В неделя успях да направя тези две весели картички. Имах жълти пощенски пликове с размери 15см./19см. и съобразих размерите на картичките с тях. Много ми харесаха картичките на Nancy и Scrappy и оцветих картинките като тях.
On Sunday I was able to do these two cheerful cards. I had yellow envelopes with size 15 sm./19 sm. and complied size of the cards with them.
I really liked the cards to Nancy and Scrappy and over colored the images the same way.
Size 12sm./17sm. ( 4.7"/6.7") |
Catch The Bug Challenge - Bright and Cheery
Craft for the Craic -(First Friday of the month) - March - The Luck of the Irish - my II card here
Size 12sm./17sm. ( 4.7"/6.7") |
Glitter n Sparkle - #179 Use Some Green
Brown Sugar – No. 189 - Green and Gold - my II card here