Takling, atau "jegal" dalam bahasa Indonesia merupakan salah satu gerakan atau aksi atau bahkan teknik yang diperbolehkan dalam pertandingan sepakbola. Tujuannya adalah merebut bola dari kaki lawan. Namun begitu, gerakan yang satu ini termasuk dalam gerakan yang berbahaya, sebab berpotensi mencederai lawan, dan karena itu peringatan dan bahkan kartu merah dari sang wasit kerap terpaksa dikeluarkan. Berikut adalah cuplikan 4 (empat) jenis takling sepanjang pengamatan Bolasinema.
Tackle,tackling or intercepted is one of the movements or the action or even the technique that was permitted in the football match. The aim is to seize the ball from foot of the opponent. However, this act is including in the dangerous movement, because of having the potential to damage the opponent, and because that the warning and even the red card from the referee often were forced to be dismissed. Along with was the quotation 4 (four) the kind tackles, according to Bolasinema observation.
Seperti sudah anda saksikan di atas, takling dilakukan oleh pemain mana saja, dari yang dikenal temperamental sampai yang dikenal lembut. Dari posisi penyerang sampai penjaga gawang. Terkadang takling memang efektif dalam merebut bola, tapi terkadang dilakukan serampangan sehingga malah diusir wasit.
As you watching clip above, tackling was carried out by any player, from that was known temperamental to that was known to be softly players. From the position of the aggressor to the goalkeeper. Occasionally tackling quite effective in seizing the ball, but occasionally was carried out very badly,especially that was done from behind, so as even was expelled by the referee.
Kamis, April 30, 2009
Empat Jenis Takling dalam Sepakbola
Four Kinds of Tackling in the Football (Soccer)
Senin, November 03, 2008
Main Bola sambil Nyetir ? -
Play Football While Driving ?
Permainan sepakbola dapat dimainkan oleh siapa saja. Berbagai variasi sudah banyak dicoba mainkan oleh orang-orang. Seperti yang Bolasinema tampilkan dalam posting-posting sebelumnya,baik dimainkan oleh pemain basket,memakai teleskop,dimainkan oleh pengamen,dimainkan oleh para filsuf, ataupun dimainkan di dalam ruangan. Namun begitu tentu faktor manusia tetap memegang peranan paling penting di sini. Tapi bagaimana bila sepakbola dimainkan oleh kendaraan? Dalam hal ini dengan mobil? Tentu bisa dibayangkan kelucuan-kelucuan yang dan adegan-adegan dramatis yang akan terjadi bukan? Singkatnya kita lihat saja ya cuplikan pertandingannya:
The game of football could be played by anyone. Various variations have often been tried played by people. Like that Bolasinema put forward in the posts beforehand, for example soccer was played by the basket player,used teleskop,played by the busker,played by the philosophers, or was played in the room. However certainly the human factor continued to hold the role was most important here. But how when football was played by the vehicle? In this case by the car? Certainly could be imagined the humour and dramatic scenes that will happen,is it? We better watch the match quotation:
Ternyata sepakbola juga dapat dimainkan dengan memakai kendaraan. Walaupun tanpa penjaga gawang,tapi peraturan pertandingan cukup lengkap juga: ada wasit dan bahkan: tendangan bebas. Tapi yang pasti tentu para pengendara mobil-mobil tersebut harus memenuhi 2 syarat: mahir berkendara dan tentu saja: bisa bermain bola. Tapi satu yang pasti memainkan bola dengan cara begini tentu menjadi sangat mahal. Tentu karena harus menyediakan pemain utamanya yaitu mobil yang pasti harus direlakan untuk saling bertabrakan. Tapi ide seperti ini tentu menarik untuk dicoba juga sebagai variasi lain bermain bola. Ada yang berminat mobilnya dijadikan korban?
Evidently football could be also played by using the vehicle. Although without the goal keeper,but the match regulation was complete enough also: had the referee and even: the free kick. But that was certain certainly these drivers of cars must fill 2 conditions: very good skill at driving and certain: could play football. But one that must, play the soccer by means of like this certainly became very expensive. Certainly because of must provide the player especially that is the certain car must be given willingly to collide with each other. But the idea like this was clearly interesting to be tried also as the other variation played football. Who are interested your car was made casualties?
Selasa, April 01, 2008
Penjaga Gawang Pencetak Gol -
The Goalscorers Goalkeepers
Menarik juga request dari temanku Dito yang mengusulkan tema Gol dari Penjaga Gawang.Beberapa penjaga gawang memang dikenal memiliki naluri yang sangat baik dalam mencetak gol. Beberapa nama yang sudah sangat terkenal yaitu Rene Higuita dari Kolombia, Jose Luis Chilavert dari Paraguay, serta yang masih aktif bermain sampai sekarang Rogerio Ceni dari klub Sao Paolo, Brasil. Untuk para pecinta Manchester United tentu tidak ketinggalan nama Peter Schmeichel, kiper legendaris ManU. Schmeichel juga acapkali mencetak gol buat klubnya, yang salah satunya dapat kita saksikan di bawah ini. Baiknya kita tonton yuk sajian 2 menit 41 detik ini:
It's interesting request from my friend Dito that proposed the theme of the Goal from the Goalkeeper. Many goalkeepers were indeed known to have instinct that was very good in making the scores.Several names that have been very famous is Rene Higuita from Colombia, Jose Luis Chilavert from Paraguay, as well as that was still active plays now Rogerio Ceni Sao Paolo FC, Brazil. For the fan of Manchester United certainly did not miss Peter Schmeichel, the legendary goalkeeper ManU. Schmeichel also often printed the goal for his club, that one of them could be witnessed by us below this. So come on the readers watch this 2 minutes 41 seconds show:
Pada dasarnya tidak ada yang paling hebat dari dari gol-gol yang diciptakan oleh seorang penjaga gawang. Sebab semua gol yang diciptakan oleh kiper adalah spektakuler dan mukjizat. Berhubung karena memang sebetulnya bukanlah tugas mereka dalam urusan mencetak gol ke gawang lawan. Tugas utama mereka adalah mengamankan gawang sendiri.Namun ada satu gol yang bagi penulis paling melekat di hati, yaitu gol yang kalau kita lihat film di atas terjadi di menit 1:22. Gol menjadi sangat brilyan karena dicetak tidak melalui tendangan bola mati - seperti lazimnya gol para kiper - melainkan melalui bola hidup, yaitu bola dalam permainan. Dan sang kiper menggiring bola menyusuri pinggir lapangan sampai akhirnya menaklukkan penjaga gawang lawan. Sungguh kisah nyata yang tak terlupakan bukan?
Basically there is no one that is greatest from the goals that were created by a goalkeeper. Because all the goals that were created by the goalkeeper were spectacular and the miracle. Well,because indeed actually not their task in the affair make the goal to the opposing goal. Their main task was to pacify their own goal.But had one goal that for the writer most adhered in the heart, that is the goal that if being seen by us the movie above happened in the minute 01:22.
The goal became very brilliant because of being printed not through the pasive ball kick - like usual the goal of the goalkeepers - but through the aktive ball, meaning the ball in the game. And the goalkeeper dribble the ball to follow the edge of the field to the end conquered the goal keeper of the opponent. Truly the unforgotten true story isn't it?
Kamis, Maret 27, 2008
Lima Goal Unik dan Ajaib -
Five Unique and Miraculous goals
Saya ingin berbagi dengan para pembaca melihat 5 gol yang menurut saya tercipta dengan sulit dan sedikit ajaib. Urutan 3 sampai 5 diisi nama-nama yang lumayan tenar, yaitu si "anak ajaib" Tomas Brolin. Lalu Darren Anderton, si "anak emas" Terry Venables, dan top skorer Piala Dunia 1982, Paolo Rossi. Tapi dua teratas urutan gol memang tercipta unik dan ajaib. Mari kita saksikan.
I want to shared with the readers saw 5 goals that according to me were created with difficulty and somewhat miraculous. The place 3 to 5 were filled up by the populer names, that is the "miraculous child" Tomas Brolin. Then Darren Anderton, the "gold child" of Terry Venables, and the top scorer the World Cup 1982, Paolo Rossi. But two highest the place of the goal indeed was created unique and miraculous. Let's watching.
Mungkin masih banyak gol yang lebih unik dan ajaib tercipta setiap waktu. Namanya juga sepakbola. Dinamis dan terus berkembang. Lain waktu aku tambah lagi ya gol-golnya. Salam Bola....!
Possibly there are many more unique and miraculous goals were created each kind of time. Well, this is football. Dynamic and continued to develop.Other time I'll give you more goals that more fantastic.Greetings the Ball....!
Rabu, Maret 19, 2008
Nash, antara sepakbola dan bola basket -
Nash,between soccer and basketball
Ini postingan pertama saya yang terkait dengan cabang olahraga lain. Dalam hal ini bolabasket. Posting ini kupersembahkan bagi kawanku dari Filipina, Csseyah. Dan juga para blogger lain dari Filipina dan negara-negara yang sepakbola bukan olahraga utama. Disini kita saksikan Steve Nash, pemain bola basket NBA dari klub Phoenix Suns. Ternyata dia juga sangat ahli bermain sepakbola, yang di Amerika dikenal dengan nama soccer. Kita saksikan saja:
This is my first posting that connected to the other sport. And a matter of this is basketball. This posting I present for my friend from the Philippines, Csseyah. And also other blogger from the Philippines and the countries that football not a main sport. Here we watch Steve Nash, the NBA basketball player from the club Phoenix Suns. Evidently he was also very expert in playing football, that in America was known by the name of soccer. Let's watching this one:
Atraksi Nash sangat menghibur para penonton dan kita semua. Dan terbukti permainan dengan bola, apapun bentuknya memang berkaitan erat dan bisa menyatukan kita semua. Untuk temanku dari Filipina, Football and Basketball are friend, right? Salam bola ! Salam Olahraga !
The Nash attraction really entertained the spectators and all of us.And was proven by the game with the ball, anything his form was quite connected tight and could unite all of us. For my friend from the Philippines, Football and Basketball are friend, right? Greetings the ball! Greeting the Sport !
Kamis, Maret 13, 2008
Kecantikan Tehnik Bola -
Beautiful Soccer Skill
Sepakbola dan keindahan adalah dua hal yang sangat berhubungan erat. Menonton sepakbola laksana menyaksikan orkes simfoni karya Beethoven dan Mozart. Ada irama dan keselarasan di situ. Ini dicapai baik secara individual maupun tim. Kita saksikan saja kompilasi beberapa skill individual dari pemain mancanegara. Beberapa diantaranya telah dikenal baik oleh para pecinta sepakbola.
Football and the beautyfully were two matters that really had tight relationship. Watching the football just like enjoying the symphony from Beethoven and Mozart orchestra. There were the rhythm and the harmony there.This was reached both individually and the team. Let us watching the compilation several skill individual the player from many countries. Many of them has been known very well by the lovers of football.
Tentu tidak semua pemain mampu melakukan atraksi tingkat tinggi seperti itu.Bahkan beberapa diantaranya telah dijuluki semacam "dewa".Sebut saja Zinedine Zidane,Diego Maradona,Luis Figo,maupun Georghe Hagi.Yah, semoga talenta-telenta baru terus bermunculan menghiasi jagad orkestra sepakbola dunia. Bagaimana Indonesia?
Certainly not all the players could carry out the attraction of the high-level technique like that. Even several of them called a kind of "god". For sample Zinedine Zidane, Diego Maradona, Luis Figo, and Georghe Hagi. Yeah, it is hope the young talents just continued to spring up decorated the world of the orchestra of the football.How is Indonesia?