Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Shandle Review

Being the only female in a house full of germy boys is hard work! Especially when it comes to the bathroom. I am always having to check if they put the lid down, flush the toilet and wash their hands- in that order. Such an energy drain!

When I was contacted by the people from The Shandle I had to say yes. The Shandle has been a real help in our home! The boys have been using it as a helpful reminder in their bathroom steps. Once they use their fun handle to put the lid down it helps them remember to then flush and wash their hands. Seriously- it can be too many steps for their young minds to remember (nevermind that they know how to operate the dvd player just fine). I love how cute the pics are on the Shandles and how they encourage healthy habits.

Even though my boys are too young to read, I told them what their Shandle says and now they are able to remember it and love the cute bear dressed as a frog! To see all of the cute Shandles visit


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