I think I gave a pretty decent response, but suffice it to say, I discontinued the series with the hope of bringing it back someday.
But before I bring back the series - my partner, Ryan gave a response I'd like to share with my readers. I thought it was great.
"nobody forces us to eat anything, unless you consider the peer pressure to 'be with the group and not a hater' when it comes to eating with family, friends or co-workers. Even so, most restaurants will nowadays at least try to offer something healthy to everyone that is knowledgeable about their health and cares to not over indulge.

Sounds horrible right?
But what if I told you that the coffee was so hot that it seared the flesh off her bones. When the poor woman got to the hospital the doctors could see the internal muscle and bones inside the two gaping holes in her legs that the hot coffee had made. She needed multiple skin graphs to fix the injury that her insurance wouldn't cover and that she couldn't afford. So she sues McDonald's for two reasons: To not only get the money that she needs to pay back the debt she owes on her surgery, but to also get McDonald's to lower the temperature on their coffee so this suffering could not happen to anyone else.
While suing McDonald's because you're fat sounds outright ridiculous, it'd help get them to change what they offer so at least there's something somewhat decent to eat there now for all of us health conscious people out there. But what about those that aren't and all they can afford to feed themselves, as well as their children, is a quick fast food meal? At least those places now give not only alternate food options but possibly what their food products now contain regarding calories and grams of fat. They didn't do this on their own. Somebody had to have the bravery to stand up to them and say something. So next time you may thing about criticizing the "lazy, good for nothing" plaintiff that's suing somebody, or consider standing up and applauding tort reform (lawsuit reform) please check out the documentary, "Hot Coffee". Yes, a plug at this point doesn't sound too good, but it really opened my eyes to what's happening to the courts in our country and how it doesn't look too good for our future unless we stand up and say something right now. Change does not happen by itself, it takes people to make it happen, as well as a whole lot of bitching. I appreciate what these people have done for us, and we all owe them a big thank you. I won't forget it, will you?"
- Ryan Joseph Lopez