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This blog reflected all the interesting and stimulating matters my privacy: football and sport, the cinema, photography, the world of the internet, technology, as well as the world of journalism. I asked bloggers as well as the readers to together enjoy videos that were presented by me that I took from various sites of the video, include produced myself and please gave the comment. Greetings the Ball!


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Tampilkan postingan dengan label henrik larsson. Tampilkan semua postingan

Selasa, Juni 17, 2008

Henrik Larsson dan Perubahan Rambutnya -
Henrik Larsson and His Hair Transformation

Beberapa pemain sepakbola ternama selain terkenal karena permainan bolanya yang indah dan mengagumkan juga terkenal karena penampilannya yang unik dan menarik. Ada yang unik dilihat dari postur tubuhnya (pendek-tinggi),ada yang ukuran tubuhnya (gemuk-kurus),ada yang dilihat dari asesoris yang menempel di tubuhnya (pakai anting atau tato).Yang paling banyak adalah unik karena dari bentuk rambutnya.David Beckham adalah pemain paling fenomenal dalam urusan rambut ini. Setiap perubahan bentuk rambut Beckham adalah trend setter bagi para remaja sedunia.Namun karena sekarang adalah masanya UEFA Euro 2008 saya ingin membahas satu pemain yang pernah mengalami satu masa transformasi dalam penampilannya. Dia adalah legenda hidup sepakbola Swedia, Henrik Larsson. Pemain bernama lengkap Edward Henrik Larsson ini di masa-masa awal kejayaannya terkenal dengan rambutnya yang gimbal,keriting lebat dipilin-pilin.Mirip potongan rambut Ruud Gullit di masa jayanya.Larsson mempertahankan potongan rambutnya sampai ia memperkuat klub Glasgow Celtic,Skotlandia tahun 1997 -2004. Ditengah karirnya memperkuat Celtic, Larsson yang lahir pada 20 September 1971 di kota Helsingborg, Swedia, merubah potongan rambutnya menjadi plontos alias botak. Kita lihat saja 2 penampilan berbeda dari Henrik Larsson:
Several football players became famous beside because of his beautifully and astonishing ball skill, also because of his appearance that was unique and interesting.There were unique was seen from his posture (short-high),there were the measurement of his body (fat-thin),there were that was seen from accesoris that clung to his body (with earring or tattoo).The most often was unique because of the cut of the hair.David Beckham was the player was most phenomenal in this hair affair. Each Beckham change's hair was trend setter for the teenagers of the world.But because now is the period of UEFA Euro 2008 I wanted to discuss one player who had experienced one transformation period in his appearance.He is the living legend of Swedish football, Henrik Larsson. The player had the full name Edward Henrik Larsson beginning periods of his glorious career was famous with his hair that luxuriant, curly and twisted.Look like the Ruud Gullit's hair in his golden moment. Larsson maintained his hair cut until he played for Glasgow Celtic, Scotland in 1997 -2004. In the middle of his career in Celtic, Larsson that was born on September 20, 1971 in the Helsingborg City, Sweden, changed his hair cut became bald, no hair anymore. Let's see 2 different appearances of Henrik Larsson:

Penampilan luar dari seorang pemain memang cukup efektif untuk menjaga citra dan popularitas seorang pemain. Rambut bergaya gimbal ala Gullit,potongan tomahawk ala Beckham atau model kuncung ala Ronaldo adalah sedikit saja dari sekian banyak contoh rambut unik pemain bola dunia. Kita akan membahas model rambut yang lain di kesempatan lain, dan Henrik Larsson adalah pemain pertama yang saya pilih karena selain dia cukup konsisten dengan model rambutnya (lama gondrong dan lama botaknya) ia juga pemain dengan sikap sportivitas yang tinggi,berkharisma,berpengalaman, disamping sebagai bomber ia sangat haus gol. Setelah sempat memperkuat FC Barcelona selama 2 tahun dan dipinjam Manchester United selama semusim,sekarang Larsson memperkuat klub dari kota kelahirannya, Helsingborg IF.
The outside appearance from a player really quite effective to maintain the image and the popularity of a player.Hair was stylish curly in the style of Gullit, the tomahawk hair cut in the style of Beckham or the crest model in the style of Ronaldo was just a few of the however many examples of unique hair of the football player. We will discuss the other hair model in the other opportunity, and Henrik Larsson is the first player who was chosen by me because he is quite consistent with his hair model (for a long time was long hair and for a long time was bald) however he also the player with the high sportsmanship attitude, charismatic, experienced, and as bomber he was very thirsty for the goal. After played for FC Barcelona for 2 years and could be borrowed Manchester United for one season, now Larsson playing for his home town football club, Helsingborg IF.

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