Showing posts with label emotion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emotion. Show all posts

Thursday, November 19, 2009

~Wow it's all coming together so fast!~

Good morning once again!
So many things happening this week!I watched TV the other day and they were getting personal with
a contestant on the Biggest Loser
Well, it really struck home with me.
Some very personal issues came out including why I gained weight and
what was that pivotal moment that really changed me and changed
my life. And I have to say it is NOT pretty, it's really horrible in fact.
So horrible I could not quite get it all out on paper, but I was able to get
some of it out on paper, and here it is.
I LOVE Collage Press and their papers just make me want to
scrap from AM to PM!
The journaling (in case you cannot read my scribble LOL) says:
I bake, I craft, I care, I try....but still I have those days where I totally
feel all the pain, guilt and shame of allowing myself to stay in an abusive relationship
allowing myself to get all messed up, messing my body up
changing my life forever because I was not strong enough to get
away from you to save me or my baby.

Do I feel better after scrapping that? NO LOL but I guess it is a step.

Now on to prettier things!
Take a peek at our new car, ok ok, it's not NEW
and it's in our budget, but it is our second car for the first time
in over 2 years! I am so happy.
This will be hubby's little gas saver for work, and I will have the van to run
the kids to and from school/sports/meetings...etc...
This is going to be a real time and frustration saver!

Now y'all know I will be offline this weekend for sure!
And unpacking next the blogging will be scarce for a couple days...
be sure to check out Purple Cows today!
I believe they are featuring a project I did and a how to sheet!
~Have a great Thursday!~

Monday, November 16, 2009

~Just another Manic Monday....Ohhh ooo...~

I wish it were Sunday Oooohhhh hehehe
Yesterday was the 15th Kit Reveal for Treasured Scrapbooking.
December will be my very last month at TS!
This was kit #2 in November and I LOVED it!
I am so going to frame this and use it in my scrap room.

You know it really is true, I am Happily Domestic, I love
being a MOM and staying home to cook and clean.
I am SO hoping to raise chickens, and bees in our new home!
This will be the first picture to go up in my scrap room!
It has been a beautiful, amazing year with Leslie
she was an amazing store owner and a great person to work for.
Now Treasured in headed off into a new direction and
many new things are happening in my small scrap world.
I am so excited! Thanks Leslie for taking a chance on a newbie scrapper!

This is the very last week of my boys going to school on the bus!
From now on I will be driving them to school!~
Now, let's hope we find a car in the next 2 days LOL
Or the plan will be ruined! hehehe

Don't forget to turn in your Purple Cows Contest Entries!!!

~Thank you for popping by!~
~Have a great week, Happy Monday!!~

Saturday, November 14, 2009

~Saturday popped up quick! New challenges and contests!~

It's that time again
the next SCRAPFIT challenge is up and running!
'Here is my entry, I love me some Betty Crocker LOL
The challenge was to create a layout using recipes passed down from
someone to you, well I don't know/have anyone like that
so my homage is to my dear friend Betty! LOL
And another FUN announcement!
This one is close to my heart and I am SUPER EXCITED about it!
Remember that place I mentioned a couple weeks ago?
Scrapbooking From The Inside Out
Well...after seeing what they are about, I decided that was the place for ME,
and I took the plunge to be on the DT.
I got the call yesterday!
I am now a SFIO DT member! WOOHOO!!!

Have you seen the new Imaginisce contest? You can win 300.00 in product
just for signing up on Facebook! I am so excited, just click on the picture and it will
take you to the blog/contest and links!
That's about it on the scrappy side for me,
I am packing and buying a car today!
~Have a beautiful weekend~
~Thank you all for stopping by, I hope you enter the contest!~

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

~RAK WINNERS!!! new Rak coming right up!~

Morning lovely ladies and fellow crafters!
I am so excited today!!!

The FIRST RAK winner for referring the most people to Facebook
and Blogger is....
*Drum roll please*
Colleen said...

I became a follower of the Purple Cow blog, wow. I also left a message on my facebook. Good luck, hope you win.

Thanks chicky! please email me your addy
for the FreeStyle Cutter (You better enter the contest now chicky!)
and the Corner punch etc....

Now for the Scrapbook Album Kits!

Randomly drawn from
MirandaK said...

I left a comment and I am now a follower of Purple Cows! It was a pleasure meeting you I cannot wait to see your next project. Miranda

Pick me Pick me!!!!


Micki L said...

I am a follower of Purple Cows and would like to enter the contest.

Ladies please email me your addys! I will get these in the mail right away!

So are you ready for the next CONTEST??!
How about an amazing kit from Treasured Scrapbooking?
This is the September Card Kit that Leslie designed
It comes with full instructions on how to make cards too from the famous
and amazing Eva Dobilas!!
Basic Grey border stickers
everything here to make layouts or cards!What do you need to do to win?
Get your friends and yourself over to this blog
FOLLOW and leave a comment saying
Or go to Facebook, find Purple Cows FAN PAGE
not the regular page but the FAN PAGE
and leave a comment letting them know PINKY SENT YOU!

Then leave a comment here letting me know you did it!
Don't worry if you dontt have any friends I won't count it against ya! :)
For every friend you send over,
I will add your name 2 times into the random drawing!

OK off to pack for me and work on an Advent Calendar
~Thanks for stopping by~
~Have a beautiful day!~

Friday, November 6, 2009

~WOW WOW and WOW again, I am sooooo EXCITED! HUGE NEWS for Pinky~

You cannot believe how excited I am today!
That;s right you are reading this correctly,
I was chosen to be on the NEW Imaginisce Design Team!!!!!!

I am tickled PINK!
I was almost crying yesterday!
What a fun step this will be for my crafting~!
You know I owe it all to you and my friends,
everyone who stops by to support me and my craft
and the love of sharing all things crafty!

And my biggest cheerleader Dolores! OMG that girl is a walking encouragement sign!

I appreciate you all stopping by and giving me support always!
I am so pleased today, did I also mention that at
9am Monday we will be getting the keys for our new home??
Yea it's going to be a rockin' week!

~Thanks for stopping by and sharing my excitement!~
~Have a great day~

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

~A different kind of art for me!~

Good morning, I tried something new last night...a painting class!
To be fair I have never painted before in my life.
I am thinking about making paper lollipop flowers and placing them over the dots
I do not like LOL The dots are taunting me!! I was doing fine until I had to make
circles LOL Also I was thinking of putting some sort of CREATE wording
on it to hang in my craft room? We will see...I am happy with my first painting!~

Also I wanted to share a new site with you, well new to me!!
Let me tell you I fit perfectly there!
It is called
"Scrapbooking from the inside out"
Not only are their kits simply AMAZING,
but the entire concept is beautiful.
It is about scrapping all stages of life.
This month is "Generosity"
I hope you go check them out!!
When they say a kit community like no other, they mean it.
Everyone is kind, sweet and honest, there is not catty-ness.
My kind of people!
I just adore the place and check in every single day!I received a BLOG AWARD yesterday! Thanks Kelly~

Here are 5 friends I pass this award on to..
#1 Jocelyn, because she is so sweet and wonderful I wish she
was my neighbor, I love her form afar!
It shows too because she always has like 40 comments on every post!
#2 Jona- Jona is one of those quiet sweet amazing people, I pop in
on and check out as much as possible, her work is amazing!
#3 Elena- Sweet of course, kind and creative what more can I say?
#4 Deb- who rocks the pink hair! My Armenian Princess friend!
#5 Dee- ever faithful, ever crafting Dee!

So that is all for today...
we heard from the bank and it looks like we should close very soon
and get the heck out of this crazy neighborhood!
~Have a beautiful day~
~THANK YOU for stopping by~