3 November 2010

Wordless Wednesday - My late Mother's 1st Birthday photo!


Belle said...

Beautiful. I just want to hug her.

Blue said...

She, my Mother would have been 93 today!
I wish I could hug her too Belle :(

Duke said...

What an adorable photo! Happy birthday to your late mom, Blue. Moms are so special.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Roan said...

I've been thinking about you today. It's hard to think of something profound to say when no words can ease the missing. She was a gorgeous baby.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

My beloved Blue...how precious your mum was as a wee baby. She looks like a dolly!
Big soft hugs to you...we love you and think about what a special friend you are to our hearts...
Love Miss Peach and mommy Karla