“If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?” - RuPaul - - - - - - - - - - - “if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.” - John F. Kennedy - - - - - - - - - - - - “Imagine finding someone you love more than anything in the world, who you would risk your life for but couldn’t marry. And you couldn’t have that special day the way your friends do – you know, wear the ring on your finger and have it mean the same thing as everybody else. Just put yourself in that person’s shoes. It makes me feel sick to my stomach …. When I shared a picture of my tattoo on my Twitter page and said, ‘ALL LOVE is equal,’ a lot of people mocked me – they said, ‘What happened to you? You used to be a Christian girl!’ And I said, ‘Well, if you were a true Christian, you would have your facts straight. Christianity is about love.’ The debate resulted in a lot of threats and hate mail to people who agreed and disagreed with me. At one point I had to say, ‘Dude, everyone lay off.’ Can’t people have friendly debates about sensitive topics without it turning into unnecessary threats?” - Pop star Miley Cyrus on her marriage equality tattoo - - - - - - - - - - -
Showing posts with label Cameras. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cameras. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Isn't This The Truth? 1993 vs. 2013

Man, isn't this the truth? Sad thing is... I remember having all these gadgets.  Actually, it's not a sad thing; I'm proud to be a part of that moment.  It's an experience I wouldn't trade for anything.  But it is quite funny and cool to see it in this perspective...  What a difference 20 years makes.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Bounce Inc.

What an amazing video.  I was mesmerized by the quality and the hard bodies :-).  Actually the video was shot using a Phantom Miro Camera - capable of shooting 1500 frames per second.  

Experts in cinematic sports, Australia's Infinity List joined Bounce Inc, to produce this awe-inspiring video.  Bounce is a massive indoor trampoline universe all about jumping high and landing soft & safe. Imagine over 100 interconnected trampolines, over 500 square metres of foam pits and padding to land on, and trampoline ‘dodge-ball’.

Bounce's Free Jumping Revolution team is made up of professional gymnasts, snowboarders, skateboarders, and circus performers.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Isn't This The Truth? Pictures We Didn't Take Before Digital Cameras

LMAO.  I look at all these and I see my Facebook newsfeed!  And yes, I'm guilty of some of them.  Honestly though, before digital photography came into existence, were you using your 35 mm camera to take pictures of yourself?  Did you take pictures of the food you were eating at a restaurant, or the wing of an airplane as you were taking a picture of the sky? LOL.  You will laugh at all these, check them out.
via twenty pixels

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Must Watch: The Smashing Pumpkins

Halloween is over and it's time to get rid of your pumpkins.  So what do you do with them????   Oh, I know, how 'bout smashing them?

That's obviously the way Devin Graham wanted to do it.  He and a group of friends from his production company smashed a few pumpkins in slow motion using a Red Epic camera.  What transpired was this pretty cool video Smashing Pumpkins.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Landscapes: Volume Two

If you have never taken the chance to explore the Southwestern United States, you can now catch a glimpse of it in this absolutely stunning video footage by photographer Dustin Farrell.  He is producing a three-part Landscapes series of unbelievable scenes in captivating time-lapse video.
Using a Canon 5D2 DSLR camera and processed with Adobe software, it is an amazing video to watch.  If you do not have a high-definition 1080p monitor, then "bug a friend" who does, so says the photographer, "it is a much better viewing experience."

I will say this, even if you do not have a high-definition monitor, this video is breath-taking, captivating, and awe-inspiring.  And the background music makes it even that much better.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

An Owl As You've Never Seen It Before

The video you're about to see is absolutely stunning.  It was taken using a Photron Full HD High Speed Camera SA2, and the images will blow you away.  The shots are of an Owl flying towards a camera at an amazing slow speed, and it looks as if it's coming at you.

Ryan collects piggies, for piggy rights, and I collect owls, because I think they're a fascinating bird.  I've collected owls since I was a child, but Ryan on the other hand, started collecting piggies when he read my post, Concealed Cruelty.  In it was a video of piggy abuse that forever changed his life, and ever since then, he's been piggy rights this, and piggy rights that;  I don't even cook with pork any longer.

Fortunately for me, the only thing close to Owl abuse that I have ever seen was in "The Legend of the Guardians" when the evil Pure Ones kidnap some young owls and make them their slaves.  Just horrible!

Check out the awesome video below:

Monday, August 15, 2011

Through The Streets of Brooklyn in High Definition

Shot on Rule Boston Camera's Phantom Flex camera, this astonishing film, 8 Hours in Brooklyn, directed by Jonathan Bregel is absolutely breathtaking.  
The footage was shot with an 8 hour span in Brooklyn, NYC and features people going about their regular day.  From kids playing basketball to skaters boarding through the streets, kids's playing slip 'n slide, and a tattooist inking someone.  The images are captivating and mind blowing, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Los Angeles Running on Empty

Everyone knows California is congested with people, and especially cars.  But what if you woke up in Los Angeles to find no vehicles whatsoever?  What would it look like?
The following video by Ross Ching is absolutely amazing.  Using his Canon 60D, he took his initial creation, "Running on Empty," and added music, coloring and opening shots.  It is really great, check it out below.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Water Captured At A Stunning7000 Frames Per Second

You all know how much I love anything to do with Art, or the Art of Photography, and the following video is no exception.

It's another one of  those slow-motion capture videos, that I absolutely love.  Kudos to Romain Glé and Thomas Séon who put this music video together.  There's nothing like water being captured at 7000 FPS (frames per second).  Simply stunning to say the least.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Huge Water Bomb!

We've all seen water balloons burst - we've either played with them as children, or as adults. But have you seen one burst in slow-motion? 

As with my previous two posts, The following video uses high-definition cameras to capture the destruction of a water balloon.  This time, the artists are The Slow Mo Guys - this is my first time hearing about them.  Regardless to say, they don't burst a regular water balloon, they burst one a thousand times the size - 6 foot, to be exact.  

I actually enjoyed watching this, it was quite entertaining.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Jell-O in High Definitiion Slow-motion Video

You may recall my post, "Wormhole in The Fabric of Time," where professional photographer, Tom Guilmette took his Phantom High Speed Digital Cinema camera, and created a masterpiece.  He was able to capture remarkable images we probably would never see if it were not for his camera.

The video below features another great collection of images taken with a similar high-definition camera, and the visuals are splendid. I'm not sure who the artist is, but credit is definitely deserved.  If any of my readers know, please inform me by leaving me a comment.

Modernist Cuisine is responsible for this video. The Art and Science of Cooking is how it's website describes it.  They have a book about the revolutionary new way of cooking. You can read more about it, by visiting, modernistcuisine.com.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wormhole in The Fabric of Time

I have organized my blogs with 3 days worth of postings, so if you wish to continue reading the days before that, and so forth and so forth, you can click the "Older Posts" button /\ /\ /\ right /\ up there.

There are 3 other ways you can find interesting topics to read as well.

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Hope you enjoy my daily posts, and hope to hear from you soon.

- Blade 7184 aka Peter