Blog saya ini mencerminkan semua hal yang menarik dan menggairahkan kehidupan pribadi saya: Sepakbola dan olahraga, sinema,fotografi,dunia internet,teknologi,serta dunia jurnalistik. Saya mengajak bloggers serta para pembaca untuk bersama menikmati video-video yang saya sajikan yang saya ambil dari berbagai situs video termasuk hasil produksi sendiri,dan silahkan beri komentar. Salam Bola !
This blog reflected all the interesting and stimulating matters my privacy: football and sport, the cinema, photography, the world of the internet, technology, as well as the world of journalism. I asked bloggers as well as the readers to together enjoy videos that were presented by me that I took from various sites of the video, include produced myself and please gave the comment. Greetings the Ball!


Kamis, Maret 27, 2008

Lima Goal Unik dan Ajaib -
Five Unique and Miraculous goals

Saya ingin berbagi dengan para pembaca melihat 5 gol yang menurut saya tercipta dengan sulit dan sedikit ajaib. Urutan 3 sampai 5 diisi nama-nama yang lumayan tenar, yaitu si "anak ajaib" Tomas Brolin. Lalu Darren Anderton, si "anak emas" Terry Venables, dan top skorer Piala Dunia 1982, Paolo Rossi. Tapi dua teratas urutan gol memang tercipta unik dan ajaib. Mari kita saksikan.
I want to shared with the readers saw 5 goals that according to me were created with difficulty and somewhat miraculous. The place 3 to 5 were filled up by the populer names, that is the "miraculous child" Tomas Brolin. Then Darren Anderton, the "gold child" of Terry Venables, and the top scorer the World Cup 1982, Paolo Rossi. But two highest the place of the goal indeed was created unique and miraculous. Let's watching.

Mungkin masih banyak gol yang lebih unik dan ajaib tercipta setiap waktu. Namanya juga sepakbola. Dinamis dan terus berkembang. Lain waktu aku tambah lagi ya gol-golnya. Salam Bola....!
Possibly there are many more unique and miraculous goals were created each kind of time. Well, this is football. Dynamic and continued to develop.Other time I'll give you more goals that more fantastic.Greetings the Ball....!

Minggu, Maret 23, 2008

Dua Mahasiswa Menghadapi Bola -
Two College Boys Faced a Ball

Dua orang mahasiswa sedang berjalan-jalan di kampus. Tiba-tiba beberapa siswa lain yang sedang bermain bola menendangkan bolanya kearah mereka. Apa yang akan dilakukan dua orang kutu buku ini? Mari kita saksikan yuk...!
Two college boys is walking in their campus. Suddenly several boy which playing soccer kicking the ball headed to them. What will the clever boys do ? Let's wathing this...!

Ternyata menendang dan bermain bola tidak semudah mengerjakan soal-soal dan teori-teori seperti didapatkan di kampus. Terbukti mereka meleset dalam menendang. Dan.... lari tunggang langgang. Ha ha ha....
Evidently kicked and played football not semudah did matters and theories as being obtained in the campus. It was proven that they were wrong in kicked. And.... ran head over heels. Ha ha ha....

Rabu, Maret 19, 2008

Nash, antara sepakbola dan bola basket -
Nash,between soccer and basketball

Ini postingan pertama saya yang terkait dengan cabang olahraga lain. Dalam hal ini bolabasket. Posting ini kupersembahkan bagi kawanku dari Filipina, Csseyah. Dan juga para blogger lain dari Filipina dan negara-negara yang sepakbola bukan olahraga utama. Disini kita saksikan Steve Nash, pemain bola basket NBA dari klub Phoenix Suns. Ternyata dia juga sangat ahli bermain sepakbola, yang di Amerika dikenal dengan nama soccer. Kita saksikan saja:
This is my first posting that connected to the other sport. And a matter of this is basketball. This posting I present for my friend from the Philippines, Csseyah. And also other blogger from the Philippines and the countries that football not a main sport. Here we watch Steve Nash, the NBA basketball player from the club Phoenix Suns. Evidently he was also very expert in playing football, that in America was known by the name of soccer. Let's watching this one:

Atraksi Nash sangat menghibur para penonton dan kita semua. Dan terbukti permainan dengan bola, apapun bentuknya memang berkaitan erat dan bisa menyatukan kita semua. Untuk temanku dari Filipina, Football and Basketball are friend, right? Salam bola ! Salam Olahraga !
The Nash attraction really entertained the spectators and all of us.And was proven by the game with the ball, anything his form was quite connected tight and could unite all of us. For my friend from the Philippines, Football and Basketball are friend, right? Greetings the ball! Greeting the Sport !

Senin, Maret 17, 2008

Bocah Memerlukan Adik -
The Boy Need A Brother

Ini kali pertama saya memposting soal bola yang berkaitan dengan iklan atau advertensi. Tak sedikit produk yang menggunakan tema sepakbola atau olahraga sebagai latar belakang iklannya. Rata-rata memang lucu dan cukup menggelitik. Kita lihat saja yuk yang satu ini.
This is the first time I post that was linked with the advertisement.There are many products that used the theme of football or sport as the background of his advertisement. In general quite funny and was enough encouraged. Let's watching this one.

Pada mulanya saya agak bingung melihat si bocah terlihat sedih karena bermain bola sendirian. Sampai tiba-tiba dia menjadi sangat ramah kepada orang tuanya. Begitu baiknya si bocah sampai bersedia menghiasi rumah dan meja makan.Ada apa gerangan? Hmmm...ternyata dia menantikan punya adik agar dapat menemaninya main bola suatu saat nanti. Apalagi setelah dilihatnya adiknya ternyata lelaki,tersenyum puaslah dia dan memberikannya kado sepatu bola. Ini menurut saya lho. Bagaimana pembaca? Yang jelas iklan ini memang cukup membuat kita tersenyum.
At first I was rather confused to see the child was seen sad because of playing football alone. Until suddenly he was very friendly to his parents. So good the boy until was prepared to decorate the house and the table dinner. What's going on? Hmmm... evidently he wait for had the brother in order to be able to accompany him will play the ball sometime in the future. Moreover after being seen by him his brother evidently the boy either, he smile satisfy and gave him the football boots gift. This according to me sure. How the reader opinion? It was clear that this advertisement really made us smile.

Kamis, Maret 13, 2008

Kecantikan Tehnik Bola -
Beautiful Soccer Skill

Sepakbola dan keindahan adalah dua hal yang sangat berhubungan erat. Menonton sepakbola laksana menyaksikan orkes simfoni karya Beethoven dan Mozart. Ada irama dan keselarasan di situ. Ini dicapai baik secara individual maupun tim. Kita saksikan saja kompilasi beberapa skill individual dari pemain mancanegara. Beberapa diantaranya telah dikenal baik oleh para pecinta sepakbola.
Football and the beautyfully were two matters that really had tight relationship. Watching the football just like enjoying the symphony from Beethoven and Mozart orchestra. There were the rhythm and the harmony there.This was reached both individually and the team. Let us watching the compilation several skill individual the player from many countries. Many of them has been known very well by the lovers of football.

Tentu tidak semua pemain mampu melakukan atraksi tingkat tinggi seperti itu.Bahkan beberapa diantaranya telah dijuluki semacam "dewa".Sebut saja Zinedine Zidane,Diego Maradona,Luis Figo,maupun Georghe Hagi.Yah, semoga talenta-telenta baru terus bermunculan menghiasi jagad orkestra sepakbola dunia. Bagaimana Indonesia?
Certainly not all the players could carry out the attraction of the high-level technique like that. Even several of them called a kind of "god". For sample Zinedine Zidane, Diego Maradona, Luis Figo, and Georghe Hagi. Yeah, it is hope the young talents just continued to spring up decorated the world of the orchestra of the football.How is Indonesia?

Senin, Maret 10, 2008

Goal Ajaib Sepakbola Indoor -
Indoor Soccer Amazing Goal

Dua posting terakhir kita membahas kekerasan dalam sepakbola. Padahal masih terlalu banyak seni dan keindahan bahkan keajaiban dalam sepakbola. Mau contoh? Mari kita saksikan:
The last two posting we discussed the violence in football or soccer. In fact, there're still too much art and beauty even the miracle in football. Want an example? Let's witnessed:

Gol seperti ini sepertinya hanya akan terjadi di lapangan kecil seperti dalam futsal atau sepakbola dalam ruangan. Tapi apa mungkin terjadi di lapangan besar? Hmm....Bisa saja. Kenapa? karena ini sepakbola bung! Fantastik!!!
The goal like this apparently only will happen in the small field like in the futsal or soccer indoor. But maybe happened in the big field? Hmm.... could be. Why? Because this is football man...! It's fantastik!!!

Senin, Maret 03, 2008

Cedera Boaz, Kisah dari Indonesia -
The Boaz's Injury,the Story from Indonesia

Beberapa hari ini aku kesulitan memposting, karena ada gangguan teknis di tempat aku biasa berselancar. Tapi aku ingin menyambung postingan aku terdahulu. Tapi, maaf bukan aku ingin mengingat-ingat peristiwa yang sadis-sadis, tapi aku merasa harus melunasi hutang aku di postingan tersebut. Yaitu peristiwa yang pernah menimpa "rising star" Indonesia dari klub Persipura Jayapura, Boaz Theofilius Erwin Solossa (Boaz). Adapun pertandingannya berlangsung di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta pada tanggal 1 Juni 2007 pada pertandingan persahabatan antara tim nasional Indonesia melawan tim nasional Hongkong. Ketika pertandingan memasuki menit ke 70 babak kedua itulah petaka menimpa Boaz, yang ditakel dari belakang (tackling from behind) oleh pemain Hongkong. Berikut kita saksikan cuplikannya:
The last few days I the difficulty memposting, because of having the technical disturbance in my place where I was usually surfing.But I want to continued the previous posting.But, forgive me, not I wanted to keep the incident in mind that sadists, but I felt I must settle my debt in this posting.That is the incident that fall on Indonesian "rising star" from the club of Persipura Jayapura, Boaz Theofilius Erwin Solossa (Boaz).As for his match took place in the Stadium of Utama Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta on June 1st 2007 in the friendship match between Indonesian national team against the Hong Kong national team.When the match entered minutes 70 the second round so the misfortune struck Boaz, that was tackled from behind by the Hong Kongese player.Along with was witnessed by us his quotation:

Adapun Boaz Solossa sampai berita ini saya posting belum dinyatakan layak untuk bermain kembali pada permainan level tinggi,terutama untuk bermain penuh 90 menit. Oh ya, kabar terakhir dari pemain Arsenal,Eduardo da Silva. Dudu, demikian panggilan akrab Eduardo telah memaafkan sang "tukang tekel maut" Martin Taylor, pemain Birmingham yang akibat ulahnya berpeluang menjadikan Dudu gantung sepatu lebih dini. Demikian diberitakan Kompas, Senin 3 Maret 2008. Taylor telah menjenguk Dudu untuk meminta maaf dan prihatin atas semua yang menimpa Dudu. Eduardo sendiri telah melupakan kejadian tersebut dan menganggapnya sebagai kecelakaan yang biasa terjadi di lapangan hijau. Semoga bisa menjadi pelajaran bagi kita semua.
As for Boaz Solossa until this news I posting was not yet stated appropriate to play came back in the game of the high level, especially to play was full 90 minutes.By the way, the latest news from the player of Arsenal,Eduardo da Silva.Dudu, was like this the Eduardo nickname forgave the "the deadly tackleman" Martin Taylor, the Birmingham player who resulting from his conduct had an opportunity to make Dudu hang shoes was earlier.Was like this it was reported Kompas, on Monday March 3, 2008.Taylor visited Dudu to apologise and be concerned about all that struck Dudu.Eduardo personally forgot this incident and regarded him as the normal accident happened in the playing-field.It is hoped could become the lesson for all of us.

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