Showing posts with label Journalling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journalling. Show all posts

August 30, 2009

French Milk - Lucy Knisley

French Milk is a cross between a book, journal, travel memoir, comic and graphic novel - you get so much for your money!

I first heard about this book from (I think!) Iliana and although it sounded delightful I couldn't track down a copy in Australia. But, then on a trip to Sydney a few weeks ago for work I found a copy hiding in the travel section of Dymocks in the city - so I grabbed it quickly!

Through this book Knisley has shared the experience of 5 weeks living in and exploring Paris with her mum as they help each other to celebrate their Birthdays. The book is made up of drawings, quotes, journalling and photos which makes for a great, and varied, experience for the reader. I loved the way Knisley was so honest about her experiences and her thoughts - it really was like sneaking a look inside someones journal. The author was a little self-indulgent at times - but that's what being in Paris in your early 20's is for surely?? It didn't detract from the book for me.

As I am going to be in Paris for the first time myself in only a couple of weeks it was a great way to get me in the mood for this amazing city.

September 14, 2008

Reading Inspiration

In spite of a threat I made to myself a month or so ago I just can't keep away from new books! Buying or borrowing - I just can't stop and I clearly have a problem - could be worse I suppose. In my defence I haven't actually bought or borrowed these latest desires - I have just been coveting them as I read various blogs and reviews.

The first is the novel The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent which I first read about over at Caribousmom. The novel is an account of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 - a time in history that I am very interested in - and the novel looks stunning.

The other book is a non-fiction book about journalling called Note to Self: On Keeping a Journal and Other Dangerous Pursuits By Samara O'Shea which I saw over at BookGirl's Nightstand. I used to be a big journaller in my younger days but I have let the practice fall by the wayside a little. It is something I would like to get back into and this book looks like a great inspiration.