Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2013

Flashback Friday!

Hey there, happy Friday! 

I thought I would throw in a Flashback Friday today because
I was organizing photos and going through old pics and found these
photos- this one from 4 years ago! 
*where has the time gone*

A photo free layout using Jenni Bowling & Cosmo Cricket-
Not gonna lie I love me some JB and CC!

3 years ago in the summer- these homemade DRINK umbrellas- 
these actually ended up on television...I mean seriously how fun.
I didn't think anything of them but everyone loved them. 
And two years ago one my first publications- this fun BEE HAPPY card
which has a super funny story- so the original card I made I had given
away to Andrew's BOSS at work. 

Not kidding 4 days after they asked for it to be published...
I was in a scramble to find all the items and re-create the card. 
I TRIED to talk hubs into asking for it but he just said no LOL
What's a girl gotta do to get pubbed? LOL
Anyways a fun walk down memory lane- love looking into the past.

Happy Friday my friends!


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

~Torture...Or Amazeballs??!!~

Good morning and happy Hump Day! I am ready for
the weekend I can tell you that! LOL

Remember the other day I said I had a feature on the 
VLVS blog? I just wanted to drop this layout on my blog
today really quick and share! :) Because it's so fun. 
I have to say my son is less than happy about the mustache LOL
I am not sure why but he was so mad I put one on him....
my response?? BUT IT FIT PERFECTLY!

I mean seriously often does a stamped mustache
fit perfectly onto a photo? umm next to NEVER! LOL

Love that kid, love that stamp...all fun stuff~ :) 
Thanks Viva Las VegaStamps for making such fun products
to torture my poor poor children! (which I call amazeballs of fun). 


Monday, February 18, 2013

~Make A Wish- New Stamp Designs!~

Happy Monday my friends! :)

Had a lovely weekend with the friends, and the hubs
even headed out with his buddies, all good stuff. 
You know I watched Moulin Rouge for the first time- FUN time! :) 

Anyways, I was headed to a boys birthday party on Saturday
and realized that I don't have any BOYS birthday cards on hand, or
gender neutral so I decided to sit down and start creating some.

I have been dying to use these new VLVS stamps, they are so beautiful. 
I LOVE the dandelion and the distressed Make A Wish- so I used Plate 918. 
I also stitched on some Basic Grey tags- love those so much!!!
After seeing it I wish I had left the red pearls off, but it's all good....
I mean they don't always turned out as expected. 
Isn't this set awesome? I love it so much!
I am also up on the Viva Las vegaStamps blog today with another project!!
Using some fun snarky stamps and images...I would really appreciate it
if you would head over and say hello :) 

It has to do with some "Stache" fun, you have to see it! :) haha
Here is the link:
Ok I am off to spend President's Day with the boys and 
have some good fun with friends too!! 

Happy Monday, have a wonderful week! Hope to see you tomorrow!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

~Wow it's all coming together so fast!~

Good morning once again!
So many things happening this week!I watched TV the other day and they were getting personal with
a contestant on the Biggest Loser
Well, it really struck home with me.
Some very personal issues came out including why I gained weight and
what was that pivotal moment that really changed me and changed
my life. And I have to say it is NOT pretty, it's really horrible in fact.
So horrible I could not quite get it all out on paper, but I was able to get
some of it out on paper, and here it is.
I LOVE Collage Press and their papers just make me want to
scrap from AM to PM!
The journaling (in case you cannot read my scribble LOL) says:
I bake, I craft, I care, I try....but still I have those days where I totally
feel all the pain, guilt and shame of allowing myself to stay in an abusive relationship
allowing myself to get all messed up, messing my body up
changing my life forever because I was not strong enough to get
away from you to save me or my baby.

Do I feel better after scrapping that? NO LOL but I guess it is a step.

Now on to prettier things!
Take a peek at our new car, ok ok, it's not NEW
and it's in our budget, but it is our second car for the first time
in over 2 years! I am so happy.
This will be hubby's little gas saver for work, and I will have the van to run
the kids to and from school/sports/meetings...etc...
This is going to be a real time and frustration saver!

Now y'all know I will be offline this weekend for sure!
And unpacking next the blogging will be scarce for a couple days...
be sure to check out Purple Cows today!
I believe they are featuring a project I did and a how to sheet!
~Have a great Thursday!~

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

~Happy Tuesday ..Puppies Galore...Woohoo I hit 200!!~

Good morning bloggers!
I was able to sit down last night and begin working on
the boys costumes...they were so sweet this year.
I told them we were moving and I was not going to be able to make the elaborate
costumes I usually make for the entire family, so they
sat together and voted on being puppies this year!
Easy enough right? Some fleece, some sweat pants and a beanie!
Warm, easy and functional!Plus my sweet boys are tickled about the hats!

I also wanted to scrap yesterday but not for anyone but myself,
so I sat down with My Little Shoebox and Cosmo Cricket...
dear friends of mine LOL
and made this page....
I wish it had been sunny and not pouring rain so I could have captured a better
shot of it! It's so much prettier in person!

And one more little thing!!!!!
I got the email from Purple Cows saying that in one week,
woot woot!!!!!!!
So I qualify for the 2000.00 prize....
I still need comments but the qualification part is over! WOOHOO!
Remember I am giving this PRIZE AWAY! so don't forget to
comment and pass it on to friends....
On the Purple Cows Blog today I have a layout project!
And the full instructions can be found as well!
So be sure to check it out!

And a little sneak peek for tomorrow's blog?
I have a little video I am working on...a NEW release from Purple Cows....
From the last CHA!
I cannot wait to share, so be sure to pop back by tomorrow!

~THANK YOU all for stopping by~
~Have a beautiful Tuesday~