
Spring Ball...

Braden just finished his latest season of coach pitch Baseball. His team had a number of players from last year and it was a huge difference to see what they can do this year vs last! Here are some of my favorite photos from the last few games. Braden became a great batter and even hit a couple doubles! He is getting the hang of 3rd base and can't wait for next spring!


Brothers and Trophies
Go Rangers!


Zoo fun with Friends...

I haven't felt up to braving the heat or crowds of the zoo lately, but when the kids had Friday off before Easter we decided to go, get there early (members can get in an hour before opening) see the newest Orangutan exhibit that just opened, let the kids play in the water and leave.

The Orangutan have been off exhibit for a long time while they built this massive new home for them. It really is huge. You can see them from lots of different angles- it reminded me of San Diego Zoo. That being said, we only have 4 in there and I bet like a dozen could be in there comfy, so I wonder if we are getting more?

After we checked out the Orangutans new home, we went to the Caverns and let the boys play. I think it is so fun that the zoo has these cool down areas. The kids ran around the splash pad, down the slide and under the waterfalls. The water was super cold but it was a hot day so they kids loved it. Thanks Max, Jack, Gus, Crew and Remington for coming to the zoo with us!
We were there under two hours and left right a the crowds were getting bad. Perfect!


Easter 2011!

We did the traditional egg coloring. I have to give myself big props because a) Rusty was in Canada so I had to make the eggs, and clean up the mess alone and B) I really hate the smell of hard boiled eggs. I mean loathe it. Especially when I am prego. I actually forbid Rusty from making it when I am pregnant. So for me to suck it up for the kids sake, and only dry heave a few times, was a big deal for me!

One of the many hard boiled egg lovers in the house.
The end result- the kids did a good job.

Easter bunny came early to our house, Braden got a Harry Potter movie and candy, Berk got a new pool rocket and candy and Brenner got a few small toys, and a huge Handy Manny doll. He loves "HaneeManee" these days.

I loved the boys matching ties. Rusty had one too, although I just realized I didn't get a picture of him in it.

After church we had our first Easter dinner with the Becks. We had a fun multi room egg hunt.  Brenner wasn't so sure at first, but really liked it once he realized it was a game.

Then we headed to Pop's office to take a quick peek at the baby. He is getting big. Then we drove to the Rasmussen's for Easter dinner and playing with cousins. It was a good, yummy Easter.
As I play catch up, posts will appear in chronological order so, scroll down because there is sure to be a new post below...