUR $1.00 USD
Card Challenge

The button is a gift from Vivian!

           Here's a picture of my Birthday, which was yesterday - the dessert!  
          I have received many nice gifts such as home phone, rose, tomato, a few pears / on the picture/, a German beer, a bottle 0,5 home-made brandy, a piece of watermelon and some more delicate ... I expect a fish too! So sweet and lovely! Smile!
          This is my last birthday, starting with 4, although a friend told me that this is not certain and I can live to 490 years, who knows! 
          I accept the publication of Ike "50 SHADES" as a personal greeting. Look this in her blog! 
         You can leave a comment for both  - the cards and my birthday. Thanks in advance!
Free your mind
See what offers Ike and show us what you think - do cards!
You may use any images you like to play along 
but we would love it if you used an IKEsART image.