
New State, New Blog...

I decided to continue to back post the last year to this blog as I get time, but to document our time in TX I have started a new blog

Beck News Texas

So if you want to read my ramblings and see lots of pictures that is the place to go.



Wow. I know. It's been forever since I have written on our little family blog. I have a bunch of posts started and just need to get them finished. But I've been a little busy. 3 boys in baseball has nearly killed me. 

I know I'm never going to sleep tonight if I don't empty my brain a little bit. 

Today was Mother's Day. We skipped church (well I went for a Relief Society- Hello Cheesecake!) today after the long night we had with Boston and the boys. 

Last night we went out with Blake and Addi to Top Golf. After we dropped them off we ran to the store for groceries and got a call from Braden that Boston was bleeding and he had fallen. We raced home, calling Pops on the way. He got there just before we did. The bleeding had mostly stopped, Nolan is pretty good in a trauma, but the boys ( Berk especially) were pretty shaken up about the whole thing. After the initial inspection we though he was ok so we sent Pops on his way. While holding him I found that his teeth had gone all the way through the skin. 
So we loaded him in the car and headed to have Pops put liquid stitches on it. 
He had to watch the whole time. 
It took us a while to settle everyone down and Boss kept waking in the night and crying, so he ended up sleeping in our room. But between the other boys having bad dreams, none of us got any sleep. 

Which brings it back to why we skipped church. 8am block plus no sleep equals no go. 

After church we napped and made Breakfast for dinner for my Mother's Day meal. The boys and Rusty gave me a new iPhone 6. Plus each boy made me a handmade gift. Braden had a Famous Quote tag "stop fighting" - apparently I say that a lot. His teacher laughed and laughed when she read it and said "your poor mom!" Berk drew me a book including some hilarious drawings. I love sleep. 
The little boys made me hand strung necklaces at school. Boston told me "I worked very hard. I didn't give up." Brenner made sure I read the card first. 
They did a pretty good job I'd say. 
We headed to Becks to give Cindi her gift. On the way there we got a call from the realtor in Texas telling us the house we liked received an offer, and the sellers wanted to know if we would like to make an offer as well. {gulp}

We talked about stuff with Russ and Cindi before heading over to see my mom and dad and give my Mom her gifts too. After a pretty scary fall and 911 call I was glad to see her moving around better. 

The boys and I made handprint kitchen towels with each of the boys hands on them for the grandmas. So that they could still help in the kitchen, even if we aren't there. 
Which is a likely scenario, because we did want to put an offer on that house. So, we did. 

We are moving. 

I can't stop crying. And stress eating. 

The last year and a half of Rusty basically splitting his time between here and Dallas has been some of the hardest times on me personally, physically, emotionally and as we weighed all the pros and cons, the biggest pro is having Rusty around for his boys (and me) everyday, not every other week. He is amazing at his job. The opportunity for growth in Dallas is infinitely more than here. It's what's best for his career, and ultimately our families quality of living. Dropping and picking up at the airport has become so frequent I joke that I am an Uber driver. The boys behavior slides down a very sharp slope when he's gone. And while our families have done a great job helping me- we really need to be a family full time. 

Even if that means leaving our extended family. And all our friends. 

Which is terrifying. And exciting. But mostly terrifying. We know it's right. We know it will be hard. But we know we have a huge opportunity for growth as a little family unit. 

So please, keep us in your prayers. Pray our house here sells, pray my boys will adjust ok, pray they will find friends. Pray there will be enough Dr Pepper at Circle K to get me through packing this home that we have loved for 12 years. Pray I will be able to stop crying so I can get all the crap done I have to!!

Flower Mound, Texas - I hope you are ready for the Becks, because we are coming at ya in August. 

And now, I have some boxes to fill and some stress eating to do. 


Last Disneyland Trip for a While...

Our Disneyland Annual Passes expired on Feb 16 so we had to make it out there one more time.  We left early Sunday and came home after a half day Wednesday the 12th. We usually stay at the Embassy Suites South but decided to try out a Disney hotel this time and went with the Paradise Pier hotel.  It was nice, super convenient for getting cranky kids back for a break and cost about the same as our other hotel because of our AP discount.  There were 23 of us there, our family, Russ, Cindi, Jill & Jaci, Meredith, Kelcie & Jared and the Porter Family.

After arriving and checking in to the hotel we explored a little.  Some people went swimming in the pool (which was right out our windows-we had 4 rooms all next door to each other) and then we headed out to find dinner.  After calling a few places and not being able to get a reservation we went to the hotel restaurant and they sat us right away.

After dinner we walked around Downtown Disney before heading back to settle in for the night.

Because we stayed in a Disney hotel we got Magic Mornings- which means we got into the parks an hour before they opened to the general public.  The first morning we got into California Adventure and headed straight for Cars Land to ride Radiator Springs Racers.

 Boston and I did a few smaller rides and met Mater and Red while we waited.

(The littles waiting to go on the Tractor ride) 

(We happened upon Donald as he first came out for the day! Score!)
Apparently they all got a tiny bit wet on Grizzly. 

We spent half the day in CA, some of the highlights were Rusty and I riding Screamin' together for the first time ever, taking Brenner on Soarin over California. Rusty took Boston and Brenner back to take a rest for a few hours while we stayed at the park and rode a lot of rides with the bigger boys.  

At lunch time the girls (me, Kelcie, Cindi, Jill, Meredith, Sarah and Jared) went to eat at Cafe Orleans in Disneyland.
Russ had my two older boys and 4 of the Porter kids so we could enjoy a nice sit down lunch.  We finally got to see what all the fuss was about the Monte Cristo.  It delivered. 

 We all met for dinner that night at Rain Forrest Cafe in Downtown Disney.  We had planned to watch World of Color that night but it didn't start until 945, and none of us wanted to wait that long!

 We have hardly ever watched a parade at Disney because that is the perfect time to jump on a bunch of rides with short lines, but this night while we just had some of the littles we did.

The kids had the best view and we had the sorest necks.

The next day we got into DL early and split up to hit the favorite rides.  Cindi jumped in line to meet the Frozen princesses- and waited two hours so we could be the 5th group in line. 
While we waited for Frozen we rode a few Fantasyland rides. Including the Teacups. I took one for the team and went on with Berk, Savvy and Jaci. I had to close my eyes. Horrible horrible ride! 
Finally Olaf woke up on the Frozen house and we got to go in and meet Ana and Elsa! 
Brenner is a HUGE Frozen fan.  He had to get a hug from each Princess. 
We also saw Woody at the petting zoo we didn't know they had.

We didn't stay at DL for the whole day, we wandered back to CA for a while.  This was my turn to take the little boys back to the hotel for naps while Rusty and the men (and boys) got to eat the yummy Cafe Orleans. While they were there I took some of the kids to Innoventions to see the Ironan exhibit and to meet Thor! 

(Monorail time!) 

Our last day, we woke up, packed up the room and cars and headed back to CA for the morning.  

When in doubt, entertaining toddlers at Disney can always involve candy. Or food. Boss and Brig liked the Mickey ones. 
This was a big day for me because of all the rides at both parks there was ONE I have NEVER ridden, Tower of Terror, and I did it that day.  I am proud of myself but I also never need to do it again.  

On the agenda for the day was taking the littles to the Disney Jr live on stage show. It's so cute and they love it. 

The boys both decided to pick up Pin Trading, I wish they would have started when we first got our passes not when they were expiring but oh well.  They have had fun trading with the cast members. We ate lunch at CA, I love the bread bowls and soup on the Pier there.  

We had planned on going back to DL to Toon Town for the littles to see mickey and as I was walking down the Main Street of CA he walked out. So we saved ourselves tons of walking and saw Mickey and across the way was Goofy too!

Then it was time for a last minute spending of the gift cards and time to head back to the cars and head home!
As I play catch up, posts will appear in chronological order so, scroll down because there is sure to be a new post below...