Friday, October 09, 2009
salsa hangovers
My burning jalapeño hands had not missed it, however. The extraction of contact lenses on those days is hellish.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
experiments in salsa selling
I'd never done anything like this before, so I had to guess about the amount to make. I didn't want to run out, but I didn't want to have a ton extra. I made 30 batches (93 sixteen-ounce containers) in four or five hours. My hands burned for hours afterward. Anyway, I sold 2/3 of what I'd made, and I deem that a success.
After giving some away, taking some to a BBQ, taking some to work, annihilating some with friends and some alone, I have seven or eight containers left in my fridge which I am most likely to devour in the next couple of days unless anyone stops me.
Selling salsa = positive experiment. I was even my own accountant which is a greater feat for myself than making 30 batches of salsa in my mom's Vita Mix blender.
Oh yeah, and the health department shut me down early.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
the coolest tree in the world
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
a very, very interesting list of things to accomplish today
- not fall asleep at my desk (this week has been unfortunate in that department)
example: - purchase groceries (i shouldn't be allowed to go longer than three days without cereal and milk.)
- not go to my german class (only a smidgen disappointed in myself for this decision)
- make salsa (not for me, but as a going-away present for someone at work. i won't even buy chips. or...maybe i will.)
- assemble my new bookshelf (which will bring me to two. now i can relieve my mother of looking after my extra boxes of books.)
- properly plant my plant in its pot (since september this pot has been filled with mini republic of china flags and broken watches instead of any O2-emitting greenery.)
- slackline (my first solo surgery on knotting, carabiner-ing, and tightening)
- moto ride & crêpes (yes.)
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
¡felíz cinco de mayo!
Speaking of chips and salsa, I made two batches in record time last night—one for work and one for Ashley's Cinco de Mayo bridal shower that's being held tonight. This bridal shower will also include a piñata, seven-layer dip, chili con queso, etc. Oh, and lingerie. How many of you can say that about your Cinco de Mayo celebrations?
I hope Ashley and her sister enjoy the fact that I morphed this party from 100% typical bridal shower to 40% typical bridal shower and 60% Cinco de Mayo celebration.
How did this day even turn into a celebration? All it is is a day commemorating Mexico's win over a battle with French forces in 1862, but I'm OK with that.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
cry me a riva'

It's a good thing that I moved to SLC and got to know her then-boyfriend/now-fiance, because it would be quite sad if I had still been in New York all this time. I would have never really known him or them together (you all know it's easier to get to know your friend's boyfriend than it is to get to know your friend's husband).
I'm glad they'll only live ten minutes away after they get married. I'm also glad that they enjoy my third-wheel company, because I like slacklining, riding bikes, eating salsa, relaxing at the hot springs, picnicking, diving, snowshoeing, and devouring food at The Bombay House with them.
Two good things (that don't quite make up for it) I get out of Ashley moving out: (1) Her bedroom that is large, full of light and a queen-sized bed; and (2) her tent.
Love love.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
the west side market
This place was filled with all the delicious things you could imagine: Grapes, strawberries, bananas, pineapple, papaya, mango, raspberries, starfruit, avocado, tomatoes, ginger, onions, garlic, cilantro, bell peppers, jalapeños, apples, peanuts, pears, dates, dried fruit, dried vegetables, celery, oranges, blood oranges, lemons, limes, kumquats, broccoli, broccolini, beets, turnips, artichokes, lettuce, string beans, potatoes, exceptionally large carrots, plums, kiwi, watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, pluots, and more.
Oh, and we must not forget the other side of the market with sausages, meats, baked goods, crêpes (the Le Roi was divine: peanut butter, chocolate, bananas), spices, flowers, hummus, pita, tamales, enchiladas, salsa, cheeses, falafel, pasta, coffee, and herbs.

Thursday, February 26, 2009
so i'm 24 now.
So when I came to work last week my cube looked like a spring fiesta.

They really help to eliminate the winter blahs.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I love salsa.
I love Mexican food.
I love my Quiksilver boy wallet.
I love these girls.
Friday, August 22, 2008
living in the present.
My British flatmate, Felicity, inspires me.
To cook,
to plan,
to maintain positivity,
to learn, to reflect,
to have goals.
Now I have goals.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
homemade tortilla chips!
Still no uploaded photos. My British roommate, Felicity, and I daily lament the location of our laptops.
Monday, June 23, 2008
sticky sweet dilemmas

I've always been a fan of creamy. Creamy goes nice and smooth onto bread for the PB & J, which is, of course, a staple of my diet. So—no contest.
This all changed on a lunch break to D'agostino's. I needed more peanut butter for my snack drawer, but they were out of Reduced Fat Creamy Skippy. Reduced Fat Creamy Skippy tastes spoonfuls better than Regular Creamy Skippy, so I went out on a limb and bought the Crunchy Skippy to keep in my desk drawer along with the Triscuits (Triscuits with peanut butter—a great 4:15 p.m. snack for any Californians who are in need of some ideas).
It was a great buy. My esteem for crunchy peanut butter has risen greatly since that day. Jane's peanut butter cookies made with crunchy peanut butter only helped to establish my newly-found feelings. peanut butter. (But my PB & Js are still getting creamy.)
This is like that time when I was seventeen and finally discovered salsa.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
if only.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
a new york best
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
How could I resist?
Tagged by Aly and Jen
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
5 Things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Babysitting.
2. Helping Jessie with her paper route.
3. Swinging over the creek on Jen's rope swing.
4. Wearing really nerdy glasses/braces/bangs.
5. Getting in arguments with my friends.
5 Things on my to-do list today
1. Blog
2. Send Molly's Christmas package
3. Watch a movie
4. Clean my room
5. Plan something with Seung Jung
5 Snacks I enjoy
1. Chips and salsa
2. Chips and salsa
3. Cereal
4. Triscuits and Skippy
5. Ice cream
5 Things I would do if I were a Billionaire
1. Go to Belgium and Iceland and China and Scotland and Ireland and India and Brazil and Japan and New Zealand and Fiji and Russia and Switzerland and Mongolia and Korea and Taiwan and Chad and Azerbaijan.
2. Rent some really really cool apartment downtown.
3. Have a car.
4. But lots of clothes. Just being honest.
5. Buy the whole chain of Café Río so they could be my personal chefs, and I could eat their tortillas and salsa every day of my life.
3 of my bad habits:
1. Biting my lip
2. Letting my room get messy
3. Freaking out when it is most likely unnecessary.
5 places I have lived
1. Ventura, CA
2. Henderson, NV
3. Farmington, UT
4. Provo, UT
5. New York City, NY
5 Jobs I’ve had
1. Cold Stone Creamery. Definitely awesome. I gained five pounds that summer.
2. Bed Bath & Beyond. Not my best work.
3. Karen Foster Design. Scrapbook luvers unite.
4. BYU Advertising Lab. BEST JOB EVVVVER.
5. The Geppetto Group. The real world it is.
5 Things people probably don’t know about me
1. I remember playing with My Little Ponies when I was like 12. Too old?
2. I like spray-mounting cut-out pictures onto mix cds for people.
3. I took a jazz dance class in 8th grade. What!
4. In December I like to sit in the dark with nothing but the glow of my Christmas tree lights and think.
5. I throw the javelin. Threw.
I tag Seung Jung, Mel, Anna, Jason Bond, Kylie.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thanksgiving Break, etc.

And so I tell myself to let go of holding on. Be here now.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
friends these days
that's quite different from the way friends were made and kept in the past, isn't it? you used to have to talk to someone on the phone, write notes or letters, spend time in person, generally just get to know someone gradually over time. but now all i have to do is add a recently acquired acquaintance as a friend on facebook, and i suddenly have the power to look through their photos, see their interests and the things they find humorous, read what they say to friends, and basically just get a feel for the person and their background.
and isn't it interesting that you can simply say to someone, "so we're facebook friends now," and it's supposed to give you some sort of bond or plotting ground that you are then able to forge an actual relationship from or something.
or i can meet someone, and if i find out that they have a blog i can read through their old posts (not that i do that often, but once i read almost all the posts of a friend in order to learn more about that person), then i can feel like i really know how they think and what they think about before it's even socially acceptable to know that amount of information about them. sometimes you actually hold back from mentioning something that you already know about a person (something you might really want to say!), simply because you're not supposed to know it yet.
because you can't really mention the things you learn about a person before they've told you those things or else they'll know you've been tracking them online. but if you do happen to mention something, you have to do it in a self-revealing way like, "so, i was stalking you on your blog and happened to see that you really, really like byu's creamery salsa," or something like that. doing this is always a risk of self, because you hope that the person won't think you're just a little bit creepy for delving into their past. or at least for admitting to it.
i think about the friendships that my parents still have from high school and college and can't help thinking that there would be so many more contacts and friendships kept if they'd only had what we have now.
the way we forge and maintain relationships is evolving, isn't it? is this more of a filtering process of finding the people we're more likely to connect with? or is it merely a more-easily accessible way to make friends? or both?
Monday, October 22, 2007
never enough.
and in five posts mention my relationship with fruit snacks.
this makes six.