Unlike the Northern Hemisphere we are experiencing summer in all its glory this weekend. I'm not complaining - this is the first fully sunny weekend we have had since before Christmas and it does mean I finally get to wear my
new swimmers seen below (trust me, this photo from the catalogue is much better to view than me actually in the swimmers but I still love them!).
But until our air conditioning is installed it does make being at home during the day light hours a little uncomfortable so my partner and I hit the bookshop for some browsing today and I came home with a little bundle. As I have mentioned before my partner and I have made a decision to cut back on our book spending this year - not cut out altogether but definitely reduce our spending. We have some rough guidelines for this plan - basically unless a new book is released from our favourite authors or we can't find a book that we really want to read at our local library we can consider buying a copy - first seeking out where we can find a copy of the book the cheapest. We are trying to stop that impulse book spending habit that we have developed so well! We are also planning to go through our bookshelves - sell or give away those that we no longer want to keep and arrange the others in some kind of logical order - more about that in the future...
So today's purchases from top to bottom are:
The Art of Travel - Alain De Botton - Since reading
A Week At The Airport I have wanted to read more of De Botton's work - particularly his writing and reflections on travel so this was the perfect choice.
Seasons - Donna Hay - The latest cook book by an Australian chef whose books I adore - they look gorgeous and I can actually cook the recipes in them!