
Brenner is 2 ???

Oh man, after our trip to Navoo we had a mellow Sunday with church and trying to unpack. So, we didn't do much for the little guy on the actual day, but we did make Mickey Mouse pancakes and sing Happy Birthday with a yummy brownie cupcake!.

(Don't mind the undies- He isn't even potty training yet, but we've been a litte horrible about laundry (me oops) so these bigger brothers' undies were our sub for pj pants!

Monday night the party got started. We went to dinner at Red Robin's. Sorry bout the iPhone picts...

 Do you love the dirty look he gave the folks singing to him?
 But it was all worth it for an ice cream sundae!

Then we had family and the Robisons over to eat cake and ice cream.
 Some of the guests...
 Opening presents with LOTS of help...
 Cake time! He blew the candle out like a pro!
 Some of his gifts and the birthday boy with Mom and Dad...
Brenner, you are the spunkiest tyke I know. You talk so much more than any other toddler I know. Your favorite phrases of the moment include "I not want it/ you" "Need Brenner glasses, shoes" "Where's Bayen (B1) and Derkie (B2)?" He loves to FaceTime with his Auntie Kelcie and will knock on the screen and say "Hello? Delsie?" till we call her. He loves to see my belly and blow raspberries and then tell me "put it away" meaning pull my shirt back down.  I am so excited to see how is does with baby. He says B4's name so cute and he points out babies everywhere we go. Happy Birthday Brenner!!!



The same day that school started for Braden; myself, Brenner and Berk got up at 4 am to head to the airport to fly to St. Louis.  (Braden went to all but 30 minutes of class and he and Rusty got a flight into Peoria, IL to meet us) We all headed to the great state of Illinois for Rusty's cousin Cliff's wedding.
Slap happy at 5 am
The flight over was good. Mostly because Brenner sat on Pops lap the whole time, and Berkley watched a movie. After we landed we had about a three hour drive to Nauvoo. We stopped along the way in Mark Twain's hometown to have lunch. Then we detoured over to Carthage to see the Carthage jail. (Here's a link to the importance of this place in our religion).

 Photos of us from in the Martyrdom room.

It was a very cool experience. The walk in the same rooms where our Prophet walked and ultimately was martyred was surreal.

Then it was just a short jaunt to Nauvoo. Let me pause at the point and mention that there was ZERO cell signal in the Nauvoo area. Thankfully the hotel had wifi, but it was spotty. So trying to communicate between 5 different rooms was uber fun. We ate dinner at the hotel and then while I put Brenner to bed the rest of the gang went to see the Temple at sunset. Rusty and Braden got to the hotel about 10:15pm and we were all ready for a good nights rest!
 The next morning we headed to historic Nauvoo to experience life the way the Saints did.
 We learned about pottery making, candle making. The kids made a rope and we ate homemade bread. We visited a Blacksmith shop. We got the cutest nail rings, They even let me take one for the baby.
We also stopped at Pioneer Pastimes.  We played all kinds of games. The marching band came by and the kids had a fun time leading them around.
That afternoon most of the adults went to the bride Katie's endowment session at the Temple and that night we went to Nauvoo State Park for a BBQ and 'meeting of the families.'  The food was yummy, the park proved to be more fun for the adults than it did for the kids and we enjoyed a very nice evening.
I love this collage- first is a picture of the groom to be Cliff practicing his pose for all the pictures the next day. Then Kelcie proves that she is the MASTER of self portraits, Everyone chasing everyone and a near miss on the swing.  Then we went to the Temple to see it and the Mississippi at sunset.

 The actual wedding was Friday morning. It was a little more humid and rained a little on us as we were finishing taking pictures. The wedding was beautiful. Th Temple was amazing. There is so much church history inside it, literally, like on the walls.  Cool stuff. 
 After we went to another Inn and had a yummy lunch. Brenner got a dollar from Uncle Todd that kept him pretty busy. All you had to do was ask him "Where's your money?" I decided he (and I) needed a nap so we skipped out early and Rusty said we could just walk to the hotel. Yeh, it was so not as close as we thought, but we still made it there.
 Later in the afternoon we had time to go back to Historic Nauvoo and saw the Brickyard, Brigham Young's home and what Rusty and I thought was coolest, the Gunsmith. That night we drove around and across the Mississippi River to see the Temple from the other side. It was a pretty drive. We stopped in Keukuk, Iowa for dinner. Long story short, we left Brenner's new shoes there and didn't realize till the next day when we were packing to leave. (After I got home I FBed the restaurant and they said that they found them, and they drove to 4 local hotels to try to return them to us! So nice huh? I am going to mail them something and have them ship the shoes home)

Saturday morning we packed and headed back to catch our flight. We detoured at Carthage again so Rusty and Braden could see it. Just the three of us did the tour while everyone else waited in the cars or on the grounds. It was an even cooler experience the second time.

Thanks to the Solomon gang, we had a great time at the wedding! Congrats Cliff and Katie!


3rd Grader in the House!!!

 Really, 3rd grade? Braden you have gotten so big!
 We're super excited for his teacher, she has had years of real life learning before she even became a teacher. And they have a class pet-- a hamster.
 Having your best friend in your class (Stratton) and a buddy that's been in every class with you (Cooper)
And when your next door neighbor (Emily) is in there too, it makes for a pretty fun first day!


Back to Powell...

We spent nine fun days at Lake Powell the end of July.  We ate good, the water was warm and the weather wasn't too horribly hot. Braden is getting better and better at wakeboarding, he can cut in and out of the wake like a pro. I bet next year he'll start jumping.  Berk loved wakeboarding with Rusty and wake surfing with Kelcie and Rusty. Brenner loved jet ski rides, swimming, and wakobarding/wakesurfing with whoever would take him. Most of his tantrums were because he didn't want to wait his turn! There were 17 of us there for most of the trip and it is always fun to see the boys make some new friends. Like Kelcie's roommates, who my kids clung to!

The water level had risen about 30 feet since we were there in June. It was crazy to see it that high, since it's been about 10 years since we saw levels anywhere near it. Aside from my pregnant brain forgetting so many things for the trip- like my cameras (gasp!), playing cards and a bunch of other stupid things- we managed to get by...
 All ready to drive over to unload onto the houseboat.
 Playing on the 'beach'
 Rainbow Bridge
 Wake Surfing
 Jet ski rides
 Playing on the cliff in the cave
 Riding on the boat
 Braden rocking it at wakeboard- he looks so much like Rusty when he is out there, it's hilarious!
 Everybody else wakeboarding.
 On Saturday (we were due to leave Sunday) we had our first big injury of the trip.  Kelcie was wakeboarding and crashed hard. When we got back to her she was bleeding everywhere. Her friends Sam and Stacey (who are inches away from being RN's) dove in the water with Russ right behind them. It took a bit to see just where the blood was coming from. We got her in the boat and made the 30 minute cruise back to the big boat. Dr. Beck used what he could of the pitiful first aid kits to get her closed up. But not before showing us her skull... Yeh, I was downstairs by that point trying not to puke! She was ok by the evening but we decided to drive the houseboat in to the dock so we could her her some medicine and stuff.
Thank heavens we had a great week. I spent a lot of it on the houseboat reading, watching tv and playing with Brenner.
Thanks again TIreless for a good time. Huge thanks to Sam, Stacey, Meredith, Nichole and Mitch for helping so much with my kids.  Oh, yeah, did I mention Braden has a new girlfriend? She's pretty awesome, if he were just 12 years older.  Love ya Sam!
As I play catch up, posts will appear in chronological order so, scroll down because there is sure to be a new post below...