These days I am becoming a little obsessed with the TV show Mad Men and it is taking up a bit of my non reading time.
For those of you who don't know the show is set in New York in the 1960's and the main focus is an elite advertising agency where the men make the ads and the women support the men - at work and at home. Despite the era that the show is set in (or maybe because of it) the strength of the women characters comes through in so many ways - and the fashion is gorgeous! I can actually watch this show and imagine myself in these outfits. I'm only mid way through series one at the moment so I'm looking forward to more to come!
I am loving watching a show set in the 1960's so I am wondering if anyone can suggest some great books set in this era??
Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates is set a little earlier in the mid '50s and Couples by John Updike during the Mad Men set era.
I love this show too. Only seen the first series; waiting for second series to come out on DVD.
OK, I'm on the lookout for this show now. I love the picture on your post, those dresses are gorgeous and the fabrics are just lovely.
I too am literally hanging on by the skin of my teeth until I can get my hands on the second series on dvd. Soon. Very soon :-)
Hi Paperback Reader - thanks for the suggestions! Have you read these ones??
Hi kimbofo - I think they are about to start making the 3rd series so we have plenty of watching ahead of us!
Hi Kim - They are just divine aren't they? I wouldn't want to go back to that time socially - but fashion wise I definitely would!
Hi Samantha - sounds like you have finished watching the 1st series then??
Hi Karen, not yet! I've just purchased Couples and so far only seen the film adaptation of Revolutionary Road. I was reading something recently though (annoyingly I can't remember what) that suggested that Mad Men's writers looked to these novels for inspiration. Frank in RR works in the advertising industry in NYC.
I have seen the film of Revolutionary Road and read the book. I loved both for different reasons (which is unusual for me as I usually always prefer a book to a film)
I saw the RR film first and loved the idea of the story so bought the book. The book is much darker than the film and uncovers more of the flaws in the main characters and focuses on their abuse problems, whereas the film treads lighter on the abuse problems (although it is in there) and focuses more on the social aspects surrounding the characters and the situation they find themselves in. If I had only seen the film there would have been a lot about the story and the characters I would not have picked up on. Having said that, Kate Winslet and Leonardo deCaprio are wonderful in the film version and I held their image in my mind when I read the book.
Both book and film portray American surburbia in the 1950's superbly well.
This is one of those shows that I wish I had started to watch from the beginning. I've heard it is outstanding. Really need to read Revolutionary Road as well (although I have no interest in the movie--think I saw the previews too many times).
Hi Paperback Reader - thanks for this info - very interesting!
Hi Kim - I have been interested in seeing the film and reading the book but I have heard about how dark they both are so I think that's why I have stayed away from both so far - waiting until I am in the mood for dark!!
Hi Trish - sometimes there are just too many shows to watch aren't there?? I've had to cut back on some and make difficult choices. But Mad Men is staying!
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