
my babies

Showing posts with label random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random. Show all posts

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Random pics

Sorry no updates for a while...

Adam with His PakNgah (My Brother-In-Law)

My brother Hilmi is around this week. He will be going back home to Malaysia for good next week. CONGRATULATIONS on your graduation!!! bukan senang nak graduate from Germany...byk cabarannye...

Adam has been bullying his Pak Ngah..asik soh layan dia main aje..

Absolutely A Wonderful Experience

The boys went to watch a football match! England vs Egypt ( i think) Adam brought his beloved Nemo..haha...

Elizabeth and Adam reading together

Party at Khairul's. Congratulations Khairul for passing his transfer exam! Mkn sedap, mee bandung Batu Pahat! yum! Adam had a blast..first time dia tgk karaoke..hehe..

Walking Tall

Adam at the park. Just look at that expression on his face. He is 2 years and 5 months and more cheeky than ever!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

some random pics..

Elizabeth came to visit this week...Adam was soo happy..over-excited actually..sampai jadi bergadoh pulak dgn Elizabeth..tapi masa awek tu sampai bukan main peluk...adoii...lama tak jumpa..

this was taken this morning. Adam bermanja dgn his sister..klaka betul Adam kalau tgk dia pujuk Mia kalau Mia nangis. Nanti kalau dapat amik video i'll put it up..

This gorgeous wrap arrived today!!!!! really makes my day :) I'll wash it first...action pics coming up soon...

Friday, January 1, 2010

Goodbye 2009 , Hello 2010

2009 has been a wonderful year...full of new changes, surprises, hardships and blessings for our family...

In January we moved to husband started his new work here..I started my new job as full-time housewife..

Adam grew up full of his own unique personality...

I lost someone i love so very father..

then soon after..

We welcome the surprise existence of another special person in our lives...Baby girl..

Yes it has been a colourful year...These photos are our last photos of 2009..reflecting upon the year, i realised that we have been so blessed, alhamdulillah...We welcome 2010 with open arms...soon someone very little will be joining our little family :) I am now at longer worrying about labour or hospital bags are packed..we are ready for her arrival..In fact i am so excited and just can't wait for my contractions to start :)

Happy New Year everyone!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hello Winter!

Winter is here already..oh my how quickly time's sooo cold now..

Last night we took Adam to Hyde Park's Winter Wonderland. It was awesome! The atmosphere was just really festive and merry..The moment Adam saw the place terus dia jerit 'WOW!'

Just look at the expression on his face...he was so happy and excited..he doesn't mind the cold at all..

The place was really beautiful with all the lights..tapi susah nak capture because it was nighttime..for those of you living/visiting London, pls try and go ok...cantik sgt...entry is free..(but the rides and food are ridiculously expensive)

He can hardly stop for a sec to take a pic..mata dia melilau je tgk everything around him..

Adam naik train...pandai dah dia naik rides sorang2 tak takut langsung...

before he got on this ride he fell down and hit his head on the road.dia nangis2..cpt2 check sbb Adam ni tough, he won't cry if he hurt himself unless ade benjol atau ade blood. lps check tgk ade benjol and luka sikit...sian dia...lps dah pujuk2, terus dia ckp nak naik this ride...tapi muka still serious je..takde sengih2..maybe tgh sakit lg sikit tu...

Aside from the fall, we all had fun last night...yg paling penting Adam had fun..semua rides dia nak naik...pokai Daddy dia semalam..

Monday, November 16, 2009

Beautiful Autumn

We went to the park today. We haven't been for so long because of the always gloomy weather. But winter is fast approaching so we better enjoy autumn while we still can. Luckily today it was nice and sunny..the park looked really beautiful..Adam had a lot of fun chasing squirrel...he insisted on calling squirrel 'Ka'. Apetah..pelik betul...jerit kuat2 panggil 'Ka! ka! Eat! Am!" sambil hulur daun...haha...byk pulak squirrels today..the squirrels are friendly tapi diorg takut dgn Adam..sbb dia loud sgt kot..hehe...

The pants Adam is wearing is my latest sewing project, made from scraps from Daddy's bag. Lately he's shooting up tall really rapidly that almost all of his pants doesn't fit him anymore, semua dah senteng..tinggal satu pair je yg betul2 kene height i used that pair to make the pattern for these pants and they seem to fit him well..hopefully i can get more fabric to make him more pants..

lunch at the park

my big pregnant belly at 7 months. Fuh, i really feel as huge as a whale now..i can hardly put on my own socks these days..i can't imagine how much bigger i'm going to be at 9 months. We were going to do a pregnancy photoshoot as well but it was freezing cold! Dptla few pics..pastu balik..jadiklah..

saaaayang my boys! muahs!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Eid Celebrations, London style

First Eid in London...

Also the first time Adam went to Eid prayers. We all went to Central Mosque, they have 5 imams at different timings, we went for the one at 9am. Daddy said Adam was really well-behaved during prayers. Then he had a short nap during the khutbah. Khutbah was in both Arabic and English. It was also my first time praying Eid in mosque...normally in Malaysia I stayed at home.. and in Sheffield I prayed with the girls only at one of the houses, not at the mosque..

After prayers we went to Regents Park near the mosque for we are..Eid in Autumn..

(jgn terkejut pakai baju raya tahun lepas...hehe..takpelah org London tak penah tgk kan..baju Adam dah singkat, so proving that he did grow afterall..hehe..songkok dia pulak dah tak muat terus...)

Adam dah sebulan tak pegi park during dia gian sgt nak main ngan birds and ducks..susah nak amik gamba dia...pak ngah dia yg layan dia main birds..

In the morning we had breakfast of rendang ayam with nasi impit and serunding..simple je masak sbb we were already invited to few houses..then later we went to visit friends' houses...

here we were at the High Commissioner's house..ade big open house..lawa giler rumah dia..
berjalan raya that day sampailah malam...
balik rumah...pulun masak pulak...
esok bgn pagi2..masak lagi...
buat open house at our house...nyum2..i cooked rendang daging, lodeh, ayam masak sambal, nasi impit, kuah kacang...typical food we would've had in Malaysia kat husband masak karipap..sedap giler..semua lauk i tak pernah masak sorg2..thanks to my mom for the recipes and also my brother Hilmi, sbb dia dah biasa masak lauk raya kat German..

Lps guests semua dah dtg and mkn2...kitorg kuar beraya lagi...sampailah mlm lagi..

Adamlah paling happy sekali..

All in all, not bad juga raya kat perantauan ni...mkn sampai penuh jugak sama mcm kat Msia..hehe...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Eid Mubarak

Selamat Hari Raya dan Maaf Zahir Batin from the three of us

Raya di perantauan la tahun ni...pertama kali I will cook all the Raya food all by myself..huhu..takut...baru mintak resepi from my mom..haha..mintak2 jadilah brother is here from German..jadi raya 4 org (+ Baby) la kat sini..

Semoga hari raya kita semua diberkati...insyaAllah...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

some random photos

adam playing during our recent trip to the Transport Museum with the Portman Centre kids

our current favourite - homemade pizza

adam playing in the sandpit

the carboot sale on Saturdays is great. bring 5 quid and you can come home with your arms lots of nice toys for Adam here..

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Oh no, we're not getting broadband until 16 feb!probably longer!honestly,I don't see why they're taking soo long..ugh..

By the time i'm able to update this blog like normal, adam would've grown 5 inches..

I think hubby has some of adams photos in his blog,playing with snow..we had a great snow day.they say its the 1st time in 18 years they had this much tube,bus or flights,all suspended.hubby couldn't even go to work.we went to the little park nnext to little venice was beautiful..

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Still no internet!

Lamanye xde internet! They're takin forever to install broadband at our flat :( i'm now trying to update my blog from hubby's hp.hope it works..

I am enjoying new job as SAHM :) i'm cooking, baking, cleaning,playing w adam.adam is enjoying mommy at home too, I think. He's cloth nappying,learning to talk,asking to read books a lot and testing mommy's limitss!

hehe..honestly,everyday he comes up with new projects.he's very creative when it comes to being,yesterday he decided to wet newly washed nappies that i've just spent an hour drying.or he'll spread cookies all over floor that I just swept and wiped.but he's also being really sweet when he chooses to he'll pat me when he thinks i'm trying to nap.or he'll 'help' me vaccuum the house.

Today adam saw his first snow :) we're expecting more tomorrow..

Hope we'll have internet soon..i'm sorry I can't reply to your comments.but I love reading them,tq!


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