
Life Right Now...

Some of my favorite posts to re read are the snapshots of every day life.  So here is a current one.

Boston: Says "There it is!" "Here it is!" "Uh oh, fall" (whenever he throws something.) He says "Dah" over and over again. But hardly ever will he say Mom. But he is my shadow. If I pick up my keys he runs to the garage door, and if the car door is open he will crawl up into a seat. He sleeps 7-7 most days and still takes 1-2 naps. He is the best about being carted around to all his brothers activities. He can open any door. He can and will open any cupboard without a child latch on it.  He can even open the pantry door, which is hard for even the other boys! He thinks he is so funny. He laughs and laughs. He giggles before you even tickle him.

Brenner: HAS to be the first one in and out of the car.  Finally buckles himself, if he's in the mood.  He also has to open the door to the house, which causes me to come in quickly, since the alarm is always set... He says he hates preschool, but comes home every day with a smile.  He is the best big brother to Boston. He loves netflix and watches Rescue Bots or Iron Man cartoons non stop.  He has to have his socks feel a certain way. He doesn't want to go to "the place where we sing" (Sharing Time) but likes that his Uncle and Aunt are his teachers.  He is finally showing interest in potty training, and somedays goes the whole day in the same pull-up without accidents, other days, not so much... He goes through a box of bandaids a day.

Berkley: Quick to tears over everything.  EVERYTHING.  He is doing so well at his first go with baseball.  He is obsessed with the Skylanders game on Wii, DS, iPod, and PS3. He does really well in school and I love watching him on Wednesdays when I work in his class.  He has a sense of humor. He hangs well with the big boys, but is the first to share whatever he is eating with Boston. He and Braden can play outside for hours and hours.

Braden: Is doing better on working through his anxiety, he is amazing at math in school.  He is such a good helper for me, and will usually do what I ask without complaint.  Especially, if we are out somewhere, he is my second set of hands.  He is progressing so well in piano.  It shocks me sometimes to hear what he plays.  He is super busy with baseball, piano, scouts, homework and seems to balance it well, most of the time. He loves the garden almost as much as I do.  He loves picking the carrots.
As I play catch up, posts will appear in chronological order so, scroll down because there is sure to be a new post below...