

We had the opportunity to go see Wicked at Gammage when it came in town on the national tour. I have seen it a few times before but it is definitely one of my favorites and I could see it over and over.

We went with Rusty's family (big thanks to my Mom and Dad for watching the boys) and we had amazing tickets. Fourth row! I have never been that close for Wicked. It was interesting to be able to see the details in the costumes and makeup that I've never seen before.

The cast of our show had a number of stand-ins. But they did not disappoint. In my opinion our fill in for Glinda (the good witch) was my favorite of all the time. She was awesome! Thanks Russ for awesome tickets!

Ethan's Run 2012...

This was the Third annual Ethan's Run- Hope for Heart Defects.  I love this event because it is such a great way to connect with other local heart families. 

We were super honored that Braden was chosen to be a Mile Marker.He was super excited too. It was sweet to see people recognize him.  He always gets stopped about his shirt and I love that he is getting old enough to answer them himself. 

We were so blessed that a bunch of people wanted to run the 10K on Team Braden. All in all I think we had about 30ish people there. My parents got to come this year too.  We decided to grab a team photo before the runners took off.
Team BRADEN 2012
Then the 10k started and we watched them make the loop and come back by us. That skinny thing in the top left picture is my Kenyan of a husband...
Then we started the fun run.  My parents pushed my stroller so I could wander behind taking pictures and talking to families we know. 

Not long after the fun run ended (actually some finished the 10K before the walkers did!) it was time to start watching for our runners to cross the finish line.  The first handsome guy I saw wearing a green Team Braden shirt happened to be our very own 'heart dad.'  So proud of him, he ran a great race and ended up placing 2nd overall in his age division! 
It was fun watching the other runners come across too.

While they finished the kids enjoyed the bounce houses, face painting and cotton candy!
 Remember last year when I lost my mind and made a bajilion shirts? Well this year I did it again. But I did at least have my fancy Silhouette and their uber cool heat transfer material that made my job a ton easier. Even starting 3 weeks early I was still making shirts up until the night before. Cr-A-Zy me.  I made each of the boys new shirts, new ones for me and Rusty. And for all the 10k runners we did the performance shirts.  also made 5 shirts for 'Team Tempest" and helped make about a dozen for 'Team Zoie'  I think they all turned out awesome. Braden's was my favorite. Hands down. You can't tell but the ones in the lighter green lettering and red hearts are all this fuzzy material. And the black was flat, so they had real texture.
And one last picture of Mr Boss, the littlest Team Braden supporter.
Can't wait for next year!


More Pinterest Inspired Projects...

So after I made the wood blocks for Bunco back in December, I asked my Dad to make just a few more cuts for me.  And from those I made some blocks to put on my table seasonally. Since this is my new holiday command central of sorts. My house seemed so boring after the Christmas stuff all came down, so I made a little January display with my 'Keep Calm and Snow On"printable and SNOW blocks. 

It drove me crazy that I couldn't find something to fill my apothecary jars, I wanted some faux snow, but of course as soon as Christmas is done it is impossible to find, so I will keep my eye out early next year!
This is one project that as soon as I pinned it I knew I HAD to make it.  Sorting socks it a bit of a running joke around here.  I have bins of them, bags of them, boxes of them! I took this picture and emailed it to my Mom saying "Look, I created your very own department at Beck Inc." To which she replied, "Do you think there are enough clothes pins?" So, I added some more, and after I took out ALLLLLL the socks I matched a ton and now, I only have about as many missings as I have clothes pins.  I'd say 50% are infant socks.  The rest are either Rusty's dress socks or a hodge podge of the other boys socks.  I really do use this, having them right there where I can see them makes a HUGE difference to mating pairs back up!
These little Converation Hearts I pinned burned a HOLE in my brain until I made them. They were so easy. The hearts were at Hobby Lobby for a dollar and then I used some Martha Stewart paints to give em a coat.  The vinyl I cut with my Silhouette in red.  The cutest was Brenner, he loved showing me where his name was every single time!

I want to make one simple one of a four leaf clover to put out for St. Patrick's Day. I have a "Keep Calm and Leprechaun" printable. And my Valentine's Day one says "Keep Calm and Be Mine." I also am in the process of making about a million, or so it feels that way, green and white yarn pom poms to fill the large apothecary.  I can't wait to put up Easter, it's one of my favorite to decorate for. 

Braden's B-Ball Skills & Ward Splits...

We decided to up our game and sign Braden up for Wham! Basketball League this year. And while it will be nice to have our Saturday afternoons back we have mostly enjoyed the league.  We did have our first run in with a overzealous coach mid season but thanks to my nifty iPhone and video skills the league moved fast to make sure that kind of coach wasn't with them any longer.  Seriously, let me just say if this is where having kids in sports is going, I am not sure my blood pressure can handle it! Ha!

We were happy to be on a team with Stratton again.  We love the Bethea's and having the boys play each season together.

On a side note: in December our ward of 9 years Higley Groves was split and combined with half of another ward form our Stake to for a brand spanking new ward called Highland Park.  It was a pretty big shock and it meant leaving behind some very dear friends and Rusty's parents in the old ward. But the transition was eased when we realized we would fit right in in the new one.  Rusty was made the Sunday School President, I am on the Relief Society Committee and our boys have a ton of new friends their ages.  Boston will probably have the most friends his age, since there are 45 infants (under the age of 18 months that is) in our ward.  And counting.  And yes, I said 45.  We are quite the loud ward, and the mother's lounge is always packed to capacity.  Good thing none of us are above sitting on the floor to feed babies!

So, anyways- this really does all blend together I swear, when basketball started and we got an assistant coach I knew he looked familiar but it wasn't for about 3 more weeks when we ran into each other dropping babies off in nursery that it clicked.  Caden and Braden were on the same team AND in the same new ward, BONUS! And I was called as Caden's Mom's visiting teacher and since she came from the other ward I had an easy time getting to know her at games.  We miss our friends in Higley Groves a ton.  It still seems so weird to look around church and NOT know everyone's names.  But I am sure it won't take long.

Back to b-ball!

So Braden is having fun and playing well.  He has scored a couple times but he prefers to pass the ball and go for the assist.  He has been complaining about running during the games and line drills and I hate not knowing if he is tired because of heart related things or just because he isn't used to running so much.  I know I hated b-ball drill back when I played.  We only have two games left and we are at the point where we have to commit to next season already if we want to keep the team together.  Fourth grade the league becomes competitive and I am so not sure I am ready for that one.  We'll see.  We've already registered for Baseball and he is old enough for the Minors this year which means tryouts. Ugh.  Well here are a few pictures from games this season.  GO Braden, your Mom and Dad and especially your brothers LOVE watching you!
 Boston loves watching the games.  He especially loves spitting up on me while watching the game.

He does enjoy warming the bench.  Maybe a little too much.



Rusty, Braden, his dad, his sister Kelcie and his uncle's family went to Sunrise to go snowboarding and skiing while there was actually snow.  I didn't go on the trip so I can't narrate the pictures more than what I see, so here they are for you to enjoy...I do know that Braden did ski school in the morning and it totally helped him keep up with the others the rest of the day.  
Can't wait till next year when Berkley gets to go too!
 They warmed up in the lodge and got lunch and then it was back to the slopes!


 Braden going down with the skiiers

 Russ Rusty and Kelcie

 Having a little fun at the cabin before they head home.
As I play catch up, posts will appear in chronological order so, scroll down because there is sure to be a new post below...