Sunday, June 21, 2009
A Family Wedding & The New Nephew
Friday, June 19, 2009
Gaya Hidup Sihat
Tapi adalah sekali sekali dtg angin rajin aku, aku on video aerobic dan bereksesais. Si Nabihah pon sibuk ikut buat sekali...hahaha.
Yg kelakarnya skrg, ari2 dia mintak aku pasang video tu walaupun aku xde mood pon nak buat exercise. Ayat dia "Kakak nak tolong umi eksesais". Kalau la betul aku boleh kurus hasil exercise dia tu.....hahaha.
Video Nabihah berexercise:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
So, as usual I brought along my shopping trolley with me and at the supermarket I took the big shopping cart and put my shopping trolley in. After taking all the groceries stuffs I wanted, I went to the cashier to pay. As part of the routine, she asked me to open my shopping trolley to check whether I have put everything that I took on the paying desk. So after everything was paid, I loaded all items in the shopping cart and went to the one corner to transfer all the things into my shopping trolley.
Then I headed to the exit. As I passed through the exit, the scanner activated a loud alarm. I was bewildered and while I turned around to look at the cashier, one old man who was queueing to pay, shouted something nasty to me! I can't really understand what he was saying but from his expression and the way he said it, I knew he accused me for stealing! I didn't panic because I had the payment receipt with me (luckily, it is always my habit to insist for the receipt everytime I buy something). But I was thinking probably the cashier had accidentally missed to scan one of the items. One of the supermarket's staff approached me and without waiting for her to say anything, I just handed her the receipt and opened my shopping trolley. She peeped through and took out the Nescafe bottle and she asked me to walk pass the scanner. No alarm....Then she gave me back the Nescafe and asked me to walk pass the scanner. And again, the alarm was automatically activated. So the Nescafe was the culprit! The staff just asked me to go off because obviously the Nescafe has been paid for.
It wasn't my mistake but I couldn't forget the way I was shouted nastily at. Damn you old man for making me feel so humiliated in the public!Sunday, June 14, 2009
Birthday Party
Some photos from the party:
Friday, June 12, 2009
The New Number
June also is the month of birthday celebrations for some people in my family. To start with, my brother-in-law, Abe Rosid whose birthday was on last 10 June, my two sisters, Shima and Ana with birthdays of 22 and 25 June respectively. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY everyone!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
A Civil Wedding
After the wedding, we had a small luncheon at Kak Liza´s house. Though it´s Germany, we were served with authentic Malay foods...of beef rendang, lamb curry, nasi lemak, prawn sambal and so on. Just no nasi minyak and bunga telur!
To Kak Liza & Cik Dee: Semoga berbahagia!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Ceramah UZAR & KFC Halal
Anyway, xde pon apa2 registration masa kami sampai tu and though ceramah diadakan di bilik yg kecik, tempat kosong byk aje lg. Nasib baik pegi jugak....4 jam ceramah rasa kejap aje cause the way UZAR berceramah sgt interesting. Yg x bestnya kamera aku abis bateri, so langsung la x dpt amik apa2 gambar.
Lepas ceramah abis, kami meronda kat Konstablewache, a very famous shopping area in Frankfurt. But since we didn't bring the twins' stroller and they fell asleep while we travelled in the tram, we had to carry them. Rasa nak patah pinggang dukung Nabihah yg makin berat dan membantut hasrat aku nak survey sandal. Then we decided to search for KFC halal yg telah diwar2kan akan kewujudannya oleh budak2 Melayu di Frankfurt. Yg ini mmg dibuktikan dgn sijil halal yg di tampal kat outlet KFC tu.
Ingatkan dekat tp mencabar la jugak nak pegi. Naik S-Bahn ke Eschborn for 20 minit, then kena naik bas lg. Dah ler bas 1/2 jam sekali, membuatkan kami kena tunggu dlm 20 minit lg. Dah sampai kat bus stop yg sepatutnya, ingat dah sampai tapi still kena jln kaki lg dlm...rasanya 1 km kot. Hish...penangan KFC punya pasal. Yg peliknya nape KFC ni aje yg ada sijil halal? Nak kata bandar besar, cam kampung aje...mcm x nampak apa2 keistimewaan. Maybe komuniti Islam kat Eschborn besar kot, so demand terhadap makanan halal tinggi. Sib baik la KFC tu still buka lg, and betul ada sijil halalnya and sedaaaaap!!! Didie siap order bucket bawa balik lagi....
Agak2 kalau kat Mesia, nak ke amik gambar depan KFC camni?
Photos courtesy of Md Nur....tima kasih ye!
So pada warga Islam Malaysia yg tinggal di Germany, kalau kepingin nak KFC tu, x yah la amik risiko lg seludup ayam KFC dr Mesia ok.... (though baru ni Mat bawa balik ayam KFC dr Mesia, aku makan gak...hehehe). Dengar ceritanya selain dari KFC Eschborn ada lagi satu KFC di Germany ada sijil halal jugak tapi I'm not sure where. And khabarnya juga more KFC akan mempunyai sijil halal tak lama lagi. Maybe sebab ramai org Islam Turki and Morocco di Germany, maka KFC mengambil inisiatif mewujudkan makanan halal. Macam di France.....hopefully.