
Christmas 2008!!!

Okay here is our Christmas rundown- and the photos are totally in backwards order but I have been told by someone, HOLLY, to update my blog already so here you go!
Berk opening his Elmo Kitchen- can you tell he was excited?
Braden & his new drawing thing, that once his Dad figures out how to install, will be really cool.
Right before we let the boys come down in the morning, and also the last time you could see carpet at my house for a few days...Both boys got scooters from Santa. Braden also got a TBall set and Berk got the softest Wall-e blanket.
Berk sleeping in on Christmas morning, in my bed- yes his feet WERE  right in my face all night.
Christmas Eve at the Beck's
The boys loving on their Auntie Kels.Berk & I eating Eve dinner. They even made me Chicken Chicken legs (you Mortensen's understand that one)

Rusty and I each got what we really wanted this year, I got an IPhone and he got a Blue ray player. So I am relearning how to use a cell phone again. We had a very blessed Christmas season- even with our attempts at doing less getting and more giving.   We are headed up to the snow in a few days so I am trying to get Christmas down, but not very fast. Oh well. At least my blog is up to date...


Merry Christmas!!!

Hoping this year's end finds you wishing 
to see more of the Earth's wonders.

Merry Christmas!


Tis the Season- Soccer that is...

Actually our soccer season just ended. And none too soon. Braden had an injury* the morning of our last game and couldn't even play (too much pain killers to walk straight let alone run!). The Sharks had another great season. Of the 16 players we had last season 9 were back again and we got a few new friends, making it a family of players. I have to say our girls players are hands down awesome. We did have one kid who had never played before just tear it up. Amazing that kid was, when he showed up. I loved Wednesday practices because after one afternoon of chasing Berk out of the field and across the entire park 700 times I had the brilliant idea to stay home and have other Mom's spend practice there. So Steph and Randa would come and keep the craziness confined to my house and we had the bonus of chatting time! The kids all play well together, except when Berk threw a wooden building block at Blake- resulting in enough blood for us to summon Pops to see if stitches were needed (nope). Other than that we had so much fun.
The games were always an adventure. Either Berk would or would not run into the field. Generally he did, unless someone was there to entertain him with a ball on a nearby field. And Braden either would or would not decide he liked soccer and either he did or didn't make an effort. Crazy kid.  

We just had our end of season party and Coach Rusty got to give out the trophies. I love all these kids- they are so funny! Braden is the oldest on the team and will move up in age bracket so most of them won't play under Rusty anymore. I am super sad!
Berk got a trophy out of the box- he can't wait for his turn to play!

The best Soccer Mom's out there- Randa, me & Steph

We think we may try T-ball next, since there is a lot more sitting and a lot less running- sounds right up Braden's alley!

*Braden's accident-He was riding his electric scooter around the yard and across to the neighbors drive as well and turned to sharp and went right into their rock slicing his pinkie finger in half sideways from his fingernail coming out. It is hard to explain what happened (Pops used the word evulsed---ICK!), and frankly I still can't look at it without throwing up in my mouth. Luckily Rusty's dad has an AMAZING first aid kit and has been patching him up all week. Not so lucky it was his right hand so he has trouble getting dressed, writing and basically everything else. Oh well. BOYS!


My Bunco Girls...

I have the best group of Bunco Girls ever. I know you may think you do, but my group really is the best. Some of us having been playing together for going on 6 years! We are a modge podge of people who really shouldn't know each other but do through someone or another and love each other anyway. We have sisters, friends, co workers, and friends of friends all playing together every month and having a ball. For lack of a better word I am the Bunco Mom for our group. I say Mom the other girls say Nazi but whatever.  The highlight of the year for me is each December when I get to host at my house. I actually started shopping for the gifts last year and having been busy organizing the second annual ornament exchange for us too.  I love love love these girls and the memories we make each month. I love that it is my escape from the world and we can talk about random things and laugh till we cry. Or just cry because your very own sister cursed the dice you were throwing- while you were in the middle or a rocking turn- AND you were partners! But usually it is laughing till we cry. 

Rhonda, Megan, Meghan, Jessica W, Jessica C, Rachel, Lauren, Kristie, Jolie, Parie, Sherry & Jenn --
Thanks for being the best out there and for putting up with my craziness!
Some of our ornaments from the exchange.

The prizes. I ended up with the tall sparkly snowman- for most wins. Which is a good thing since he already had a home all picked out on my snowmen table.


Thoughts on 'the season' so far...

To the hostess at one of the places we love to go to, sorry we inconvenienced you by asking for two whole high chairs and three whole kids menus. Its funny it was almost like we didn't even mention it when we told you about our party size. Patrons can be such a bother sometimes. No worries, at least the manager was nice when the waiter forgot one of our orders.  We really like to eat in shifts anyway.

To the worker at the Petsmart on Val Vista. You were totally right.  What were we thinking? Why would Braden, Berk and I stand right in front of the tank of fish we selected and actually think someone employed at the store would scoop one out for us? I mean its not like we were there only to replace the 4 fish that died after less than 2 weeks -that were also from your store. Silly us.  I hope you disregarded the cries of 'Pish Pish Pish' as we left the store 10 minutes later.

To the clerk at the big W store. Totally a time saver you are! No wonder that line moved so fast that I barely had time to read the entire People before it was my turn! If I knew that I would be asked to show my credit card and my ID, maybe I would have offered them to you before I put them back in my wallet and into my purse. Oh wait I did that and you ignored me and then once I was reaching for my receipt then you asked to see them. ERGH!

To the employee of another big store, the T one this time, you were totally right. Why would you actually want to help a customer when stocking a shelf is clearly better customer service? Especially when I will end up scaling the shelf to reach the too high item before you can even offer to help. 

And finally, to the guy who sped around me from  the opposite direction, you were totally right, I WAS using my blinker to show you there was an open spot. Wasn't it nice of me to wait while that woman unloaded her cart and buckled her kids in just so you could get the LAST spot in the parking lot. No biggie- I can lug my 40 pound kid a few more miles, I need the exercises! 

Okay honestly people! It is Christmas! Remember? 

 Man, I really am very patient with people at the holidays. I worked 4 retail Christmas' at a mall department store no less.  And until you have- you never really get how annoying it is to hear Christmas music start before Halloween and have men yell at you for being sold out of things on Christmas Eve. (Honestly, that last part- true story, my reply- seeing how I had already put my 2 week notice in I may have been a tad sassy-  was, "Sir, you have had 364 days to make your purchase, and that seems to mean it was your poor planning not mine." I may have even winked. I can't remember.  Then I called my manager so he could yell at her about me, and being out of stuff.)  I know you know what I mean if you have served your time in retail. 

But I digress....

My point is this. Be kind. Let the guy with one thing cut you in line, especially if he is holding diapers. That is my personal rule. Smile at the workers, they may have just had someone rip their head off for a matter out of their control.  Drop some coins in those darn red buckets and make those bell ringers day worth the headache. Don't let the little annoyances of rushing around ruin the season.  Be patient. You are busy, but guess what? So is everyone else, including that person behind the register- who is probably thinking that have to shop on their breaks to get it all done in time. Being annoyed does not make the line move faster. Be Christlike. Take every opportunity that could go sour and make it about service and being an example.  Your kids are watching, which is why I quietly let me complaints known to the manager of the pet store before we left, and parked in another spot-ridiculously far away rather than yelling that the jerk guy. I may have thought those things, but I tried not to act them. I want my boys to know that this time is more about a baby in a manger and less about a guy in a red suit, ya know?


Festival of Trees 2008

For the second year we went to the Banner Gateway Festival of Trees Gala. It was so fun. Different from last year because there were not as many trees, but they did have wreathes, gingerbread houses and other things to big on. Plus this year we knew a lot more people there, including the Treece family and the Nielsen family and our good friend Susan Haviland- who came with us. We had a fun time. Although it was FREEZING in the tents- the food was yummy, dessert especially. 

Cindi my MIL managed to leave with another tree this year! It was the cutest one there hands down (it's the one in the red pot at the top of the post). There were a lot of variety including the all pink one and that cool burgundy one-- oh oh and the all white one, loved it. But the most creative one was from the Jeremiah's Closet (BGMC Peds & OB tree) it was all decorated in candy and gum. The frames were made of gum packages and the garland. It was so {sweet}.

Be on the look out for next year, it supports such a great charity. It raises money for parents who can't afford car seats for their preemies and replaces those that are damaged in car crashes, plus a bunch of other stuff. Thanks for the invite Pops!


Turkey, Sand & Sickness!

What a week! I love Thanksgiving. What a fun time to remember all that we have, especially in such tough times.  We are lucky enough to eat with both of our families since they all live so close so our day started at the Beck's around noon before we headed to my sister Rhonda's house for more turkey at 5. This year was especially fun because one of my cousin's Kirsten and her family came to join us! My other cousin Genny and her little family came back to my house where we all had dessert and t was so much fun.  I love seeing any of my '79er' cousins. I am one of 7 first cousins born the same year, but we all live so far away- so it is nice to stay in touch.
After kicking everyone out a little early- so sorry guys! We had to get an EARLY start on our day trip to the sand dunes in California.  I have not joined my hubby on any of his trips south, so this was a first for me, and Berk too!  I am not a big thrill seeker, add in the dirt aspect and you'd better believe the dunes are not my first choice of weekend destinations. But, Braden loves it and the rest of the Becks seem to like it also, so why not? I did get to buy a new pink helmet & goggles for the occasion, so I was ready to go. The best part was Rusty's Dad bought a Rhino and this was our first trip out with it! I love a 5 point harness- it makes me feel brave. We had so much fun, and we are sad the weekend it over.
I finally got through my closet and put my Christmas stuff up- photos to come later, but I always laugh as I evaluate what is 'safe' to put out and what is not. There were a few bins I didn't even open because I knew Berk would mangle them.  Oh well, he was quite a helper with the tree- despite being sick! Too bad after he goes to bed I wll have to take some of the wieght off that one limb and spread the wealth to the rest of the tree.  Good thing he's cute. 

Hope everyone had a great Turkey Day, and that you got some great Black Friday deals.  I think the master plan was to keep Cindi, Jill, Kelcie and I out of the stores on that Friday- so mission accomplished! 


One Teeny Problem...

I am totally ready for this Holiday season to start. Really I am. 

Bunco gifts- bought, Ornament exchange -taken care of, new '08 frame ornaments- ready to go, I even have a new playlist of Holiday hits on my I-Pod!  Really I am all ready. Everything new that I need is all in one spot all ready for this Christmas.  Only problem, it's in there.
Way back there- behind the two bins of Fall stuff, under the new wreathe Verlinda made me, to the left of the ornament bins (all 6) and just right of my bookshelf o'crap.  Every year when I put all 12 or so bins of Christmas stuff away I totally organize the only area of storage I seem to have in this house- the closet in my office.  You can walk in there, do a little twirl even. I swear there is room.  But about this time of year- right when I NEED it to be organized, my hustle and bustle of the year catches up with me. 

Now my next door neighbor has his lights up already- and since they are so bright I can't sleep--I wanna get a jump on getting the tree out before all our family comes home next week. 

But for as much Martha Stewart craftiness that I have --I also have a touch of Monica Geller- a little OCD with a closet full of crap. Do you remember that episode? One of my favorite Friends ones ever.

So wish me luck.  I have our annual family Ornament Exchange on Sunday and I have to get at that bin before then...


Apology to My blog...

Dear Blog,

I know we have been together for nearly two years and over 150 post, but I have found someone else.  Someone who takes away my valuable blogging time. Between the boys, BodyBugging, Webkinz and online shopping, my computer time is limited!  I had to let you know. Don't feel neglected, I promise to still update you all the time--but my new obsession lets me instant message, comment on status and send funny buttons called Flair.  

I promise, once the novelty wears off you will once again be my number one, but until then, get your own Facebook account.


Ok- Maybe a Little More Venting...

{This post is from a few weeks back, I debated posting it or not, but I thought I would for a few reasons. 1. To show that no one has it all together, even if they glitter insects and hem their kids costumes and 2. Because I am removed enough from it now for it to be funny and 3. Because I couldn't think of anything else to blog about today!
- thanks Shawni for encouraging me to post the bad with the good!
Today started off with such promise, it could have been a regular Thursday- instead it ended up being the worst, most stressful, most-whatever-can-go-wrong-will kind of day.

5:30 am Berk wakes up. He went through this get up early phase a while back, but had broken the habit, until today. I have I ever mentioned I am SO not a morning person?

8:00 Wake Braden up, get him ready for his preschool Halloween party. (Yes he is in Kindergarten but he still goes to his old school on fun days like this and on nearly every Wednesday).  Well, the pants to his costume are about 8 inches too long, and after wearing it to three previous parties this week the hems have fallen out, ripped out ect.  And I can't find my sewing kit.  And I don't have time to get my machine out.  Berk WILL NOT let me get him dressed, my hairdryer is on the fritz so I smell like burnt hair.  

8:55 Finally out of the house, some 20 minutes later than we should have been.

9:20 Get to preschool, ready to do the stop and drop- but Berk wants to go in, and I have to make sure the teacher lets Braden change before I come back and get him so I can take him to Kindergarten.  

9:30 Back in the car- saw cute costumes, Braden's pants are dragging through the dirt in the backyard, joy.  Head to a friends to drop off a costume she wanted to borrow.

9:32 Thinking ahead for the day, realize my wallet is in my car.  No, not the car I am driving, my car, the Tahoe, which is at the shop because the AC has gone out for the third time since August. Flip around head back to Mesa and to the shop-where my car is in the middle of being repaired, so I have to make the poor guy get the car down and stop the work just to get my wallet out.

10:15 Remember I signed up for a dozen homemade rice krispie treats for a school party tomorrow- and that I need to take them in today.  Race home, instead of hanging in Mesa till B is done.  Proceed to make the treats, bag them and FINALLY tackle Berk so I can get him out of his jammies.

10:45 Head back to Mesa to pick up Braden. Who is in school clothes, yeah, but dying of hunger-even though he was at snack time when I came in...

11:40 Boys are drive-though fed,and a drink is spilled and they only gave me ONE napkin and they gave me Coke not Dr Pepper- gross. So we are headed back in my neighborhood.  Since we have time before Kinder drop-off we head to my house to drop stuff off.  And then it happens.

11:41 Garage door won't open. Braden needs to 'use the facilities'.

11:42 Key pad isn't working. Realize it is the garage door, not my car remote with the issue.

11:43 House keys are on my key chain at the shop back in Mesa. Send Brae to a nearby bush.

11:44 Entertain the idea of breaking a window, but I really don't want to clean up the glass, or trigger the alarm-so I don't. 

11:45 Decide I had better take Braden to school so he won't be late.

11:55-12:45 Call everyone of our relatives with keys-- which are 1) on a key chain in Louisiana, 2)  not home, 3) at work and 4) not at work, but not answering the phone. See that the car needs gas, figure it will kill time-which it does, but not nearly enough.  Berk is in near hysterics (me too) because he is late for his nap and SOOOO over the car.  Head to my old work to see if Rusty's Dad has keys-nope.  Entertain the idea of putting Berk to sleep in an exam room, but decide I am not that desperate-yet.  Drive to the in-law's to search for said key in Louisiana, which I didn't know or I wouldn't have looked...but their cleaners are there so key hunt and nap search are halted. 

12:45 My Mom leaves work in Mesa to bring me a key at the same time Rusty's Uncle drives randomly by and lets me in.  

1:15 Now Berk is wired and won't take a nap.  

2:30 Once he finally falls asleep I have to wake him up to go get Braden from school. And a short nap is worse than no nap.

Do I really need to go on???

And so the day went. I mean really, Berk threw a toy out the car window (a first) and then cried for an hour that I didn't dart into traffic to get it back. Even my DVR was out to get me.  It didn't tape my shows that night!  What? No Grey's??? By the time 9 pm rolled around I was so done with that day. Bless my hubby's heart because that day his boss was in town for a meeting and he couldn't leave to bail me out, and then the meetings ran late, and the boss wanted them to go out to get dinner and instead of a 5 pm arrival at home he got home at 8- which never happens.  

The only thing that got me out of bed the next day- besides the kids screaming and the desire to eat the Halloween candy we would be getting- was the knowledge that I couldn't have another day as bad as that one. I realize I have a pretty cushy life and days like this are rare, and for that I am very grateful. 

Hope your day wasn't as bad as this one, if it was, go back to bed, eat some chocolate.


Those Dang Genetics...

Well as much as Braden may look like his dad, there are certainly things from me as well.  On the plus side he has my lips & eyes, but on the down side he has my crappy teeth and unfortunately, my growing pains. And not even the good 80's sitcom ones, the achy, nothing helps, can't sleep, make you cry ones.
Last night Braden woke up in pain.  The kind where you check to see if he was stabbed or has broken a bone in his sleep- that kind of pain.  I rubbed his legs, got him Motrin and a hot bean bag and had to listen to him whimper till he fell asleep.  That is so NOT fun!  He gets them every few months for a night or two.  I wish there was a way to tell that they are coming so I could give him the medicine before he goes to bed. Bless his heart, he usually doesn't remember the whole ordeal the next morning- I swear last night he was still asleep through our conversations! 

I wonder if the cooler weather is playing some role, or if it is just another growth spurt.  Aside from making a much bigger bean bag, anyone have any suggestions?


Spooky Week Indeed...

When did Halloween become a long drawn out week long thing?  I think my kids dressed up in their costumes at least a dozen times and we had more candy than sam's club before the 31st.  But it was fun and once again the boys loved their costumes.  Braden REALLY wanted to be Curious George, but all the costumes were cheesy, and then I couldn't find a 'Man with the Yellow Hat' costume for Berk- and I wimped out on making one.  I love that they boys will still let me theme them, and I will be sad when they no longer let their mom choose the costumes.  

So Braden went as Orville Richard Burell and Berk was Scoobert Doo. 
Aka Shaggy & Scooby

So Monday, we had our annual Mortensen family party.  I would say there are like 9000 people there. Okay not really, but there are about 60 kids under 18, add in each of their parents, and their parents and then four sets of sibling Great Grandparents that are responsible for the whole thing, and it feels like an arena full. We eat, play games, do a parade and chair or treat (well what do you call it when you sit in a HUGE circle and they go chair to chair for goodies?).  Berk liked the game I was in charge of (meaning my MIL did all the work and I got to just look busy) because it involved throwing baby pumpkins- and sorry to everyone he hit, his aim isn't so good.  Braden really enjoyed the games and went through it all without one of us right by his side, he is finally getting more independent.  Berk just wanted to 'WING' all night and watch the neighboring horses.  Best costume in my opinion was Rusty's cousin Josh as Michael Phelps, complete with medals, goggles and speedo.  Way to work it.
Tuesday was our Ward's Trunk or Treat.  As always the chili is yummy and the corn bread is divine.  Our friends the Farnsworth's came and made the night even more fun.  My only conundrum was why it was in the cultural hall, there were so many people, and not enough room.  There were kids everywhere! But I guess all the plate juggling, stroller stumbling and chair saving made it all the more fun.  
Thursday, Braden went back to preschool for Halloween party there.  I tell you, that kid will be so miffed when he can't go back next year because he will be in 1st grade all day.  He loves it there.  (I don't have photos, my camera was in my car, which was at the shop, along with the rest of my purse including my house keys & wallet, having the AC worked on for the third time since August-but I digress-that horrid day warrants its own post later. ) 

Friday, the big day.  By the way, Happy Birthday to three of my cousins who share that scary date of birth.  So many people have that birthday- I am a little surprised.

 Braden's school had a kindergarten Fall Festival, and I got to go and work a station.  It got so hot they ended a little early, which was fine by me-my hands were covered in spaghetti noddle goop and Braden was already on a sugar high by 10 am.  I love his class picture- look at the faces of all the kids- we had them looking right at the sun, hilarious.  
Then, in the afternoon we went my my Mom's ward block party. After taking photos of all the cousins, my sister's families and us headed over there.  

We have gone for the last few years, and it is so fun.  They block off an entire street have food, games ect.  It is especially fun since we know so many people in my parent's ward.  We got to see the Schilds, MacNabs, Chappels, VanSteenkists, Eaglestons, Goodmans- whew, I know I missed some.
 After getting appropriately sugared up we drove home and headed out trick or treating.  We thought Berk would only last a house or two, but they both walked the length of our street, both sides before they were ready for a break.  They went back out with Rusty while I was on door duty.  By 8 I was ready to have my boys in bed, so I flipped the light out and worked on peeling them off the ceiling.  By 9 pm, after being called a 'freak' by my hubby-loves to you anyway dear- I had all my spooky, glittery decorations down.  

Today we sorted the candy to give to the Great Pumpkin before we headed to Braden's soccer game.  (If you don't know what the premise of the GP is, it basically helps to par down the amount of candy your little one has.  We leave a bag filled with candy, after letting them each fill a small ziploc, on the doorstep the night or two after the 31st.  Then the Great Pumpkin comes and takes the candy, and leaves them a gift, prize or in this lazy lady's case -money.  Then a lot of dentist/ortho offices do a candy buy back thing where they pay you for the candy you turn in and then donate it to the troops.  Fun huh? 

Tonight, driving to dinner, we saw two houses, side by side decked out in full blown Christmas lights, complete with lawn ornaments, and those big blow-up snow globes.  Even I am not that big of a 'freak'. Turkey day is my absolute limit for busting out the red and green.


Enough Venting- Time to Craft!

Like I said previously, Friday I went to a Girl's Night Out at my ward with my great friend Kelee.  We had tons of the CUTEST things to choose from, but I only did two.  I know my limits!  Here are the pictures of what we did.  We have the most amazing HFPE leader, Andrea- who did more than above and beyond to get us ready for this!  Thanks thanks thanks!
I made a frame for my room.  It was super easy.  Tear, crinkle different scrapbook paper, then Modge Podge it to the frame, add some distressing ink, and for the final touch a piece of ribbon and a flower I embellished.  A few ladies made these for all the holidays, why didn't I think of that?
And a cookie sheet advent calendar.  Each of these were different.  I made two and once I got home I added glitter to the '25', cause I am like that.
Close up of some of the magnetic date holders.
The finished product!
I am also working on a new wreath for Christmas!  I will post pictures as soon as it is done.  Thankfully, my friend Verlinda is making it for me!  She is the best!  Can I take Halloween down, skip Thanksgiving and jut Put my tree up already?  Please???


A Little Vent...

We are all allowed to vent once in a while on our blogs, no?  And since I am the author/creator of this particular blog I can vent whenever and about whatever I want.  

Blogger: ihaatu
Me: I hate you also
Blogger: ruuustupd
Me: Maybe a little
Blogger: cat
Me: cat
Today that is Word Verification.  
Now I know many of you have blogged about this, it is annoying and time consuming.  And it just plain BUGS ME! Frankly, I think most of the blogs that have it either a) didn't know it was a choice when they set their blogs up(BTW it defaults unless you change it) b) don't know how to turn it off (one little click in settings FYI) or c) think it will stop strangers from commenting (thus the registered users feature).  

But more specifically, I hate-like fingernails on a chalkboard- word verify on Private blogs. I mean come on! I already had to log in to see your blog and now you want me to essentially log in again to comment. Captcha prevent spammers, and by having a private blog- you are already DOING JUST THAT!!!  And, it drives me crazy that by the time I am done reading all the post I read late at night, my eyes are fuzzy and if I am typing to fast and enter a l instead of an i and it makes me do it again, well, chances are I am skipping commenting and on to my next blog.  Blogging is fun for me, not a job...although I would make good money if I was paid for all the time I spend blogging...Really. 

SO, I thought I would educate you on what word verification is and why you think you need it, so that hopefully, some of you will turn it off and end my aggravation!

According to blogger.com the purpose is " This option (off by default) gives bloggers a tool to prevent the automatic creation of comments by nefarious ne'er-do-wells (e.g. spammers)".Wikipedia says, "CAPTCHA or Captcha (IPA/ˈkæptʃə/) is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer. The process usually involves one computer (a server) asking a user to complete a simple test which the computer is able to generate and grade. Because other computers are unable to solve the CAPTCHA, any user entering a correct solution is presumed to be human. A common type of CAPTCHA requires that the user type the letters or digits of a distorted image that appears on the screen."

I mean really, are you getting so many hits on your blogs that spammers have found you?  Me thinkest not.  I know my blog gets about a hundred hit a day, and I haven't yet (finger's crossed) had a problem with spam. Although, I do know that 100 hits a day isn't a ton.  And I will acknowledge that our {dot} com DID receive spam on our comments page, but that was after 5 years and nearly 70,000 hits-so we disabled it and starting this blog.  And bottom line, the point of being able to pop by your blog, love it enough to want to comment really quick and get to the next post is -well it is becoming a project!!!
Sorry if I offended some, I mean it all in good bloggin fun- except that I really really do hate word verify, and if it makes you feel any better, my own sister leaves it on her blog and I think it is PURELY to drive me crazy! And no, I am not gonna stop reading and commenting on blogs/private blogs that have Captcha- I will just vent a little in my head each time I do.

Whew, I feel better- and I am off to a fun Girls Night Out, where I will be making the cutest frame and Christmas Advent calendar!


Berkley is 'Two'-riffic!!!

My big little man is two.  Where did the time go?  Was is spent chasing him around when he started walking at 9 months or was it spent dodging every round thing he could get his hands on? Oh, that's right, it was spent cuddling, playing 'bee ball' (anything sport related), 'pooh-boarding' (skateboarding-mostly watching) and trying to figure out how to get the kid to sleep! He has caused me countless 'clean up on isle first floor' moments, run through my years' supply of paper towels ('I pilld'), shown his inheritance of my obsessive compulsive gene, sent me to the doctors office more times than I care to count (everything from a broken nose to relentless ear infections).  He has more frequent flier miles than most adults I know and has been to and thrown fits in Eight different countries! And best of all- he has given me laugh lines that I will carry with me forever.

Happy 2nd Birthday Berkers, 
We love you and your craziness.  

For fun there are links throughout this post with funny posts about my little man. And I put a couple short clips of this little wacko plus a bonus clip of him laughing-watch till the end..... it is well worth it!
 You at two!  You love Elmo 'met moe'. You insist on making the dog jump on the tramp-while the monkey is in the pool (in Webkinz). You love being 'as-side' playing or 'winging'. You call anything liquid 'gwag-gua'. You tell me 'No' and 'Never' when I beg for a kiss. You love your little cousins that you can pound on and the big ones that dote on you. You HATE 'dugs!' even if it is only a fly. At nighttime you have to have your 'yight' on and your 'yanket' over your toes-but once you do you tell me to 'GO!' and you are off to 'nigh nigh' land.  You have to 'aalk' when we go to the store and insist on holding my 'han han han' when we are in the parking lot. You know all the neighbor kids names and cry when it is time for them to go home.  You call Curious George and all other monkeys 'Oo oo, ah ah's' and laugh every time George gets in trouble. You love to 'draw draw' but usually NOT on paper-lucky Mommy.  You cry when I take away your books, which reaffirms being that you are indeed my kid and gave us bonus points at the pediatricians office. You sort, stack, and any other way arrange any and all things you are playing with, which gives us great pleasure when we move a pile of yours and you freak till it is fixed! You may look like your Daddy but your brain programming DNA came from your Mommy!
As I play catch up, posts will appear in chronological order so, scroll down because there is sure to be a new post below...