Tuesday, October 6, 2009

GE Appliance is Famous and Giveaway

Not only are the hottest dishes coming out of the Top Chef kitchen, these pros are working on some of the hottest appliances out there.GE Appliances has been featured on the hit Bravo show since Season 3 and even awarded Stefan Richter, the fifth season runner-up, a suite of his own GE appliances after he beat everyone in the famous restaurant wars challenge.
If you want to get one step closer to cooking like a pro, enter for a chance to win one of five brand new GE Appliances in the Strong As Steel sweepstakes and in no time you will be the hottest dish in the kitchen!

Top Chef Official Site

I am also now including an extra chance to win on my giveaways. Enter daily for your chance to win your own GE Appliance on my sidebar and leave a comment on the giveaway letting me know you did. That can mean a whole lot more chances of winning!


  1. I been entering! Thanks for the extra chances. My refrigerator is dying! I can only keep food on the bottom shelf. Every where else the food freezes. It is also not energy star, very old.

  2. I enter a lot, too, but will sure take extra entries.

  3. I entire quite often but would be glad to have extra entries. Thanks.

  4. I just entered the GE giveaway. katklaw777 at yahoo dot com Thanks!

  5. I have entered the GE giveaway today.


Thanks for your comment- keep 'em coming!

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