Sometimes during lunch I like to walk along Hudson and explore. There are always new shops to enter. Always new things to spot. Did you know it's called Hudson Street because it was where the Hudson river used to meet Manhattan?
Seth taught me that.
Yesterday afternoon I took a lunch break and went for a walk up Hudson Street. I grabbed some pizza and went cheerily along my way. Cheerily, because I had just spotted some leaf buds on a tree in front of
Hudson Dry Cleaners. Things are cheerier when it's almost Spring, don't you think.
Other things I spotted on yesterday's cheery Hudson Street walk:
•A man standing on the sidewalk with an easel and canvas, painting. I looked over his shoulder for a minute.
•A little girl having lunch in front of
Greenwich Village Middle School with her friends, acting like I used to when I was her age—attitudinal with the boys.
•A new pizza place I'd like to try.
•The interior of
The Church of St. Luke in the Field. I can't believe I'd never been inside before.
•The best cupcakes in Manhattan(!) at
Bourbon Street Southern Gourmet Pantry (and I've had my share of New York City cupcakes—Magnolia, Out of the Kitchen, Amy's Bread, Make my Cake). After some deliberation and some input from an employee and a customer I selected a big vanilla cupcake with vanilla frosting and sprinkles (even cream filling!). Deeelectable. But I hear their cakes and red velvet cupcakes (although I am not typically a huge fan) are to die for as well. The lady working the counter was super friendly and kind of quirky. Great vibe in that little place. I need to go sit and eat a meal there sometime, because everyone's cholesterol could use a litle boost, couldn't it.

The question is—why didn't I walk in there all those other times I passed it?
This is a question I ask myself often. I pass by so many cool places—places I wouldn't even know existed much less know they were cool unless I walked inside. And then I miss out on all of these cool places that exist without my knowledge. Don't ever walk by somewhere interesting without walking in. My new policy.
Have I said how much I love that I work in the West Village?