“If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?” - RuPaul - - - - - - - - - - - “if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.” - John F. Kennedy - - - - - - - - - - - - “Imagine finding someone you love more than anything in the world, who you would risk your life for but couldn’t marry. And you couldn’t have that special day the way your friends do – you know, wear the ring on your finger and have it mean the same thing as everybody else. Just put yourself in that person’s shoes. It makes me feel sick to my stomach …. When I shared a picture of my tattoo on my Twitter page and said, ‘ALL LOVE is equal,’ a lot of people mocked me – they said, ‘What happened to you? You used to be a Christian girl!’ And I said, ‘Well, if you were a true Christian, you would have your facts straight. Christianity is about love.’ The debate resulted in a lot of threats and hate mail to people who agreed and disagreed with me. At one point I had to say, ‘Dude, everyone lay off.’ Can’t people have friendly debates about sensitive topics without it turning into unnecessary threats?” - Pop star Miley Cyrus on her marriage equality tattoo - - - - - - - - - - -
Showing posts with label CNN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CNN. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Are People Really This Stupid? Issue No. 26 - Crazy Church Lady

One of the most read series on my blog gets another great story... And it's all about this brilliant woman right here... Stacey Pritchard.
Remember my post from last Tuesday, the one about the Baptist pastor who told his congregation that all gays, including Ryan and myself, should be detained in electrified camps until we're all dead?  

Well the stupidity didn't end there.  Anderson Cooper had a member of the church on his show, AC360, who states that the Pastor's words were taken out of context.  And when Anderson grills her with questions, she continues with her stupidity by agreeing that those who commit adultery should also be put to death.  And she does this throughout the interview, rolling her eyes; stating that everyone is taking the words out of context.  

Honestly, Christians love using the phrase, no really, they do.  You see, I'm a Christian and this went on in every church I attended.  It's true we would always tell non-Christians that they are taking the "true words" out of context.

Check out the video, it's great!  Go Anderson! Love ya!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I Would Rather Go to Hell...

Seriously.... After watching the Republican debate last night I couldn't help but almost laugh and yell at the same time.  All these people are idiots!  Everyone of them!!! And this includes the stupid-ass, teabagging audience who would rather have a 30-yr-old die, than for him to have health insurance.

I would rather go to hell than to vote for any of these Republicans.  They've condemned me and Ryan to it anyway.

Last night they chanted "Obama depression" like he was the one who got us into this mess.  Nothing will ever improve as long as we have a Republican congress, because their goal is to watch President Obama fail.  They don't approve legislation or agree with any of the policies put forth by this administration because they want to win the election in 2012, not because they care about you. TRUST ME, NONE OF THEM CARE ABOUT YOU!!!  None!  Zero! Zilch! They don't give a shit about you!!!

This entire piece actually got crazier, because he started going into how the churches would pay for his care, they wouldn't let him die. 

Because every american can go into a church and ask for help, right?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

With The Heat Comes The Dried Up Lakes and Rising Utility Bills

Still think it's not global warming?  Check out this picture of a Catfish decaying in a dried up lake in San Angelo Texas, on Monday.  
Things are getting pretty bad.  When my water bill is hovering around $179.00 and my A/C rounding up around $400.00  in one month, we have some serious problems.  Our land is getting scorched at an all time high.  Indices this week will be between 105 - 110 degrees according to CNN, some even as high as 112, like in Killeen, TX.

It's so bad I overheard some people wishing for Hurricanes the other day.  They feel that if a hurricane comes ashore, we can get all the rain that comes with them; that's desperation folks.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

WHAT-A-RECIPE - Lobster Rolls

I actually never heard of Ben Sargent until I read an article on CNN, where this guy from Massachusetts was "shelling out 150 rolls a night from his snug Brooklyn apartment to the lobster-loving masses - well, that is until the Department of Health paid him a little visit and scrubbed his whole shellfish stint."

According to the article, Sargent was offered a job on the Cooking Channel, where he hosts his own show, "Hook, Line & Dinner."

Luckily for me and you, I saved the images from the article, because I didn't want there to be a chance I couldn't find the recipe.  The following images not only offer a step-by-step guide on how to cook a lobster, but a recipe on how to make Sargent's delicious Lobster Rolls.   They really do look quite delicious - I can't wait to try the recipe sometime.

Check out the slideshow I made, it's pretty cool... (enlarge to read the captions)

The recipe and ingredients, courtesy of Ben Sargent are after the jump.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Bill Maher on Nancy Grace

Last night Michele Bachmann, New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, Sarah Palin, Congressman Weiner, and John Edwards took a beating from Bill Maher on his HBO show Real Time with Bill Maher, but according to online sources, none of it was really worth watching, except for the 30-second spot he gave Nancy Grace, and we all know who she is.  

She's the loudmouth on Headline News, that used to be on CNN, covering all sorts of victim's rights cases. If you're not familiar with who she is, watch this video first, it will give you an idea of how crazy she is.  She's actually quite loud, but in this video, Elizabeth Smart puts her in her place.

Back to last night's show.. .

In the following video, Bill Maher explains to us who Nancy really is, and what she really wants. LOL.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Situation Room in Lego

Absolutely hilarious!  The iconic "Situation Room" photo has been presented in Lego!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

How Many Times Was Princess Diana Mentioned?

I have witnessed the marriages of two Princesses to their Princes in my lifetime, and can quite honestly say, Princess Diana was on my mind during the ceremony of Kate and William.  

How could she not be?  Here was the son of the late Princess getting married.  

While alive, Diana was followed around the world on a daily basis, she was the world's Princess.  And from her wedding to Prince Charles, rumored affairs, a bitter divorce, and untimely death, people were, and still are fascinated by her. 

Jezebel had a very interesting article yesterday; They pointed out how the media, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, and E! News, each had the late Princess on their minds during the ceremony, whereas BBC America didn't (or couldn't) bring themselves to mention Diana's name once.  

I find this rather bizarre, considering it's an affiliate of BBC in Britain.  Regardless of their omission, It was nice seeing Kate marry William and thanks to our networks who covered, Will's mother, the late Princess of Wales, it will be another memory I can cherish forever.

See Official Royal Wedding Photos Released Today Here

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Scary Tuscaloosa, Alabama Tornado Destroys the City

I want to start Thursday's blogging by paying respects to the people in Alabama and nearby states who have just gone through a horrendous ordeal.  I cannot imagine encountering a nearly 1 mile-wide tornado coming towards me.  I received a CNN alert on my iPad 30 minutes ago stating 128 people had been killed with many more unaccounted for by the storms yesterday afternoon.  

If you thought the movie, "Twister" was horrifying - when you see actual footage as  in the videos to the right and below, the movie becomes child's play.

This has got to be one of the most scariest things to ever go through.  At least with Hurricanes we have warning days and sometimes weeks in advance - with tornadoes, the most you have is a few minutes, if any.  The tornado that passed through Tuscaloosa, Alabama yesterday afternoon, literally destroyed parts of the city in minutes.  In the actual footage shot yesterday (below),  you clearly see how powerful this tornado was - it came within yards of the University you see below it.  Imagine how students and parents were feeling watching this live from their dorm rooms and homes.

I ask that you pray with me in helping everyone deal with the horrible disaster in the region.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Civil War Turns 150 Today.

I have always loved American and World history; The Civil War especially. 

150 years ago today, the American Civil War commenced when shots were fired at Fort Sumter.  And while the war took place so long ago, the issues involving that time still linger today, and I presume it will for many hundreds of years hereafter.  The Daily Beast has a great collection of Civil War photography, including portraits of Lincoln, Grant, and Lee.

click to see gallery

You see, we are not a nation who's been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years like China, Russia, or England; Hell, our nation only turned 234 years old last July.

In a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll released today, roughly one in four Americans said they sympathize more with the Confederacy than the Union, a figure that rises to nearly four in ten among white Southerners.
When asked the reason behind the Civil War, whether it was fought over slavery or states' rights, 52 percent of all Americas said the leaders of the Confederacy seceded to keep slavery legal in their state, but a sizeable 42 percent minority said slavery was not the main reason why those states seceded.
"The results of that question show that there are still racial, political and geographic divisions over the Civil War that still exists a century and a half later," CNN Polling Director Holland Keating said.
When broken down by political party, most Democrats said southern states seceded over slavery, independents were split and most Republicans said slavery was not the main reason that Confederate states left the Union.

Republicans were also most likely to say they admired the leaders of the southern states during the Civil War, with eight in 10 Republicans expressing admiration for the leaders in the South, virtually identical to the 79 percent of Republicans who admired the northern leaders during the Civil War.
We will have a divided nation long after we're gone, this is what will make our country one of the richest histories in the world.  Let us remember that in this nation of ours, we can agree to disagree.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Astounding 5th Grade Glee Club Known As P.S. 22 Chorus

I was looking for a musical cover to "The Call" by Regina Spektor when I came across a 5th grade glee club performing the song.  And if that wasn't strange enough, the 5th graders, who are known as P.S. 22 Chorus, will be performing at the Oscars this year.  What are the chances of me finding that out? Slim to none, I'd say.

The chorus have their own blog, http://www.ps22chorus.blogspot.com/  and have been featured on NBC Today, CNN, and Oprah.   They have also had the pleasure of meeting famous musicians such as Kyle Minogue, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, and many more.

I thoroughly enjoyed their performance and shed a tear while watching them sing.  Then again, the song itself would make anyone cry.  I have posted the song by Regina Spektor as today's Music Video of The Day and have posted the 5th grade class singing the song down below.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Young Man With Post-traumatic Stress After Gruesome Deaths

I cannot fathom how a human being can go on with his life after committing such an atrocity.  A young man is now suffering, because the job he took on, turned into a nightmare.  According to CNN, a company in Canada, "Canada's Outdoor Adventures," ordered an employee to slaughter over 100 sled dogs.  The whistle blower is now allegedly suffering from post-traumatic stress,  and I say allegedly, because of the frivolous lawsuits that are tried every day.

So one day, the young man is going about his business of tending these does, feeding and caring for them, when his boss comes up to him and says, "you know Joe, it's been a slow season, why don't you go out back and cull a few of the dogs."

Joe should have said, "Ahem, how 'bout you go out in the damn snow and do it yourself, you f*cking idiot!"

Before I decided to write this post, I did some investigating, and according to other news agencies, the young man supposedly held the dog down with his foot and shot them execution style.  CNN states he shot and knifed them, then threw the dogs into a mass grave.  Regardless of how this heinous act was carried out, it really pisses me off.  These dogs could have been given to loving and caring families.  And if killing them was an only option, because of overpopulation, then taking them to a vet to perform Euthanasia may have been more appropriate.  But wait, the vet informed you (the company), he would not kill a healthy dog.

They need to put that man away, Just sayin'.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Is Keith headed to CNN?

Friday night, Anderson Cooper spent, at least, the first seven minutes of his show on the fact that Keith Olbermann was fired ... I mean quit ... I mean ... that he was leaving MSNBC. I know, you must be as shocked as I am. Who knew his relationship with MSNBC would end so quickly? After all, it seems like they got along so well over the last four years.

Oh now ... come on! You have to have been living in a cave to think this would have ended any differently than it did that night. Why the big surprise? And really, who cares about the reasoning and the deal. All I wanted to know ... as I watched Anderson on Friday ... was: when is he going to announce he's headed to CNN? I was almost waiting for Anderson to spit out an on-air job offer.

"Please Keith, come to us at CNN. We have the space, and everyone knows, we desperately need your ratings! There is only so much Piers Morgan and I can do!"
It really is a no-brainer.

MSNBC is no longer an option, and clearly Fox News and Keith want no part of each other, and I am pretty sure TBS isn't going to rescue him, as they did Conan. A CNN and Keith marriage makes perfect sense. Where else is there for him to go? CNN must be his next spot, don't you think?

Looking at the CNN evening line-up it seems he could easily push out Parker/Spitzer for that 8 p.m. slot. I mean listen, business is business and the numbers are the numbers and the reality is that Olbermann's numbers blow out every single one of CNN's shows. Even Keith's 11pm re-air beats their prime-time line-up.

Regardless of whether you like Keith or not, regardless of whether he is an easy person to work with or not, he will anchor again — because he's got what it takes to bring in the viewers.

Here is his good-bye from Friday night:

Do you think he's heading to CNN?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Giffords @ Houston's Medical Center

I just learned a short while ago that Congress- woman Gabrielle Giffords was brought in to Houston to undergo rehabilitation. She will be at Memorial Hermann, one of the nation's best hospitals.  I think it's amazing that she is doing so well after the horrible tragedy in Tuscon, Arizona three weeks ago. I read on CNN that she was having excellent movement on the left side of her body, but that her right

side was weak and parylitic in nature.

We send prayers to her and family as she recovers in our hometown and our state.

Read the article here: CNN

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mammoth to Make a Gigantic Return by 2015

So it's possible the Mighty Mammoth may roam the earth once again.  At least according to a team of scientists from Russia, Japan and the United States.  And they plan to do it by 2015!

The recipe calls for:

A mammoth carcass (preferably preserved in a Russian laboratory)
Egg cells of an African elephant

All you have to do is extract DNA from the mammoth carcass and insert it into the egg cells of an African elephant.  And presto! You have your very first Wooly Mammoth since 15,000,000,000,000 (gazillion) years ago.

Read the full story here: CNN
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- Blade 7184 aka Peter