
Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Day My Twins Go to School....

Smlm hari pertama anak2 aku masuk sekolah or lebih tepat lagi tadika la kot. Dah berbulan2 we keep telling them that they are going to school to get them ready when the time comes. Sebelum ni pon masa dtg untuk register, dah bawa diorg ke tadika tu. Masa register diorg seronok sbb dapat main gelongsor, and ada playhouse suma kat situ. Since then, ari2 diorg akan ckp ' nak skolah, nak skolah'. Nabilah la yg paling excited pasal nak gi sekolah. Pagi2 bangun mesti sebut 'nak skolah' dulu. Kitorg pon rajin citer, bgtau dia kat sekolah ada buku, ada pen, ada nyanyi2 and dia akan senyum2 seronok. Last week, kitorg belikan beg Barbie sorang satu, lepas tu sikit pon x berenggang ngan beg. Hatta, nak keluar dinner outside pon, nangis2 nak bawa beg.

Pagi smlm, by 7.30 am aku dah gerakkan diorg bangun. Actually aku plan nak ikut hantar diorg sekali, so masuk la keje lambat sikit. Tapi pagi smlm aku rasa kepala cam ting tong sikit. Mmg the previous evening aku sakit kepala but normally kalau bangun pagi, dah ok. Pagi ni aku still rasa pusing2, so fikir2, amik MC je la. Lepas anta budak terus gi klinik.

Nabihah, just panggil2 je terus bangun. So aku uruskan dia dulu, mandikan dan pakaikan baju. Kesian dia sejuk2 kena mandi, menggigil dia. Aku la yg malas nak masak air.....kalau camni mcm kena pasang heater aje. Nabihah very cooperative, since aku bgtau dia that she's going to school. Sekejap je dah siapkan dia. Tapi Nabilah, siap marah lagi aku kejutkan dia dr tido. Dah bukak baju suma nak mandi, dia keraskan badan nak tido lg. Tapi usung je la masuk bilik air. Nangis lak tu masa mandi. Mmg la sejuk sikit tapi esok la mandikan ngan air panas. Biar tough sikit budak2 ni...hehehe.

Kul 8.30 am, kami sampai kat Pusat Perkembangan Kanak-Kanak Seri Bistari ( nama tadika tu). Sampai2, budak2 tu terus main gelongsor while aku n hb uruskan remaining payment utk pendaftaran. Dah pesan serba sedikit yg penting about the twins, it's time for us to leave them. So aku pon ckp la ' Dok sini ye, umi n abah pegi keje, ptg karang abah amik'. Nabilah terus terjun dr gelongsor n peluk hb aku. Nabihah looked ok, amin (salam n cium tgn) aku, aku pon kiss n hug dia. Bila teacher dia suh letak kasut kat shoes rack dia pon obediently buat. Tapi Nabilah peluk kaki hb aku sikit punya kuat. Teacher nak tarik pon x boleh. So aku pon dukung dia bawa masuk dalam tadika, hoping that bila dia tgk ada kawan ramai2, dia akan ok. Wrong! Bila masuk, aku nak letak dia kat bwh, lg dia cengkam badan aku kuat2 sambil melalak2 ngan volume yg boleh pekakkan telinga. Siap jerit 'Tak nak' sekuat hati. Tapi ada dua teacher tarik jugak la dia dari aku, kalau tak cemana? Takkan aku nak stay kat situ pulak. Kesian anak aku, tapi harap2 dia nangis x lama.

Lepas balik tadika, kitorg gi klinik utk dptkan MC. Main motive aku gi klinik utk dapatkan MC, not so much for medicine coz I thought it's just the normal headache. All I need is a good sleep. But then bila jumpa dr., she checked my blood pressure, surprisingly the reading is 148/97! She thought the digital device she used to get the reading is not accurate but the second reading also displayed the same figure. Yo! aku pon terkejut! Takkan kot umur cam aku ni dah nak kena darah tinggi kot. Dr tu pon kata, at my age, my blood pressure should not be that high. Ayoo..... Anyway dr said it's not high blood pressure stage yet but on the verge on getting it! She said she will not prescribed any hypertension medicine but I have to be alert on my condition. It's like having alarm signal...nenong...nenong...(the ambulance's siren like sound). Dr advised that I should come again for consultation to discuss on my condition as today she said I need to be on rest. Sounds so serious, isn't it? Makes me so scared... But to think back, high blood pressure indeed runs in my family as my father also has it and apparently my 33-year old brother also has developed it and now looks like I'm joining the club...not something u can proud of ok! I don't know what trigger this problem besides it is a genetic disease. It could be my horrible eating habit, could be stress on the job I have or could be anything. Well, need to get more info on hypertension.....

Coming back home, I took a long nap in the afternoon but still woke up with mild headache. Felt like lying down on the bed as long as I could but that time, the twins were also home, picked up by my husband. Hubby ckp, teacher diorg ckp Nabilah nangis lama pagi tadi masa kami pergi. Well, knowing Nabilah, what to expect.....I just hope that she'll be ok by tomorrow.

This morning, when I was on my way to work, husband called and said Nabilah still wailing at school when he went off. Nabilah..Nabilah...bila lah nak ok ni?


areT said...

neny...nabilah ni luks so cheeky skit kan...dia ni adik ke kakak???anak buah aku yg twin tu...sorang lembut...sorang lasak skit....pasal high blood pressure ko tu...aku pun sama mcm aku ada history darah tinggi dan kencing manis....berdebar gak aku nih sbb lama dah tak exercise..apa2 pun...aku doakan sakit kepala kau tu ok..and little girl nabilah akan syok ke tadika.....heheh

Neny said...

Are-T, Nabilah mmg byk songeh sikit. Cerewet sesgt. Baju x leh kotor, kotor je minta salin baju baru. Pastu mmg suka merengek. Aku tak tau la bape lama it will take for her utk suka ngan tadika dia.

Ko gi la check selalu tekanan darah, kolestrol level suma. Aku ni mmg x sangka akan jadik cenggini coz all this while, aku rasa ok jek. Maybe sbb umur dah bertambah kot...dah nak masuk 30-an la katakan...