Suppose to blog about this entry much earlier but since blogging mood is not really there plus I keep fighting with cik HB to use the laptop (uwaa....I'm longing to have my own, tp duit xde lagi maa.... ).
Despite the not-so-good weather, that Sunday (which I had mentioned in the previous post), off we went to Frankfurt to watch Die Fastnacht Parade. It was quite interesting to see such a parade, people in their weird yet colourful and fascinating costum dress, with music bands, cheerleaders and so many other characters. From kids to elderly had participated in the parade. The most exciting part, these people threw chocolates and bonbons from their wagons to the audience along the road, so catching them was so fun.
Tgk la org2 berebut nak tangkap coklat, tadah ngan topi satu hal, siap ada yg tadah yg payung yg diterbalik!
Kesian betul tgk budak pompuan kat tgh2 tu, muka ngantuk...
Lagi budak2 comel...
However we didn't stay very long because it started drizzling. I was afraid the twins would catch a cold. After prayers, we went for dinner at a Japanese restaurant which serves sushi on buffet style. Sushi is always my favourite, sgt la puas hati dapat makan dgn banyaknya...hehehe.
My fav: Sushi and green tea
syonyer neny:)
seronottttnyeee... huaaaa.. lama dah aku tak pekena sushi... tapi ekceli, mkn sushi cepat beno kenyang... aku lagik suka makan sashimi... ngeeeeeeee......
Yap, betul2...sushi cepat kenyang sbb beras tu mcm pulut, mkn sikit aje dah kenyang. Sashimi xde la beb..
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