Today's word is Weathered -
When I saw the word weathered, before me appeared strong and the sun burned bodies of young men. And I wrote this :
"Oops! My imagination is filled with erotic in the early hours of the day!"
Then I read Susie's notes - you know, you've read them too. I decided that I was wrong to joke at this moment - I deleted my comment...
/Really - everyone must have a computer!/
But the treacherous thought haunted me.
The pictures are a special greeting for Picxie.
/ She looks like my sister /.
Some information:
Encyclopedic Dictionary
A. Which has acquired physical and moral stamina. It was a weathered and not get sick.
B. Technical. For metal, glass and others. - Which has acquired greater firmness by strong heating and rapid cooling. Tempered steel.
synonyms - durable, tested, practiced, experienced, trained, conditioned, sustainable
Българо-Английски речник / Bulgarian-English dictionary
1. hardened
(за стомана) tempered
2. (издръжлив) hardy, inured; steeled, seasoned, well-tried; as hard as nails
ЗАКАЛЕН в бой battle-seasoned, steeled in battles
ЗАКАЛЕН революционер a seasoned revolutionary
ЗАКАЛЕН в трудностите inured to hardships; steeled in hardships
Тълковен речник
закалена, закалено, мн. закалени, прил.
1. Който е добил физическа и нравствена издръжливост; кален. Беше закален и не настиваше.
2. Спец. За метал, стъкло и др. – който е добил голяма твърдост чрез силно нагряване и бързо охлаждане. Закалена стомана.
Синонимен речник
(прил.) кален, издръжлив, изпитан, изпечен, опитен, трениран, приучен, устойчив
Only from this distance he is not dangerous! / Wink /
Само от тази дистанция той не е опасен! /Намигване/
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Oops! |
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This is the new face of "JUNDHEINRICH" |