You know what I find quite interesting? I don't see many people on Farmville or the Mafia Wars games anymore. Do you still have it coming up on your end? Sorry, I don't mean to ridicule those who play these addictive games, but after reading the story I'm about to share with you, I could care even less about them.

Has anyone ever heard of Bejeweled? Well, in one week, two mothers murdered their children over games like these. On the first one, the mother let her 14 month old baby drown in the bathtub while she played Café World. Her reason? The baby wanted alone time. Stupid bitch, babies don't need alone time. In the second one, the mother hit her baby in the head with her computer, thus killing her 9-14 week old infant, all because she was crying. How 'bout somebody poke this bitch's eyes out for playing on the computer instead of holding her child?

While I know that most people wouldn't do stupid shit like that, it boggles my mind how parents could be so careless. It's like leaving your child in the back seat of your car, in 200 degree weather, because you forgot to drop her off at school not realizing she was in the back seat. And

it's not so much that Facebook or these games are too blame, but people get so addicted to them, that they tend to overlook what they're doing. What are your thoughts on this crazy story?