Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sights From A Weekend

Our weekend, in pictures:

Watched this loveliness for much of the weekend.

Saturday morning coffee.

And Trudy.

And biscuits. :D



Our amaryllis, or "Uncle JB" plant. It finally bloomed for the first time!

Black Kitty.


Posting this next one because the kitties refuse to give up this gray shipment bag that we received an order in last week. At first, they played inside it. Now, they've taken to lying on top of it. The system is this: one kitty lies on it and at least one other kitty waits nearby for the first kitty to move, and then takes it over. It's quite entertaining. :D

Lastly, wow.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tax Day Tea Party

We went to the Tax Day Tea Party last week here in Macon. It was so awesome to see so many come out in protest against our Government spending, spending, spending. It has to stop! At this rate, my 17-year-old niece's GRANDCHILDREN will still be paying for these bailouts and other unnecessary Government spending. It's ridiculous, and it's Big Government at its worst.

It was also so wonderful to see so many Libertarians and other supporters of the Fair Tax. We need to do away with the IRS!

We took lots of pictures. There were over 600 people there! Yay for so many people who are getting involved in this grassroots effort. We can make a difference!

Here is a link to the Picasa album (Brian took all these pics!):

Macon Tea Party

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Duck, Duck, VOTE!!

Brian and I just got back from voting.

We went on Brian's lunch hour, and we were in and out of there within 15 minutes. It was awesome. So, we had some extra time and decided to stop by the lake to take some pictures and hang out with the ducks. They're so cute!

Here's Brian, proudly wearing his voter sticker.

And me.

It was kinda windy. ;)

The ducks spotted us and started swimming towards us. They love people.

Brian posing with the duckies.

Our beautiful Lake Wildwood.

So, we did our Civic duty! So if things don't turn out the way I'd like, then I have the right to complain. ;)

GO VOTE, everybody!!

New Layouts (House-Related)

I did a couple layouts this week, both of them house-related. The first one is of the closing date, September 26th. I just wanted to document the day with pictures of the bank, lawyer's office and house. The second one is just about how Brian and I are totally homebodies.

Hope everyone is getting out to VOTE TODAY!!!! Brian and I are going around 2 PM. Hopefully there won't be a long line!

Have a great day!


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