Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts

30 August 2010

Monday Blues - The Negative Side of Life!

In hindsight, I should have saved my blue toned oil painting posted for Saturday's Photo Hunt for my own meme here.
And since I've been lazy, I've no blue mosaic either, despite 'cousin' Miss Peach sending me details of the web site she uses.
So what do I have???
A Negative take!

Fiddling around a while back with the features of my small Samsung digital camera, discovered you could create a negative image of your taken photograph; but what delighted me the most was that all brown/reddy/orange colours - not my favourite shades - in negative form go blue to turquoise...
A bouquet of orange & red flowers given the blues...Brown Garlic Cloves likewise...And, finally Black & Tan Welsh Terrier 'nephew' Taffy resting his head on his 'Auntie' Blue's knee...
This isn't really a meme, just a personal prompt to help keep me blogging.
Friend BJ, always supportive, has joined in - feel free to too - anything blue related goes!

23 August 2009

Camera Critters Sunday - Just a Sorry Bugs Tale!

I'm always trying to do close-ups /macro images with my small Samsung digital camera.
The results are frequently just blurred shots, quickly deleted, with only the most successful ones seeing the light of day!
Anyway, yesterday, I spotted this bright green bug, he was all of 1.5cm long!
But, I thought I'd try to take his photo, as unlike Butterflies he was not going to flutter away while I played amateur wildlife photographer @ my front door!
Here he is - just ignore my flaking white paintwork...

For less feeble Camera Critters visit Misty Dawn's site HERE.

17 July 2009

Sky Watch Friday - A Peachy Sunset!

Am continuing the PEACH theme from yesterday, as grey rain leaden skies are boring!
Sunsets have been few & far between lately, so this one, taken over Hinksey Lake comes from last Summer...I for once, used the 'Sunset Setting' on my small Samsung digital camera.
The result makes for striking images but, to me, does over peach the effect!

The many skies of SkyWatch can be found HERE!

22 February 2009

Camera Critters Sunday - Bambi Magic!

Have had to resort to 'window shopping' for my Critter again this week.
One of Dreamingspires more unique shops is the Swarovski Crystal Boutique.
Yesterday, they were featuring this childhood favourite of mine...
Who doesn't remember Walt Disney's classic with affection & a tear in the eye...
Misty Dawn is the host, the Camera Critters blog HERE!

16 February 2009

Odd Shot & Monochrome Monday - Centre Sun Shadows!

The Clarendon Shopping Centre in the heart of my city has a partial glass roof.
In a rare moment of brillant Winter sunshine recently, took the following photos.
My main thought was, the sun shadow was perfect for Katney's Odd Shots...Then, adapted a second longer take, to B&W for Aleni's Monochrome Maniaics - found HERE...
Take your pick as to which one, you think is most pleasing!

23 January 2009

Sky Watch Friday - A Silver Birch!

Taken earlier this week, when the sky was big time blue, unlike this mornings...I like these trees and remember this snippet from a childhood rhyme
"The Silver Birch is a dainty lady,
She wears a satin gown..."
Am sure it continues on about other trees.
Anyway, thought I'd have another Aileni monochrome moment & see if I could bring out the silver...Am gradually learning what does & doesn't work in B&W.

There is a tale to this particular Silver Birch too.
It was, planted as a sapling in the bottom of a near by garden.
I've watched it grew & grew into this fine specimen
But, it's presence has had consequences for the house you see in the photo's.
The trees roots have grown, deep & twisted into it's foundations; resulting in the nice lady who lives there, being unable sell her property!
She has, with amazing fortitude, resigned herself to this fact.
The neighbouring house, whose garden the offending tree is in, has changed hands many times, since the Birch was planted; so, she can seek no sort of recompense.
The present owners, have offered to chop it down, but she's said;
"Why? The damage is done. At least, let me enjoy the tree!"

The Sky Watch blog is to be found HERE !

20 January 2009

First Comments etc!

Re reading my post yesterday, re my blog Anniversary I find it didn't go quite to plan.
I allowed myself to get side tracked - nothing new!
And, the kind comments & Congratulations on my two years of blogging, mean I can't delete & start again
So, this a Postscript, saying what I originally meant too.

As, I said, my friend Wilma was my very first; infact, my only blog contact.
The first weeks in Blogland were quiet, extremely quiet.
Till, another personal known Prairelander Queen of Halloween, joined in.
But then, following Wilma's advice, plus the warning about what I might find; I hit the random 'Next Blog' button.
As she said, I discovered Commercial blogs, Soft & Hard Porn and just Odd, very odd sites.
Those, I quickly move on from.
However, amongst the dross was GOLD.
By this, I mean I accidentally landed on Serendipity - home of short stories by BJ.
The mutual commenting started.
I gave her story prompts, she sent me her 'virtual 'wedding bouquet, we e-mailed, the link grew & grew - we are now solid life long friends.
For those who follow me but not her - go read her latest tale - 'The Golden Carousel'.
It has delightful, revengeful, links to my recent Photo Hunters post re HATS!

Doing the same random 'Next Blog' surfing, it took me a while to expand my circle of friends.
I did it eventually, because I came across Miss Nuggett, a beagle who blogged.
We two, started exchanging comments & through her I discovered, for me the blog changing DWB site.
Doing, 'Paw it Forward' I happened on the late, lamented Oscar.
He made me LOL big time, I commented & his Katy responded.
Then, Jackson, my fav. WFT, started blogging, I was on his case asap via Oscar, and we quickly became firm friends in both the virtual & real world.
It took me many, many months of posting [and commenting I might add] to expand my blogger circle & they were all DWB 'ers too.
Only after, a change of direction re Blog No 2 'Behind Kyanites Door' when I started posting my photographs, did new non-doggy contacts come my way.
Participating in the daily Photo memes, which I love, has certainly made me view my world in much more detail.
I now never leave home without my camera - snap away constantly.
The only down side, being having broadened my blogging horizons, I opened myself to a 'Comment' world, bigger & broader than DWB, & one I can't/ don't want to live up to.

Anyway, the whole point of this second rambling post, is to acknowledge that, despite the tone of my earlier Anniversary post, I enjoy my blogging, couldn't imagine life without now.
I consider myself LUCKY, as my early friends are still there, and many, many others have joined them, including my 'Neice & Nephew' Molly & Taffy.
For one, who honestly wonders about her people skills more & more, I feel blessed.

19 January 2009

Monochrome & Odd Shot Monday - Shiny Cars!

When I was a car owner, I was never that diligent re washing or polishing my poor vehicles.
They were simply, as I've said before; a means to get from A to B with four wheels & engine.
Only, my last car had a name, Scarlet because she was sooo red!
So, a birthday bath pre annual MOT road check & a spruce up before going on holiday was about it.
I am therefore, always impressed - big time, with owners who care so much, they give me wonderful photo opportunities!

For Aileni, Monochrome Maniac creator & blog host HERE, I offer this high definition shot...
A car this clean & shiny to me, is deffinately an oddity too.
But, on Saturday, I think I went one better for Katney's Odd Shots?
No offence intended - but, how often does one find God via a church window in a one car windscrean...

16 January 2009


Doing my Blog visiting rounds this morning, I found many in reflective mood - remembering lost loved ones.
The most recent traveller to the Rainbow Bridge being little Zoe... This post made me weep.
I'm a fairly new friend to Staci & Addie, but feel her loss deeply.
We always have ONE special pup!

This year too, seems to have started with lots distressing news!!!
My Blue friend Nonizamboni fractured her wrist; Tess of the LeuraDales went adventuring hence a almost life threating cut; Scruffy, Well, we won't dwell on his Tampon eating episode ; friend Naked Bear still has a worring un-specified medical emergency re Monsieur Bear ; & Airedale Heaven pups are keenly watching their Dad.
I truly wish you all well.

In this reflective mood, pondering on the forthcoming days photo memes, & looking for suitable images, I've found a theme running through my selection - REFLECTIONS - so be warned!
This afternoon, playing around with said images, this one from yesterday showed up...
Then, did an Aileni take for Monochrome Maniac fun..
I believe it really works - far more interesting than the colour take.
But, wonder what the Pro thinks?

11 January 2009

Camera Critters Sunday - Wrapped Up Warm!

A bitterly cold, frosty New Years Day walk in Derbyshire found this pair...None of us had thought to bring sustenance with us.
Camera Critters warmer home with Misty Dawn is HERE!

10 January 2009

Saturday Photo Hunters - Aftermath!

Host tnchick' s email prompt this week suggested only one thing to me.
The aftermath of Christmas and abandonment of trees, once so loved & cherished.
My favourite cartoon character says it all...Each January, in a corner of my evergreen park, we now have a recycling spot...Great idea - the trees are shredded & the end result used in the park.
But, it still make me sad to see the abandoned Pines, Blue Spruces, etc - the aftermath of festivities!

9 January 2009

Sky Watch Friday - Stormy Sunrise!

These were the clouds over my neighbours roof tops on Wednesdays sunrise..."Red sky @ night, shepherds delight.
Red sky in the morning, shepherds warning!"
In hindsight, maybe I should have heeded the old saying!
Although I nolonger officially participate in this photo meme, others wanting to do so or view more skies, can find the site HERE!

8 January 2009

True Colours Thursday - PURPLE!

Earlier in the week I was, wondering what I was going to use for the colour PURPLE - I don't choose the Colours for this meme to make it easy for myself - not @ all, they are a wild random selection from Aileni's Rainbow!
And, PURPLE is not big in my life, though it certainly will be when the bruises from my accident emerge - LOL!
But, yesterday morning when looking for a cosy sweater to brave the cold in, I recalled my Chenille one & my Celtic Amethyst jewellery and quickly took this snap...Which subsequently, reminded me of the magnificent, ornately embroidered PURPLE Vestment Robe seen in the Cathedral during a visit to an Open Day @ Christ Church College...And, the flowers in the Master's Garden there...
My True Colours Thursday is easy to join in.
All you need is photos or text on the weeks chosen colour.
And, just leave me a comment to say your playing.
This weeks known participants are:-
Aileni, BJ, Dragonstar, Mar, Jonna,
Other PREVIOUS players, who may join in later today, can be found listed on TCT BLOG ROLL in my side bar.
I promise to visit ALL, as soon as I can.
And, I welcome newcombers & followers Lily Hydrangea, who has two interesting blogs and the Dughallmor Beagles!

The colour for next week is BLACK - my bruises may be that shade by then!

6 January 2009

Two fer Tuesday - Water Power!

Now, never let it be said that I don't blog, every holiday photo of mine taken!
A week to day on my stay with Molly & Taffy...We visited Cromford, home of a World Heritage site!
Because in August 1771, Richard Arkwright, a very important industrialist - the Victorians gave him the accolade 'Father of the factory system' - began building in Cromford the world’s first successful WATER powered cotton spinning mill; a vital step towards full scale factory production.
The mills at Cromford with their water powered machinery, large workforce and village became models for others throughout Britain & abroad.
The site has now been preserved & the water courses, to the different mill levels can be seen....Arkwight was also, responsible for the opening of the Cromford Canal in 1793 to convay his cotton away on.
The end of the now, derelict line...We all had an interesting walk around.
This is Jonna's meme - to participate, all you need is two or pairs of photos, the subject is your choice!

5 January 2009

Monochrome & Odd Shot Monday - The Hoodie!

Am going back to my visit to Castleton with friends on New Years Eve & sitting briefly outside in the bitter cold as there was initially no room in the Inn - Brr, Brr!!!
For Aileni's Monochrome - dedicated site HERE - this Maniac has adapted a photo of a certain Hoddie, who cuddled her Welsh Terrier for warmth...
Till Taffy & the Hood became one & my Odd Shot for Katney's meme.....

4 January 2009

Camera Critters Sunday - Marvelous Miss Molly!

Whenever, I visit Molly & Taffy, my Aire 'Niece' always seems to take an back seat when I come to blog about it.
That's because her Welshie 'Brother' loves the terrier limelight and hogs the camera & my attention!!!
But, Molly is a sweetie, the prettiest of Airedale Miss's
Her curiosity is insatiable "Whats over there?" ...
She will, now invite me to do a tummy tickle - that is a privilege...And, pose for a CLASSIC profile too - this is waiting in the cold for that warm space inside Castleton's George Inn...Camera Critters is the creation of Misty Dawn, & it's home site HERE!

3 January 2009

Saturday Photo Hunters - Hope!

This weeks subject from host tnchick , suggests optimism to me.
So, in these troubled times, monetary & otherwise; I hope, my friends had what they wished for in their Christmas stocking; I hope, everyone saw in the New Year with good company & fine champagne as I fortunately did & I, sincerely hope, we all fair well in 2009!
Now to my photo - Taffy is alway hopeful that someone is willing to play with him.
This look is full of expectation & that hope...
"Go on Auntie Blue, play with me & my Santa tug. Please! Come on..."

2 January 2009

Sky Watch Friday - A Frosty Peak Morn!

The Derbyshire weather during my brief stay was on the chilly side.
On New Years Eve, freezing fog descended, and the line between the land & the sky merged in the mist...
But, the Hoare frost on the trees was impressive...
I notice I took both these shots on a 'tipsy' angle, but I assure you, they were taken before the celebrations & tippling!
To start the New Year by seeing other skies world wide, the Sky Watch site is to be found HERE!

1 January 2009

True Colours Thursday - GOLD!

First, Happy New Year to all my friends everywhere, may 2009 be GOLDEN
Secondly - Sorry, I'm late posting here for my very own photo meme - Tut, Tut!
And, thirdly, this post is short & sweet because, for some reason Blogger's chosen to save only two of the images & none of the text I'd prepared earlier to publish for the colour GOLD.
Now time is against me, as I'm travelling home this afternoon, so have a train to catch in an hour or so!
I found photographing GOLD difficult, especially when using the flash; so maybe, Blogger did me a favour loosing my indoor shots!

Dreamingspires Golden Cross Shopping Centre, kept it's decorations simple...
And, the tree in the centre courtyard had an artisan feel with it's GOLD venetian masks...I'm unsure, as to who else has or will have the time to play today, but PREVIOUS participants have been:
Aileni, BJ, Phoenix, Mar, Dina, Denise, Rebecca & Molly, Samantha, Dragonstar, Addie, Sunshine, Fairy Mae, Eduardo, Nonizamboni, Jonna & Marguerite .
I promise to visit as soon as I can.

The colour for next week is PURPLE.

True Colours Thursday - GOLD!

First, Happy New Year to all my friends everywhere, may 2009 be GOLDEN
Secondly - Sorry, I'm late posting here for my very own photo meme - Tut, Tut!
And, thirdly, this post is short & sweet because, for some reason Blogger's chosen to save only two of the images & none of the text I'd prepared earlier to publish for the colour GOLD.
Now time is against me, as I'm travelling home this afternoon, so have a train to catch in an hour or so!
I found photographing GOLD difficult, especially when using the flash; so maybe, Blogger did me a favour loosing my indoor shots!

Dreamingspires Golden Cross Shopping Centre, kept it's decorations simple...
And, the tree in the centre courtyard had an artisan feel with it's GOLD venetian masks...I'm unsure, as to who else has or will have the time to play today, but PREVIOUS participants have been:
Aileni, BJ, Phoenix, Mar, Dina, Denise, Rebecca & Molly, Samantha, Dragonstar, Addie, Sunshine, Fairy Mae, Eduardo, Nonizamboni, Jonna & Marguerite .
I promise to visit as soon as I can.

The colour for next week is PURPLE.