After our wonderful weekend in the mountains, we headed home on Monday, November 1st. We had been on the road maybe 30 minutes when we saw a sign that we had seen the previous Friday night, only this time it was daylight and well-lit. And we could see what was *behind* the sign: Goats On The Roof.
Say what?!
Yep, GOATS. Literally, ON THE ROOF. We promptly turned around and gleefully arrived at this wonderful place.
It's a series of buildings, specially-built for goats to live on the roofs. The buildings themselves consisted of a country store, an ice cream parlor, and a little restaurant. Normal stuff. Except there were goats. On the roof. :D
We thoroughly enjoyed walking around and visiting with the goats. Here are some pictures.

There is a pulley system in place where you can purchase some feed for the goats (from a machine similar to a gumball machine) and send it up to the goats. They LOVE this! :D

Very elaborate. And awesome.

The different roofs are connected by bridges and walkways for the goats to travel.

More goats. On the roof. :D

Outside the ice cream parlor, you could talk to the "Goat Whisperer". :)

There were beautiful fall displays of pumpkins and gourds as well.

This goat LOVED to stare. Here he is, staring at me.

Some rude kids sent the little feed cup up to him empty. He was quite displeased and promptly did this:

And gave them a little Goat Stink-Eye. (I gave them some regular Stink-Eye as well. Meanies.)

Brian was excited to find some RC in a glass bottle:

Another goat, waiting on the feed cup:

I love his bell. :D

Yay! Feed!!

Happy Goat!

And we were happy to have spent some time at this awesome place. We definitely want to go back. So much that the goats *know* us. :D
If you're up near Helen, GA, be sure to check this place out! :D