One theme running through the news lately has been the recession is ending but people are still in a recession frame of mind. Well some of us are still in the recession. My family still has many unemployed or not fully employed as before. My job as a social worker has been harder then ever with funding getting cut and people needing more help.I have read several articles lately about how pinching pennies has not stopped yet for the American family and how this could hurt the economy if they don't spend. But Americans are afraid to spend or still just don't have it. I say if you need it get it, if you don't then don't spend it. My motto is to become a little more self sufficient in what I do. This means in the way I spend, the things I eat, how I shop, bake and store food.
Yes we can all go crazy and plant huge amounts of food that will go to waste or we can learn to plant what we will eat this summer or to can a small amount of spaghetti sauce so we don't have to buy it this winter. Do the things that make sense, that are not overwhelming and work for your family. If canning is not going to work for storage in your house then don't plant to can regardless of the saving because the stress is going to get to you when you have to can and store jars where there is no storage.
If you can store a moderate amount of food, buy some things in bulk, freeze items, grow items, raise chickens, make your own baked goods or whatever makes your life more self sufficient then you are helping your family. If it is making your family crazy or stressing over your schedule then it is not worth it. 
As for me, I am trying my hand at chickens for the eggs, planting a bigger garden to can this year then last year, I try to bake more organically and fresh then buying from the store. I have tried a lot of different things in the past year and some work and some don't so learn from your mistakes. Don't be afraid to try something you can always adjust or give up on it. I don't feel bad when I try and fail because I tried. So have some fun with becoming self sufficient. Learn to do things fun that don't cost money. Get the family to help out in the garden or buy hanging veggie plants and have the kids water them. Go to local parks and use the facilities it helps them and gives you places to play, swim, picnic, ride bikes, walk and get healthy with keeping extra bucks in your pocket.

What are you doing to be self sufficient in your family? Also I have a friend who may not need to be self sufficient but does it for the health and wellness of her family. There are many reasons to take care of yourself and family more frugally.