Guys named Michael or guys named Michael with a surname of
Anderson, who should I distance myself from? I'm going to say guys named
Michael Anderson; I have a dear friend named Michael and I really don't want to single him out. And besides, he's hotter than these Anderson fools.

19 year old
Michael Anderson of North Carolina took some cough medicine and then chopped up his roommate with an axe. Early Monday morning, Anderson can be heard telling the 911 operator, "I took some pills and, um, the pills made me go mad and I murdered my roommate. shot him three times and then I used an axe and mutilated his body." As Anderson was taken away, he told reporters he loved "as a friend" his roommate. But during the call, Anderson says, "I was straight and I wanted to go bisexual just to experiment and I went to a gay club and I met him and I went to his house. And he took me in and I turned straight again and he wanted to touch me and stuff and I wouldn't let him and he kept trying and I waited until he went to sleep and then I shot him 3 times and then I mutilated him very badly."
Officials said the murder scene was horrific. "Probably one of the worst scenes I have seen in my 30 years of law enforcement," Reid said.
"I TURNED STRAIGHT AGAIN!" What the hell is wrong with people these days?
"Oh lord, I don't know why I did this. … I can't believe I killed my roommate." he is very courteous to the 911 operator, saying yes ma'am, no ma'am, and then proceeds to tell her. "The axe is inside his stomach."
Too bad the idiot can't claim an insanity defense because presumably, according to his Facebook postings, he may have planned the murder. Two recent postings show one declaring his intent, " My killing starts tonight" and the second one after the deed was done, "I finally cracked guys, I really did it this time."
The chilling 911 phone call is down below: